Up A Forever Love A Light In the Darkness Circle Of Life From Books to Promises Heroes and Fools Home and Away Home for Christmas Honeymoon Reflections Honeymoon Reflections Too In a Heartbeat In a Perfect World It Just Gets Better Keeping the Song Alive Longings Of Husbands and Fathers Safety Measures Seeing Red Tailor Made The Desk The Storm Before the Calm The Ties That Bind Wedding Trilogy: 1 What If ... When Paths Cross

Home and Away



For personal and select distribution only © December 1997
by Pam Hunter

Michaela stood at the window looking off into the night. Her mind was a million miles away, or rather some thirty-five miles away where Sully was working on a ranch erecting some outbuildings for the new owners. This was the time of the day when she missed him most. Supper was over and the children were in bed. Usually this was their time. Time to share the day’s experiences, discuss the children or maybe just sit together in front of the fire in companionable silence.

With the railway had come an influx of settlers into the Colorado Territory and with that influx came demands for stock. The new owners of the old Campbell ranch had decided to raise horses for sale and hearing of Sully’s carpentry prowess had asked him to work for them for about three weeks. Ten days had passed but it seemed much longer to Michaela who was missing him terribly. She knew that Sully needed to feel that he was contributing to the family but she silently wished that that did not mean him having to go away for long periods of time.

"Ma …"

Colleen had come into the room and was watching her ma with concern. "Ma … Katie’s asleep and Brian’s doing his project for school. Would you like a cup of coffee and maybe a piece of pie?"

" Sorry? ……. Oh ……. That’d be lovely Colleen. Its lovely to have you home for a while. Tell me how you’ve been doing in Denver," said Michaela as she tried to shake herself from her reverie.

"Denver’s been alright ma. The work’s pretty hard but I keep up. I’m starting to feel like an old hand with a new class already started. Its hard to believe that I’ve been at college for more than a year….. But its you I’m worried about. You’re missing Sully aren’t you?" Colleen had only once before seen her adoptive mother so low. That had been when Sully had led a posse into the back country looking for the mountain man McBride. Sully had been in real danger then and that had added to her ma’s worry but the same look of longing was crossing Michaela’s face now as then and there was only one way to fix that.

"Ma …. its Sunday tomorrow …. no clinic. Why don’t you get up real early and go visit Sully. I’ll stay here with Katie and Brian."

For a moment hope lit up Michaela’s face, then it was replaced by a look of concern.

"I can’t do that Colleen. It’s church tomorrow and you’ve only just arrived back. I want to spend some time with you. Find out what you’ve been doing," explained Michaela.

"One day won’t matter ma. I’m sure God and the Reverend will understand if you miss one Sunday service and we have a whole two weeks to catch up on each others’ news," said Colleen trying to allay Michaela’s concerns. She could see that her ma was wavering, tempted by this generous offer. "Go on ma. I really don’t mind and I’ll enjoy spending time with Katie and Brian here," she urged.

Michaela’s turned to Colleen and her eyes held a new light - a decision had been made. "I will go Colleen, I’ve been missing him so much. I’ll make it up to you, I promise."

"Right, then we’d better decide what you need and make sure you’re ready for the morning," said Colleen as she bustled her ma upstairs, happy to have been able to do something so simple to please.


Michaela was just starting to feel tired and a little saddle-sore when the gate to the Campbell ranch came into view. The summer sun was by now high in the sky, she was parched and her clothes were sticking to her skin. She kicked Flash into a gallop and headed for the workers’ quarters to the side of the main house. It was obvious that some major renovations had been done to the property recently, some of the original buildings were now lined with new unpainted boards and the smell of sawn timber pervaded the air. A number of buildings were in various stages of completion while the main house had a new porch running the full width of the front - she could see someone up a ladder painting the facias.

Just as Michaela neared the first building it suddenly dawned on her that Sully might not be there; that he may have gone into the nearest town or even headed home to see her. These thoughts slowed her and consequently Flash down somewhat, it really hadn’t occurred to her before this that she may not be able to see him.

She reined in Flash in front of the workmen’s quarters, quickly dismounted and tied him to the hitching post. As she stepped onto the porch a huge bear of a man thrust the door open and stumbled heavily and clumsily towards her. He had obviously not long woken. His hair was unkempt and he sported a heavy growth of beard. He had pulled his trousers on over his long johns and his braces hung down to his knees. As his reddened eyes slowly focused on her his expression changed from irritation to something akin to amazement. He looked her up and down, taking in her dusty leather skirt and jacket, her petite figure and long flowing hair. A leering smile appeared on his rather ugly face and his lips formed a silent whistle.

"Phew, it isn’t often we see a pretty lady like you out here. What can I do for ya?" His eyes told her that he could think of plenty he could do for her, plenty she would rather do without.

"I’m looking for my husband Sully. Is he inside?" asked Michaela.

"Ah …. so you’re the little lady he’s pinin’ for huh …. Why don’t ya sit here for a while and keep me company." As this was the last thing Michaela wanted to do, she tried again. "Do you know where he is?"

