
Heroes and Fools 16



Chapter 31

Sully unlocked their hotel room door and pushed it open, for once not standing back to allow Michaela to enter first. He strode across the room, quickly removing his suit jacket as he did so, then tossed it angrily over the back of the wooden chair in the corner of the room.

Michaela quietly placed William down in his cot and tucked a blanket in round him. She at last turned towards Sully, who was staring out into the night through the hotel window. "Want to talk about it?" she asked softly.

He took a deep breath. "About what?" he asked sullenly.

"What you're so upset about ..," she replied calmly.

"Aint you upset too Michaela?" he rejoined, his eyes spitting fire.

"About what?" she said quietly.

"That ... that ... man!" he spat. "He don' have no right!"

"I take it you mean Robert?"

Sully snorted, then growled. "Who else?" he scoffed.

The family had set out earlier for Miriam's home in anticipation of a pleasant supper with her family, but had soon discovered that the 'gentleman' of the house had a very poor opinion of both lady doctors and small town folk.

"Why are you so angry at him?" she asked softly.

"Didn' ya see the way he looked at us ... like we were hicks ... an' the way he spoke to *you*! No wonder Miriam don' practice medicine no more!"

"I'm used to that sort of reaction Sully .."

"Yeah ... well I aint .. an' if people can't be polite I aint got any time for 'em," he rejoined angrily. "It was like your doctorin' don' count cos you're a woman ... an' his is real important cos he's a man ..."

"There are many doctors who think like that Sully ..."

"Well they're fools!"

"At least he's still agreed to show me over St Luke's tomorrow," she appealed.

"Yeah ... ta humour Miriam ... she wants it so bad for ya he had ta agree .."

"If it affords me the opportunity to take a look at a fairly new, big city hospital I can put up with his snide remarks ..."

"But don' ya understand? ... Ya shouldn' have ta ... I've seen ya perform miracles in your clinic ... there oughta be some respectin' that ..."

"Robert hasn't seen me work ... and he's highly unlikely to ... Please Sully, leave it be ... its not important ..."

He looked her in the eye. "Don' it hurt?" he appealed, as if trying to understand.

"Of course it does ... every time ... but there's little that can be done about it," she replied, her eyes suspiciously bright. "Its not men like Robert Burnett who count Sully ... you taught me that ... It's the lives I save ... it's the respect of my friends and family ... now if I lost that ..."

"That aint likely ..."

"Then I have to put aside the pettiness of some of the males of my profession ... they don't matter."

Sully gripped the wooden post at the head of the bed. "It's a wonder I didn' flatten him," he muttered.

Michaela walked quietly across the room, lifted his tense arm and hand from the bedpost and nestled in against him. "Thank-you for caring so much," she said softly.

He lovingly caressed her back. "It weren't just for you Michaela ... Brian aint used ta bein' treated different just cos of the town he comes from ... or the school he went to ... I'm glad Katie's too young to understand ..." He pulled her close and his arms encircled her. "After the friendly lunch we had with Mr Beauchamp, Robert Burnett an' his attitude came as a bit of a shock." He chuckled unexpectedly. "Did ya notice his reaction when we said who we'd had lunch with ... he didn' expect people like *us* ta know someone like *that* ... did he ..."

Michaela shook her head and smiled. This was followed soon after by a heartfelt sigh. "I understand now why Miriam gave up medicine ... It would have been intolerable for her to pursue her ambitions ... but I can't help feeling sorry for her ... she was going to be such a good doctor ..."

"I assume Burnett comes from some society family back east?"

"Mmm ... we, even Miriam, were surprised when he started showing an interest in her ... he had a reputation for cutting remarks about lady doctors ...and people knowing their place ..."

"Wonder why he married her then?"

She shrugged. "I don't know ... they obviously have feelings for each other ... perhaps its as simple as that ..."

"Tell me somethin' Michaela ... If I'd said to ya that I wanted ya ta stop practicin' medicine after we got married ... what would you've said?" Sully asked, a decided gleam in his eye. She reddened and lowered her eyes from his gaze, so he urged, "Go on ... tell me .."

