Hi! Welcome to my Guestbook! I hope you enjoy reading the entries of others who have visited my site. I also hope you take the time to sign my guestbook yourself - I would love to hear from you.

Jeffrey - 06/12/00 10:13:00
My Email:harpal@wanadoo.nl
Where are you from?: Holland
Your favorite movie: Titanic
How many times have you seen Titanic?: probable more then thousand times

Hi there!! I'm a big Titanic fan and this site is great!! Too bad I didn't see it before. This is a big help for Titanic collectors who want to buy stuff and don't know how it looks like. You did a great job!!!! Jeffrey

Jeffrey - 06/12/00 10:12:50
Where are you from?: Holland
Your favorite movie: Titanic
How many times have you seen Titanic?: probable more then thousand times

Hi there!! I'm a big Titanic fan and this site is great!! Too bad I didn't see it before. This is a big help for Titanic collectors who want to buy stuff and don't know how it looks like. You did a great job!!!! Jeffrey

Karen L. Demmy - 05/20/00 13:15:46
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/Karenlucy/
My Email:Karenlucy@webtv.net
Where are you from?: PA
Your favorite movie: GWTW, RUDY, TITANIC, COUSINS
How many times have you seen Titanic?: at least 20

Awesome page Susan.......I positively love the graphic of the ship sailing across your page!!! Is it the Titanic? :-) I'll check back often as I know your collection is a non stop growing hobby!!! Love, Karen :)

Harry Love - 03/25/00 21:56:12
My Email:hjl@bright.net
Where are you from?: Ohio
Your favorite movie: TITANIC is there anything else
How many times have you seen Titanic?: 25 times

Your website is real nice I have thought about doing one but mine would all have tobe copy's of all my TITANIC stuff so I have never got one made. keep up the good work Harry

- 03/25/00 21:48:54


Tony Appleman - 11/26/99 05:27:34
My Email:applemant@prodigy.net
Where are you from?: OH
Your favorite movie: Titanic
How many times have you seen Titanic?: 36

Cool site!

Louise Hansen - 09/30/99 15:08:30
My URL:/baddi_101/
My Email:baddi_101@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Montreal, Canada
Your favorite movie: Hair
How many times have you seen Titanic?: At least 15 times

Hi! I loved your site. Its value is huge to any real Titanic fan out there. Keep up your great work!

- 07/11/99 12:08:59


joseph P. Gallagher - 05/20/99 14:07:46
My URL:http://users.foxvalley.net/~gijoe40
My Email:gijoe40@foxvalley.net
Where are you from?: USA
Your favorite movie: titanic
How many times have you seen Titanic?: 14

I really enjoyed this page. I will be back for sure.I love history.Please stop by and see my Titanic artwork and history site. I have no movie titanic there. Its all factual! All the pics and awards I made with only a mouse. I have countless hours in reas rch as well in the history part of my site. Its realy a unique site compared to other Titanic sites! Regards: Joseph http://users.foxvalley.net/~gijoe40

joseph P. Gallagher - 05/18/99 02:40:31
My URL:http://users.foxvalley.net/~gijoe40
My Email:gijoe40@foxvalley.net
Where are you from?: usa

Love this site Suelee. Its very heplful! Joseph

joseph P. Gallagher - 05/04/99 21:32:53
My URL:http://users.foxvalley.net/~gijoe40
My Email:gijoe40@foxvalley.net
Where are you from?: Ilinois
Your favorite movie: titanic
How many times have you seen Titanic?: many

I really enjoyed your site as always. Great job!! I will be back from time to time . I hope you can come by and see my site.I updated it. Its all my own artwork. I drew everything on my site including awards banners etc,,.with only a mouse. I put alot of ork into it. Its 100% reall Titanic site full of pictures by me and History too!.

joseph P. Gallagher - 05/04/99 21:31:11
My Email:gijoe40@foxvalley.net
How many times have you seen Titanic?: to many

I really enjoyed your site. Great job!! I will be back from time to time . I found you thru guestbook.I hope you can come by and see my site. Its all my own artwork. I drew everything on my site including awards banners etc,,.with only a mouse. I put alot of work into it. Its 100% reall Titanic site full of pictures by me and History too!.

phyllis casey - 05/04/99 20:41:20
Where are you from?: nc
Your favorite movie: titanic
How many times have you seen Titanic?: 70


phyllis casey - 05/04/99 20:39:44


Karen Atkins - 05/02/99 00:22:52
My Email:katkins@qcnet.net
Where are you from?: Michigan, USA
Your favorite movie: many beloved movies
How many times have you seen Titanic?: more than 50

You have a really neat page. My husband and I enjoyed surfing through all your Titanic links.

Edward A. Lato - 04/25/99 16:30:35
My URL:http://www.kwfc.com
My Email:mystkl312@aol.com
Where are you from?: Jacksonville, Florida
Your favorite movie: TITANIC
How many times have you seen Titanic?: 119(in theatres)lost count on video

Great site

Kath - 01/17/99 06:18:40
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok/whitestarworld
My Email:sleepydumpling@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Brisbane Australia
Your favorite movie: Titanic
How many times have you seen Titanic?: At least 30!

A lovely site! If anyone is looking for a snail mail penpal, email me at the above and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Keep up the good work!

kitty - 01/08/99 20:02:08
My URL:/Vienna/Choir/5268/
My Email:titanic_steerage@hotmail.com
Your favorite movie: titanic
How many times have you seen Titanic?: i constantly play the tape

great site! u hav a great collection.

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