Hi, and welcome to my humble page, which is dedicated to Disney's 37th animated masterpeice, "TARZAN". And I'm saying "Happy New Year" because I don't think the millenium begins until 2001. So there. :)
Yes, people; I've made a "Tarzan" page, a "Kingdom In The Sun" page, and I think it's time for something else....How about an "Atlantis" page? Visit my new site at: http://lostcity.moviefever.com!
If you would like to read a very positive review of this brilliant movie, Click Here! It's full of puns, but who cares?
In fact, here's a whole list of reviews!
Roger Ebert's Ultra-Positive Review!
Sean Means Reviews "Tarzan" For Film.com!
The Online Movie Club's Great Review!
The Washington Post Review (1st Review)!
The Washinton Post Review (2nd Review)!
Now, something a little different from reviews,...Tarzan - Screen It! Guide
Description Of The Site:
Although rated G, this evaluation of the film for concerned parents warns of frightening and intense scenes. Read detailed descriptions of these. MAJOR SPOILERS! Don't read if you haven't seen "Tarzan" yet!
Want to see the trailer? I have it HERE for you to download (also includes Phil Collins video of "Strangers Like Me")!
Official Disney's "Tarzan" Site
Also, I've added THE LYRICS of the songs! Just click on the songs in the soundtrack listing below to read the lyrics.
I've added a little something to my page. Click here for Awards And Stuff! Please check it out! Your website could win my award, and besides, it gives me a chance to look at more websites (Won another award, too).
By the way, the "Tarzan" CD is on sale, and it includes the following:
" T A R Z A N " Soundtrack
If you want a quick search...
My website for "Kingdom In The Sun". Please visit, and let me know what you think by signing the guestbook!
My Disney's "Atlantis" website!
Disney's 37th animated feature is based on Sir Edgar Rice Burroughs' book series, "Tarzan Of The Apes".
The year is 1888: Lord Greystoke and Lady Alice are killed by a wild animal, and their baby ends up abandoned and alone, deep in the jungle. The baby is found by a mother ape, Kala (voiced by Glenn Close)and is raised by the apes for a long time. Soon, the baby grows up to be respected and obeyed by all the animals. He is known as the Lord of The Jungle..... 'TARZAN'.
Twenty years after Tarzan was left in the jungle as a baby, a British expedition (led by Professor Porter, his daughter Jane, and Cecil Clayton, the villain) come to the jungle to study apes' behavior. Jane, however, discovers Tarzan, and befriends him.
Tarzan soon finds out that he is a Lord. Not a Jungle Lord,... but Lord Greystoke. He then faces the ultimate question: should he go back to his REAL home (his human home) with Jane and leave all his animal friends and ape mother Kala behind?
But then again, which is his real home?
Here are some new pics that I got off the Phil Collins video-clip of "Stranger Like Me" and the new "Tarzan" trailer (12MB). Anyway, here are THE PICS!
If you have any suggestions, comments or questions, just E-Mail Me! Your e-mails may help improve this site, and your names will be mentioned!
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Ó Walt Disney Pictures