She took a deep breath. "I suppose even though I love you so very much ... I'd have said something along the lines that if *you* loved *me* and wanted to marry me then you'd have to take the whole package or nothing at all," she murmured in a small voice. "Does that sound awful? It certainly sounds selfish ..."

"Nah ... it don' sound awful ... an' it wouldna bin you bein' selfish," rejoined Sully, kissing the top of her head. "I remember Horace askin' me once how I felt about you workin' ... I told him you wouldn' be the same person I married if ya didn' .." Her arms tightened around him reflexively. "Seem ta remember Miriam once askin' me that too ... didn' think much about it at the time ..."

Michaela stepped back a little and peered up into his loving eyes. "Look Sully," she said softly, yet determinedly. "I'm proud of who we are ... I'm proud of our family .. and our friends and where we come from ... and I'm proud of my medical practice ... One pompous male doctor is not going to change that ..."

"I guess not ... but he made me so mad," rejoined Sully. "I'm proud of all those things too ... an' I'm especially proud of you ... an' what you've managed ta do despite everyone's prejudices ... its hard seein' ya put down just cos you're a woman ..."

She reached up to cup his cheek lovingly. "With you beside me ... it truly doesn't matter Sully ... let's forget it ever happened ..."

"But you gotta put up with him agin tomorra ... when ya go to the hospital ...," he protested.

Her eyes suddenly gleamed. "One foolish man is not going to stop me enjoying *that* experience ... Are you going to take the children to see more of the sights while I'm there?"

"Figured we would ... might even have another ride on that cable car," he suggested, his eyebrow cocked.

She chuckled. "As long as you hold on to Katie ... she gets so excited ..."

"I promise," he murmured, bending to kiss her lightly.

"Speaking of Katie," remarked Michaela. "Think I'll go and check on her and Brian ... now that you've calmed down ..." Her eyes twinkling, she added, "Think you'll be alright here on your own?"

"I think I can manage," he replied with a grin.

Michaela tiptoed down the hotel hallway and quietly pushed open the door to the children's room. She hadn't been sure how Brian would feel about sharing a room with his little sister during the trip, but he didn't appear at all concerned. In fact he often helped her change for bed, and then read to her before she fell asleep. Michaela entered to see that all but one lamp had been extinguished and that Katie was already fast asleep. In the glow of the one lamp, she observed Brian laying on his back staring up at the ceiling. She tiptoed across and perched herself on the side of his bed. "Thank-you for putting Katie to bed," she whispered.

"That's alright ma ... I could see pa was angry ... an' figured you'd probably wanna speak with him ...," the young man replied sagely.

She bent forward and kissed his forehead. "I can't believe how quickly you've grown up Brian," she rejoined, brushing his hair back from his brow. He lowered his eyes self-consciously and did not reply. She said softly, "You were very quiet at dinner ... are you alright?"

He swallowed. "Dr Burnett made it plain I weren't supposed ta join in," he replied ruefully.

She returned his rueful smile. "He didn't make it easy did he ... for any of us," she conceded.

"That's why pa was so angry ... weren't it?" he asked. "An' about the way he treated you ..."

"Yes," she agreed softly. "But I pointed out that I don't really care what Dr Burnett thinks ... its what you and Sully think that's important ..." He nodded and again lowered his eyes, prompting her to add, "That's not the only thing worrying you is it? Is it your father?"

He gulped. "I guess Matthew was right," he said in a small voice. "Pa aint a very nice person ..."

"Ethan is a very confused man Brian," she responded quietly.

"Confused?" he asked, obviously puzzled himself.

She took a deep breath and tried to explain, "We don't know what happened to your father when he was a child ... or even what hardships he and your mother went through when they were first married ... but it seems to me he couldn't cope ... he discovered it was easier for him to find a way out ... even if that meant doing something not quite honest ... even hurting people in the process ..."

