well no surprise that i am delayed once again on my stuff. college life is a real pain in the ass and i have not been able to do anything to the website. in addition to that, i am literally drowning in new anime. i have 11 days worth of anime that i still have not seen and the pile just keeps on growing. on a good note, i was able to see a mess load of new anime that were really excellent. in the mean time i hope to finish with my updates to the site soon (most likely i'll continue with the updates during spring break next week) and hopefully finish a huge chunk of backed up anime. i'm still working on the final layout of the site, but i'm getting there.
November 2004
alright... things are finally picking up... i'm making some more improvements on the site and its looking good... i've already started to place my anime collections online and is currently working on the recent and future releases pages... later on, i am planning on writing reviews and summaries of my inventory along with a couple of screen shots...
on other news, i have finally caught up with the anime that i wanted to catch up but since then, i've added a couple of new anime and a new series Bleach so i am once again behind... i hope to use this thanksgiving break to catch up but since i have a 40 page research paper due the wednesday after thanksgiving, it doesn't look to good... i am hoping to have reviews written down within two weeks but im not making any promises... along with new anime i was able to finish ragnarok, which turned out to be ok than originally thought, and the long awaited macross zero, which is eye candy... currently, besides bleach, i am finishing up re: cutie honey and kenran butoh sai... ia am also wraping up elfen lied, which is perhaps one of the more graphic releases i have seen in awhile...
along with anime news, DOAU did not disappoint... it is by far my most favorite fighting game ever (besides street fighter... i will always have a place in my heart for street fighter)... the controlls are much more responsive and smoother than the previous version and the backgrounds are more vibrant... the graphics are also the best ones to date on any game... hell the game itself seems like one big cg... of course it doesn't have all the characters because it is a remake of DOA 1 and 2 it is still a good buy if you want a good fighting game...
October 2004
well things got a bit side tracked... with midterms, new anime coming out, and DOA ultimate around the corner, its hard to update the site... i am currently creating graphics for several things for the site and it should be launched soon (hopefully before the year's end)... i am also restructuring sevral aspects of the site and hope to get a final layout of the entire site soon...i have removed several things for now and contemplating whether or not to reinstate some of them and remove others...
on other news i am currently backed up on my anime (madlax has been sitting on my desk for three weeks now, not to mention the latest episodes of kenran butoh sai and samurai champloo, and i havent even touched ragnarok since episode 10)... but i was able to finish FMA and it did not disappont... i just hope the movie completely wraps up where the series ends...
after a long hiatus im finally back in business...hopefully this time around i'll have more time for updates...the winds of change are coming...
next up on my list is to redo the eva movie and maybe add the anime section...
ok...finally had a chance to fix the anime movie and change the format so it will play faster on 56k...dont worry ill re-post the good quality when my anime section is done and ill separate my movies into high quality..(for dsl+ guys)...and fast loading...(for my peeps with 56k and lower) in the future...anyway...here is the link for the evangelion intro...
well...what do you know...im back in bussiness...i finally updated...yes...impossible as it may seem....i totally scrapped my old design and got rid of a lot of stuff..except for the counter..and the mast..and he separators...and the mail thingy...ok i didnt get rid of a lot of stuff...but hey.....they all played out nicely....i also added a few new sections and gotten rid of old ones...plus..i added a movie screen on the top left corner which im very proud of....which consists of...for now anyways...the intro to the site and the intro to one of my favorite animes...this ones for u ed...well..ill keep u guys posted on what else i add for all u guys who visit.... just a little note...in order to see the movies...u need either realplayer and/or flash...sorry ames and phong...
Picture of the Month
A scene from the latest installment of Last Exile.