Welcome to Krillin's Dragon Ball Z Page, containing everything and anything about Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT

I've got pictures, music, movie clips, sounds, profiles, just scroll down and check it all out!!

The Quote of the Month

I'm loving this Android Saga. Android 16 is so funny. Here's one of his quotes. By the way... I enjoyed the time we spent together. You guys are...cool!

Monthly Poll
Who is the best Android?

Android 16
Android 17
Android 18


All of the monthly polls will be moved to the polls section after their month is up, but if i run out of ideas you may see some of them again. :)


3/4/00-The long awaited update I'm sure, FRAMES! Yes, myself I can't believe I put in the effort, but when I saw my counter and I had no idea where everybody came from, I hoped people would like frames...:)

1/17/00-Hope you guys are liking the poll of the month and the new polls. They've worked out pretty well so far. I've had some requests to find some videos and some midis, so if any of you have something you'd like to give me just tell me about it in an e-mail.

10/30/99-If you haven't noticed, Cartoon Network has been showing the new episodes for quite a while now. They kick butt don't they? Anyway, I just figured I'd let you know I'm alive...

6/24/99-Well, what can I say? I was busy, but that's not much of an excuse. Finally an update, and you can expect a loarge file upload within the next week. Thanks to all the people that kept checking back... sorry it took so long. Oh, and i'm looking for some clipart graphics, mostly animated divider bars, if you find any that's like a lightening bolt or electric lights or something, tell me where, i've been searching all day.

2/24/99-Finally an update huh? :) I finally made the Power Levels page!

1/26/99-Today I made the Quote of the Month and I broke the 600 hit mark! woohoo! :) Tonight's Dragon Ball Z is getting pretty close to where cartoon network repeated it, let's hope they don't do it AGAIN.

1/19/99- Well, today was just a small update. I heard that some people wanted to know a little bit about me so i had to fix the me section. But besides that, i just fixed something in the index. I need to do another upload. If you have any good graphics, send them along over here.

1/15/99- School's canceled today so i figured i could do a little on the page. So...my Test Page is up!

12/26/98-I've done it! I've uploaded pictures, wavs, movies, the works! Now, time to update!

12/24/98- I've been working with an animated gif editor, soon i will have an animated banner, and Android 18 will actually be shooting AT the counter. AND, a profiles section will soon be added.

12/12/98- got my first award!! i haven't been able to upload it yet, cause i don't have IE 4.0 but i'll go to the library or my friend's house and upload, big updates coming soon!!!

11/29/98- Made a multimedia section, moved the links to it's own page, got a little in the me section (very little), and improved some little bits and spaces, need I say more? :)

11/12/98- Fixed the counter problem, now i need a graphic that shoots farther :). The program i used to make the background more of one color so you could read the text better kind of super-sized the file, i need to work on that, hopefully it will be fixed soon, in the mean time, just wait for it to load...

11/11/98- Trying to fix that dang thing with the counter so android 18 is blasting the counter istead of above it...

11/10/98- My browser is too old to upload graphics, so i had to go to the town library to do it, now i have a background, a few images, and some animated gifs.

11/9/98- This is the boring part, just added some text and under construction stuff, 'nuff said.

11/8/98- The page is born!! The original plans were to make this page Anime and music, but i decided i'd rather just go full throttle into one idea so i booted music and stuck with anime. So in case you're wondering why this page is at Hollywood instead of Tokyo, there's your answer.

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Questions? Comments? E-mail me! :) hitman1284@hotmail.com

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last updated 10/21/00 at 11:06 a.m.