He gazed up at her, his eyes shimmering. "When I was little I didn' have a clue ... I figured he left cos he needed to ... not cos he couldn' cope ..." He took a deep breath. "What about when he left the second time ... real sudden ... there weren't no ship in trouble was there? ... Figure he didn' even have a ship ..."

She grasped his hand. "I don't believe so Brian ... but don't give up on him ... please ... He might just surprise you some day ..."

"He let Miss Lillian down too ... didn' he ... when she most needed him ta be there ... when she was dyin' ..."

"As I said ... perhaps he just couldn't cope ... Its terrible to watch someone you love die ..."

"Mr Beauchamp did it ..."

"Yes ... and so did you when Little Sparrow was dying ... but not everyone is able to do that ..."

Brian swallowed. "I guess it'd be easier to take if he weren't dishonest as well ... I remember someone sayin' he took ma's money sock when he left us ... an' then Mr Beauchamp talked about his fortune an' pa wantin' ta git his hands on it .."

She tightened her hold on his hand. "I'll be honest with you Brian," she said quietly. "That's the part I find hardest to accept too ..."

"Ya do?"

"Mmm ... I can forgive many things ... but ..."

"But there aint ever any reason ta steal ... or cheat ... "

"Mmm ..."

"Its real hard knowin' he's my pa ... I keep thinkin' what if I turn out like him?" muttered Brian plaintively.

"Oh sweetheart ... there's no chance of that," Michaela exclaimed in reply.

"How do ya know? Maybe pa was alright when he was a kid too ..."

She shook her head. "I've watched you grow up Brian ... I've seen you return the toy train engine to Mr Bray because your conscience wouldn't allow you to keep it ... I've seen you keep the whereabouts of Flying Hawk's people secret because you felt honour bound to do so ... I've seen you look after Marianne when she was being beaten, even after Mr Daggert threatened you ..." Again she bent to kiss his forehead. "There's no chance at all that you'll be dishonest because its easier than being honest, and you'll certainly never leave your family and friends when they most need you ..." She bent to whisper, "Sully told me you were worried about what would happen to me if you went away to college and he had to go away for Welland Smith ..." He blushed and looked away. She added, "I know its hard to accept Ethan for what he is ... but don't let it spoil the way you look at people ... for every Ethan, there are a hundred good, honest people like you ..."

"Yeah .. but they aint my pa ... *he* is ..."

"You have Sully and me," she suggested hopefully.

He turned his head to look up at her. "Yeah ... I do ... don' I ... It'd be much harder if he was all I had .."

"Exactly ..."

He abruptly sat up and gave her a hug. "Thanks ma," he said sincerely.

She hugged him back. "I know you'll probably still worry about it sometimes ... promise me you'll talk to Sully or I about it ... we want you to feel you can do that ... any time ..."

He nodded. "I promise," he said quietly. "Do ya mind if when we git home we only mention Miss Lillian passin' ... an' don' talk about pa not bein' around?" he asked. "Don reckon Colleen an' Matthew haveta know ... do you?"

Michaela smiled indulgently. "If that's the way you want it Brian ... its alright with me ... and I'm sure Sully won't mind ...," she replied softly.

He nodded in satisfaction and lay back down against his pillow. "Thanks ma," he rejoined. "Goodnight ..."

She lovingly kissed him on his cheek, pulled the covers up to his chin, whispered, "Goodnight sweetheart," and quietly slipped from the room.

She re-entered their bedroom to discover Sully sitting on the edge of the bed, reading a piece of paper. He looked up when he heard her footsteps. "All asleep?" he asked with a smile.

"Mmm ... well Katie is ... I had a long talk with Brian about his father ...," she replied, walking across to sit beside him.

"Figured as much," rejoined Sully. "He was too quiet at dinner ..."

"He was worried he might turn out like Ethan ..."

"Hope ya told him there was no chance o' that?"

"Of course ... Then he asked us to keep quiet the fact that Ethan wasn't around during Lillian's illness ... he doesn't think Colleen and Matthew need to know." She rested her head on Sully's shoulder. "I said that would be alright with us ..."