"Well I might and I might not …" he sneered. It was obvious that this was becoming some sort of game to him. He moved a little closer. "Hmm .. you even smell nice."

"Clem, leave the lady alone," came a voice from behind her. She swung around to see a younger man, also dishevelled and unshaven but at least sporting a friendly smile.

"Ohh Sam I’m just having a bit o’ fun. Don’t see many strangers out here, especially pretty ladies," Clem whined.

Sam ignored Clem’s protests and asked, "Can I do somethin’ for ya miss?"

"I’m looking for Sully, I’m Michaela Sully, his wife. Is he here?" she inquired again.

"Wow, now I know why he’s been in such a hurry to get this job finished. I think he even means to work this afternoon to hurry it up. Oh ….. no, he’s not here …. but he aint far away. Said he was headin’ for the Indian ponds, about three miles west. Said somethin’ about visitin’ family. Guess I must’ve heard him wrong huh?" Sam was looking at her quizzically, wondering what Sully had really meant.

Michaela was wondering that too. "How do I find the ponds?" she asked.

Sam pointed towards the gate, "head down the track about two mile, then left at the fork near the big oak, ‘bout ‘nother mile on, you can see the ponds through the trees."

Michaela walked back to Flash aware that the eyes of both men were on her. She quickly mounted and turned her horse towards the road. "Thank-you gentlemen, maybe I’ll see you another time," she called as Flash picked up pace. As she looked back, Clem was still leering at her as he turned to say something to Sam.


She had been riding for some distance since the fork and was just beginning to think that either she had taken the wrong road or Sam’s directions were amiss when Michaela spied Sully’s Wolf busily digging in an old rabbit burrow. She drew Flash to a halt and tethered him loosely to a tree so that he would have plenty of room to roam. Ahead was a large bank of trees and through them she could see the hot sun glinting on water. Hoping to surprise Sully she moved as quietly as possible between the trees towards the water’s edge.

The sight before her took her breath away. There were a number of large pools surrounded by shallow shores of sand and stone, each bounded by banks of trees which cast shadows on the water closest to the edge. Further out the hot sun created a haze which shimmered and glowed a few inches above the surface.

Suddenly a little to her right and about fifty yards ahead she saw Sully sitting, staring out across the water. His feet were bare and his shirt was open to the waist. Her heart quickened and her breath caught. It seemed so long since she had last seen him. Sometimes she wondered if she would always feel this excitement at the sight of him. She slowly walked towards him. He did not move. He looked as if he was in some kind of trance. When she could see his face clearly it was obvious that he was concentrating very hard, his breathing deep and regular, his gaze unwavering, staring into the water some twenty feet in front of him. Michaela longed to rush into his arms but she hesitated, feeling that she might be intruding.

She called softly, "Sully …." And again, "Sully …." He slowly turned towards her voice, almost as if he had been expecting her. His face clearly showed that he was pleased and his body lost the tenseness of a moment ago. He did not move. Michaela took a few more steps towards him, still he did not move. "Sully, aren’t you glad to see me?" she asked quietly, unwilling to disturb the tranquil and yet intense atmosphere. Suddenly Sully seemed to emerge from his reverie.

"Michaela, is that really you?" he asked, an expression of amazement lighting up his face. When she smiled and nodded he rose and quickly strode towards her to take her into his arms, to hold her as if he would never let go. Michaela responded to his embrace by raising her eyes to his face. His lips lowered to hers and proceeded to consume her thoughts, feelings, soul, until it felt as if the world around them had ceased to exist.

Each was oblivious to the cicadas calling their summer song and the light cooling breeze which had just begun to rustle the leaves in the tallest trees……


The couple were sitting at the water’s edge, their eyes following the swallows as they flitted across the surface of the water. In reality neither was aware of anything but each other. Michaela had removed her jacket and hat and was leaning against Sully’s shoulder.

"Michaela, I can’t believe you’re really here. I’ve been sittin’ here so long, just waitin’." Michaela looked at him, puzzled by his words. "What do you mean …. waiting ….?" Sully turned to look at her, realising that she was confused.

He smiled a little self-consciously. "These ponds were a sacred place for Cheyenne hunting parties. The Cheyenne believe that if you come here just after sunrise or just before sunset and watch the surface of the water the spirits will take you to your loved ones back home. I’ve been sittin’ here since dawn watchin’ for you and the kids at home," he explained.

"Sully! Did you see us?" Michaela asked in awe.

"That was the problem. I could see Katie playing in front of the fireplace at the homestead. I could see Colleen and Brian arguin’ over somethin’, but I couldn’t see you. I tried real hard but I couldn’t find you. I couldn’t understand it. Now I know why. You were lookin’ for me too. You weren’t at home, you were ridin’ here." There was relief in his voice as if his belief had been restored.

"I was missing you Sully. I had to be with you, to hold you, to find out if you were missing me too." Sully smiled. It was unusual for Michaela to put her feelings into words like this. She looked into his eyes. He didn’t have to say anything. His eyes and body told her the answers she needed. Sully’s hand around her shoulders tightened and he turned her towards him. He slowly lowered her to the ground, covering her body with his own, showing her with every part of himself just how much he had been missing her.


