September 12th, 2000

Well, here's the website - I FINALLY updated it!  It's not finished yet, as usual, but I should be updating everything more regularly now. The X-Files, Casting, My Friends, and About Me pages should be up within the next two weeks - I had finished those four pages, but they are so old now that they need to be completely revamped... I should be putting up a Tech page and a Music page soon after those go up.
Please; don't forget to sign the guestbook!


The X-Files

A page on Fox's hit
Sci-Fi series


Blizzard's award winning real-time strategy game for the PC

Black Light

Our band - the stuff from grad
(Hilton POS, 24.6.2000) is here now.


'Nuff said!


A Tropical Scene

Just for all of you in the winter cold to feast your eyes on!

Now Casting...

Hmm... How can I explain this...
Well, if you're bored, click here


Want to find out about me?
Click here...

My Friends

Here's some stuff about
my friends...

The List

The product of boredom...
Big waste of time!

Sign The Guestbook

Don't forget to sign my guestbook
before you leave!

View My Guestbook

Take a look at my guestbook...


Cool Links

Links to other great websites!


Like my page? Any suggestions?
You can contact me at:

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Last Updated: 12.IX.2000

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