Sully shook his head. "If he needed any proof of the difference between him an' Ethan he just got it ... not that he'd realise," muttered Sully. He again lifted the paper he'd been reading.

"What's that?" asked Michaela.

"Found it on the floor," he explained. "Figure it must've bin pushed under the door an' I probably kicked it when I come stompin' in ... Its from Mr Beauchamp..."

"What does he want?"

"Wants us .. all of us, includin' the kids ... ta have dinner with him at his house tomorrow night ... says he wants ta talk to us about somethin' ..."

Michaela's brow creased. "I wonder what he could want?"

Sully shrugged. "Don' know ... but he did seem ta like havin' us there this mornin' ... maybe he just likes the company ..."

She peered up at him. "So we're going?"

"Don' see why not ... we aint got other plans ... have we?"

She shook her head. "No," she replied. "And I must admit ... I liked him ..."

Sully nodded. "Me too ... he says he'll have a buggy waiting for us at six ... out front ..."

Michaela chuckled. "Well at least we know we won't have to put up with the kind of snide remarks we did tonight ..." She stood. "Come on ... we should be in bed ... we have a big day tomorrow ..."

Michaela stepped out of the cab, and walked the short distance to the door of Miriam's home. She suddenly felt inordinately weary. Revelling in the sights and sounds of St Luke's Hospital, while also enduring the patronising comments of *Dr* Robert Burnett had gradually become very tiresome, and she'd been almost relieved when he'd perfunctorily handed her up into the cab and quickly retreated into the sanctum of his hospital. On the way home, she'd anxiously checked her pocket-watch, hoping she hadn't lost track of time, as it wouldn't be long before William needed nursing. She was relieved to note that she should have an hour or so to spare if he kept to his usual routine.

A smiling Mrs Green opened the door to her knock and quickly stood back so she could enter. "Ah Dr Quinn ... you're back a little earlier than I expected," she said. "The little one's still soundly sleeping ..."

Michaela sighed with relief. "That's good ... He was no trouble?"

"That little darlin'!?" the older housekeeper exclaimed. "He was awake a little while after you went ... but he's easy to keep amused ... and he's real knowin' for one so young ... But then he fell asleep ... an' he's been sleepin' ever since ... Why don't you go and sit yourself in the parlour and I'll fix you some tea ... The Missus isn't back yet ... but she should be here any minute ..."

Michaela veered toward the suggested room. "That sounds lovely Mrs Green, thank-you," she said sincerely.

The woman smiled, nodded and bustled off down the hallway.

Michaela settled back into a wingback chair and sighed, closing her eyes momentarily. Only a few minutes later, footsteps on the wooden floor of the hallway had her straightening in the chair, and she looked up expecting to see Mrs Green with her tea. The footsteps paused fractionally and then a much larger figure than Mrs Green filled the doorway. With an exultant smile Adrian exclaimed, "Michaela?! You're the last person I expected to see here so far from home. What a delight it is to see you ..."

Chapter 32

"Adrian?!" muttered Michaela incredulously. "What ... what ... are you doing here?"

The hotel manager's wide, delighted smile faded just a little, but only for a moment. "Visiting with my sister," he replied evenly, his smugness quickly returning.

Michaela swallowed, suddenly filled with an anger she wasn't sure she could control. "How did you know we were here?" she asked, her tone low and composed, for now.

"I didn't," he replied at once. "I knew you were away ... but Mrs Jennings said something about you visiting colleges for your son .. I assumed you'd be back east somewhere ... You going away gave me the idea to come out here to see Miriam ... After all ... Colorado Springs is over half way from Philadelphia ... and yet I hadn't had the opportunity to make the trip before this ..."

"And so you just coincidentally decided to come here ... at this time ..."

"Ah yes ... it seemed as good a time as any ... amazing isn't it?" He advanced further into the room and seated himself in the large chair opposite hers, edging back and crossing his legs casually. "I must say ... it is good to see you again Michaela," he said conversationally.

She turned her head away, reluctant to meet his eyes, and took a deep breath.

"Are you alright?" he asked with concern.