"Mmmmm ….. are you hungry?" Michaela asked. I brought some bread, cold meat and apples from home." "And I’ve got some biscuits cook gave me this morning before I came out here," said Sully. "We’ll have a picnic, just the two of us. I’ll light a fire to make some tea."

The two of them ate their full, early mornings and their activities since had made them both hungry. After lunch they lay on their backs at the water’s edge watching the sun’s patterns as it filtered through the tops of the trees. After a while Michaela commented, "Sully, I met two of the men you work with back at Campbell’s. Sam and Clem. I wasn’t sure about Clem, he frightened me a little,"

"Frightened you! In what way? Did he do somethin’ he shouldn’ta?" "No …. I didn’t like the way he ….. he …… ogled me," she explained falteringly.

"I think Clem’s alright Michaela. He’s spent a lot of years on his own. Gettin’ jobs wherever he can. Doesn’t care much for town life. Only goes in once in a while to buy his supply of whiskey. Probably a long long time since he saw a beautiful woman like you on his doorstep." Micheala blushed and Sully smiled at her embarrassment. He enjoyed complimenting her. Anyway he meant it. She was beautiful.

With a wry smile Sully suggested, "how about a swim? That sun’s mighty hot now, I could do with some coolin’ down."

"Are you sure we wouldn’t be disturbing the spirits to swim here Sully, Cloud Dancing wouldn’t mind?" wondered Michaela.

"No, it’ll be fine, fact is I’ve been swimmin’ here with Cloud Dancing a long time ago ….. before ……".

"I know ….. ," said Michaela putting her hand into his. "Well, as long as its alright, let’s go."

Michaela clambered up and removed her skirt, blouse and petticoat. Sully watched her in amusement as she walked tentatively towards the water’s edge. After quickly disrobing he followed her. As Michaela was in front of him she didn’t notice. She was standing on the edge, feeling the temperature of the water with her toes when Sully plunged into the water beside her. Only then did she notice his state of complete undress. Sully surfaced some twenty feet in front of her, his hair plastered to his head and his torso gleaming with water droplets.

"Come on …. its not so cold," he invited. Michaela bit her lip in both amusement and embarrassment. "What if somebody comes along Sully?" "Nobody ever comes out here. Most folks are a little scared of the place. Indian stories and all that …. Come on," he urged.

Michaela looked back uncertainly at the pile of clothing on the bank and then at Sully who was waiting for her next move. Her upbringing overruled her heart and she dived into the water before Sully could issue another challenge. The water felt glorious after the heat of the early afternoon sun and she swam lazily in circles luxuriating in its coolness. She stopped, putting her foot down, feeling for the bottom. She could just reach. She turned to look for Sully but could not see him anywhere. She was swinging her head from side to side searching for him, becoming a little anxious, when suddenly she was seized around the waist and lifted high into the air. Her arms went around his shoulders and she clung to him laughing out loud, arching her neck, letting her long hair float on the water. Sully’s grip tightened and he touched his mouth to her neck in a series of caressing kisses.

"Lift your arms …… please…….. ," he asked softly. She did so, uncertain as to why. Sully gently and slowly peeled her camisole from her wet body and threw it onto the bank. He held her close against his chest, looking into her eyes.

"I thought you said you needed cooling off," she commented provocatively.

"Didn’t work. Don’t think anythin’ would around you," he replied as he rained kisses on her lips, neck and shoulders.

Michaela caressed his shoulders and neck lovingly. "Sam said you were going to work this afternoon, something about wanting to get home to your family."

"Guess I’ll just have to work harder and longer tomorrow huh?"


It was almost dawn. Sully, boots in hand, crept quietly up the stairs hoping nobody would wake. He stopped at Katie’s door, pushed it open and spent a few moments watching her sleep, so tiny and yet so important in his life. He edged her door closed and turned towards the opposite bedroom door, entered and closed it soundlessly behind him. Michaela was curled up on her side of the bed cuddling his pillow to her chest. He reached out and lightly stroked her cheek. She stirred a little, turning towards him. Her eyes opened a little and then much wider.


"Sshhh ……." He sat down on the bed beside her. "I seen you like that, all curled up in bed ….. every mornin’ since you were at the ranch."

"Have you been out to the ponds every day," she asked him, understanding what he meant.

"Yep, couldn’t keep away, somethin’ kept drawin’ me back ….. as soon as the sun started over the horizon…."

As he spoke Sully removed his clothing and joined Michaela in their bed. "Know what Clem told me?"

"The old man who didn’t want to tell me where you were?"

"Yep … he said that if he had a beautiful wife like I have he’d never leave her for a minute. Told me to watch out for men who might like to take my place when I’m away. I told him that you an’ me is linked, heart to heart, soul to soul, forever. He seemed to like that. Guess we made an old man’s day huh?"

"Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all," she laughed as Sully leaned forward to say hello and she welcomed him home to her heart.


Comments:  Pam H