
  Chad Austin Huff

Thomas Michael Joyce

    It was a time of mystical journeys...of backyard adventures...of childhood splendor.  It was a time when heroes reigned above all.  Our heroes were Superman, The Beastmaster, Rambo,...and then there was MacGyver, who shined above all else.  Our lives have never been the same.  Many years later, on the night before Halloween of 99', inspiration struck us...to create website...the Motherland of all MacGyver webpages.  Here, we can show all the pictures & sounds we have collected, facts that we know, etc, etc.  Chad and I thank you for viewing our page.  It was made expecially for you...and to fuel our childhood dreams of becoming more like our hero; Angus MacGyver (Richard Dean Anderson).
                                                                              Warmest Regards,
                                                                                            Chad and Mike

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        Websites Created By Chad Huff

          Websites Created By Michael Joyce

             Ministry O' Rob
             (Mike's Homepage)

The Beastmaster

Christopher Reeve

Jim Carrey

Chinese Kung Fu

                   De  Mono

Alby Mangels

Corporate Lies


             St.Chad's Laboratory 
                 (Chad's Homepage)

                      Jim Carrey

                       The  Saint


[Index] [Biographies] [Episodes Guide] [MacGyverisms] [Sound&Picture] [Multimedia] [FAQs] [Links]