She clenched her teeth. "Yes .. I'm fine ... just fine," she returned quietly. "I'm expecting William to wake any minute ...."

"Ah ... so he's the baby occupying the room in which Mrs Green tells me I'll be staying," remarked Adrian.

"You didn't go in?!" exclaimed Michaela before she could stop herself.

He frowned. "No ... of course not ... I didn't want to wake him ..."

Michaela swallowed. "He's sometimes difficult to get to sleep," she offered as an excuse for her strange reaction.

"Ah ... little ones ... often unpredictable ... aren't they?" he rejoined. "Though I must admit I've had very little first hand experience ..."

Michaela nodded and changing the conversation, said quietly, "I wonder what's happened to Mrs Green ... She was going to bring me some tea ..."

"Mmm that sounds good," he returned. "I need something to refresh me also ... I had hoped to make the tiresome journey out here in two days only, but discovered my disposition would not allow it ... I must say ... long, arduous train trips are not entirely to my liking ..."

"And yet you undertook this trip anyway ..."

"Well yes ... Miriam is family ... One must put oneself out for family ... mustn't one?"

"How long are you staying?" asked Michaela pointedly.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I haven't really decided ... of course I cannot be away from the Chateau for too long ..." he added, leaving his reply up in the air. "Are you visiting with Miriam for a while Michaela?"

"Ah ... we haven't really decided how long we'll stay in San Francisco ... we have a few things to do ... people to see ... you know how it is ... But we're not staying here ... there are far too many of us to inflict on poor Miriam ...," she replied, watching as Adrian's face in turn looked aghast and then thunderous.

He took a deep breath. "You're not staying *here*?" he inquired, his teeth clenched.

Inside Michaela was almost exultant. At last she'd been able to shake this ubiquitous, and disturbing man's equilibrium. "Ah ... no ... we're staying in a hotel ... uptown ..."

"But surely that's not very convenient?"

"Actually its *very* convenient ... we are able to come and go as we please ... they have excellent facilities for the children ... and of course its relatively close to the people we wished to visit."

Adrian nodded, definitely unhappy about this turn of events. He'd been convinced that Michaela and thus unfortunately her family would be staying with Miriam, but it seemed his sister wasn't the only objective of this trip. Suddenly extremely curious about the unknown 'E' in the telegram, he prompted, "Ah ... you have friends here then?"

"Oh a couple," replied Michaela vaguely, equally determined to keep any information about their affairs and whereabouts from this man.

Realising that Michaela wasn't going to elucidate any further, Adrian leaned back into his chair, his unreadable, brown eyes fixed on her. At last he mused quietly, "I've often marvelled at the bond we ... you and I ... seem to have Michaela ... Haven't you noticed? Fate keeps drawing us together ..."

Alarmed by the sudden personal turn to this conversation, she replied a little breathily, "I'm sure I don't know what you mean Adrian .." Inside, it felt strange to reject the notion of a bond between two people. After all, she and Sully shared a bond which she readily acknowledged and held precious. It was a special bond, a rare bond according to Cloud Dancing. She edged forward in her chair. "Perhaps I should check on William ..."

He cocked an ear as if listening. "Not a sound yet ... I'm sure I'd hear him from here if he was to wake ...," he reassured her. "Yes ... I've often thought about it ... fate works in mysterious ways you know ... you befriending Miriam in college ... our mutual friends in Philadelphia ... then that dreadful accident ... if I hadn't been there ..." He trailed off and then frowned as if in pain. After a moment his eyes focussed again and he continued to ramble on, "Then of course the advertisement for the position at the Chateau ... it seemed that fate was once again working in our favour ..."

Michaela tensed. "I don't believe it to be fate Adrian ...," she said, her tone low.

"Ah ... but it must have been ... why else would I have been looking for a new position just at the time the Chateau needed a new manager ... and then to find you living in Colorado Springs ... safe and well ... with a prospering medical practice ..."

Realising that this may be a rare opportunity to learn more about what motivated this man, Michaela asked warily, "So you didn't know I was living there ... when you applied for the manager's position?"

He momentarily looked a little sheepish. "Well ... I vaguely remembered Miriam mentioning in one of her letters that you'd moved out west ..."

She nodded, enough to let him see that he had confirmed her suspicions. "You knew I was living there Adrian ... you probably even knew I was married ..." She once again edged forward in her chair. "I *am" married you know ... *happily" married .... *very* happily married." He winced every time she placed emphasis on her avowals, prompting her to continue, "Actually perhaps this is an ideal opportunity to talk to you ... especially about the roses ..."

He suddenly smiled broadly, as if he hadn't heard, or had even already forgotten her previous assertions, let alone the letter she'd sent him. "Yes?" he asked eagerly.

She took a deep breath. "I didn't appreciate them Adrian ... they were not appropriate ... I'm a married woman ... and I hold a unique position in Colorado Springs ...," she explained solemnly.

He almost pouted. "No-one knew who was giving them to you ... I was very discreet about that ..."

"*I* knew," she stressed. "And it wasn't appropriate ... and as you've now openly acknowledged that you were giving them to me ... I'd appreciate knowing how you were getting in and out of the clinic ..."

He feigned puzzlement. "Through the front or back door of course ... depending upon the direction from which I was coming ..."

"But the clinic is always locked," she exhorted, her eyes suddenly afire with anger.

He shook his head. "Not when I visited," he lied.

Her breathing quickened at his blatant untruth. However, it was obvious that she was going to achieve very little pursuing this line of questioning. Sitting on the edge of her chair, her hands clasped tensely in her lap, she forced herself to look him in the eye and demanded sternly, "I want your assurance that there will be no more flowers ... no gifts of any kind ... and I'd appreciate it if you didn't watch my every move when I'm in town ...it makes me feel very uncomfortable ..."

He grinned and if anything self-confidently lounged even further back into his chair. "It's a free country Michaela ... A man ... especially a single man ... has every right to watch a beautiful woman ... I doubt anyone would deny that ... As for the gifts ... they are my way of saying that I appreciate your beauty ... they are my way of saying thank-you for being you ... now if that makes you feel uncomfortable ..."

"Yes it does," she asserted vehemently, a slow blush creeping up her neck to her face.

"Well .. I'm sorry about that Michaela ... but as I mentioned earlier ... I believe there *is* a bond between us ... I have felt it from the first day I met you ... whether you choose to recognise it or not ... and I firmly believe that one day you *will* come to recognise it ... and I intend to be there when you do ..."

Michaela suddenly slumped back into her chair in frustration. Trying to get through to this man was like trying to reason with a brick wall. He was oblivious to her anger, her outrage, her agitation. At last she took a deep breath and said jadedly, but with as much sincerity as she could muster, "I love Sully Adrian ... with all my heart ... If I have a special bond with anyone ... its with him ... I'm sorry I don't return whatever feelings you think you have for me ... but I surely don't ..." She tensed as she observed a flush of anger suddenly stain his skin, and his fists ball on his knees.

"I don't believe you Michaela," he said, his voice menacingly low.

Mrs Green, making her way up the hallway with the tea tray, cursed under her breath when there was a sudden knocking at the front door. She placed the tray down on the hallstand, straightened her apron and prepared to greet yet another guest. Since the missus' guests had arrived her workload seemed to have doubled! She pulled the door open and her face broke into a genuine smile. She liked the lady doctor's husband and children! "Ah Mr Sully," she said cordially. "Come in ... your wife arrived home a while back ... I was just taking her some tea ..." As Sully, Brian and Katie entered, she added, "She's in the front parlour ... talking with Mr Tilson ..."

Sully's eyes flew to the housekeeper's face. "Mr Tilson?" he asked guardedly. "You mean Dr Burnett ..."

"No ... the missus' brother ... Mr Tilson ... He arrived on this afternoon's train ...," she explained patiently. "We didn' know he was coming ... ma'am'll be so pleased ..."

Sully's heart was pounding and his eyes swept across to the partially open door of the front parlour. Resting his hand on Brian's shoulder, he spoke to him in a low tone, "Can ya take Katie through to the kitchen ... maybe Mrs Green'll fix milk an' cookies for both of ya ..." He squeezed his son's shoulder. "An' I'd appreciate it if ya both stayed there til me or ya ma'comes ta git ya ..."

Brian regarded his pa in puzzlement. He'd heard him use that tone before. It usually meant there was some kind of trouble. He grasped his little sister's hand and when Sully gave him a nod he led Katie through to the back of the house without saying a word.

As Mrs Green once again lifted the tray, she found it abruptly removed from her hands. "I'll take that for ya," offered Sully quietly. "I hope it was alright ta say the kids could have milk an' cookies with you in the kitchen?"

She smiled broadly. "Course its alright sir ... they're delights ... both of them ... you should be real proud ... I'll go pour 'em some milk ..." She smiled again, then turned on her heel and headed for the kitchen.

Sully took a deep breath and turned towards the door of the parlour. It seemed all their plans and secrecy had been for nought. Tilson had found them anyway. He momentarily wondered how that could be, after all, the kids, Dorothy or Cloud Dancing would never break a confidence. He moved quietly across to stand behind the door. He could hear the two of them talking ... Michaela was saying something about loving him, and not returning Tilson's feelings for her, and then Tilson said something about there being a bond between himself and Michaela and it was time she recognised it. Sully's hands tightened on the metal tea tray in anger. He didn't like the man's tone. Not one bit! He nudged at the door with his boot, swinging it inward and immediately strode into the room to where Michaela sat. "Hey darlin'," he said with a smile, ignoring Tilson' presence entirely. "How was the tour of the hospital?" He placed the tray down and then gave her a quick kiss, before swivelling to seat himself on the arm of the chair beside her. It was then he first acknowledged the presence of someone else in the room. His eyebrows rose in feigned astonishment, and he exclaimed, "Mr Tilson? Didn' expect ta see you so far from home!" Michaela's hand crept into her husband's where it rested on his knee and he squeezed it lovingly, reassuringly.

Adrian could barely contain his anger and disappointment. Michaela's boorish husband was the last person he wished to see, despite the fact that he'd expected him to turn up sometime. "You are also a long way from home Mr Sully," he said, his tone even.

Sully shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Thought it was time ta git away for a bit," he replied non-commitally. "An' you?"

Adrian swallowed. "I decided to visit with my sister."

"She didn' mention you were comin'," remarked Sully.

"Ah ... it was a last minute decision ..."

"Yeah ... know about those ... sometimes ya just feel like ya gotta git away ...," Sully agreed. He turned to Michaela. "Thought I heard William stirrin' when I came in ... wanna go check on him?"

Michaela gazed up into his eyes, trying to ascertain her husband's state of mind. She knew his diffidence was an act, for she could feel his rapid pulse as he gripped her hand. She nodded and entreated quietly, "I might need your help with him." She was surprised when he immediately stood and rejoined, "Sure thing." He turned back to Adrian, who was watching bemusedly. "Be seein' ya Mr Tilson ...," he said amiably.

"You're ... you're not staying to supper?" asked Adrian with a frown.

Sully smiled, "Nah ... havin' supper out tonight ... we'll have ta be goin' so's we're ready in time ...." He drew Michaela up out of the chair, while adding, "Hope ya enjoy ya stay ..." He started towards the door, his hand still tightly clasping his wife's. "Come on Michaela ... its gettin' late ..."

Michaela preceded Sully onto the small room in which William was sleeping, and leant back against the wall, taking deep calming breaths as he closed the door quietly behind them.

"You alright?" he whispered, quickly moving to her side and gently cupping her face.

Her eyes shimmering with tears, she nodded then said plaintively, "He just walked into the room and pretended he didn't know I was there ... How did he know we were in San Francisco Sully? Who told him? ...."

"Shh ... its alright," he murmured drawing her close.

"No its not alright ... don't you see ... he came all this way after us ... me ... and when I tried to speak with him it was as if he wasn't hearing what I was saying ...," she exhorted angrily. "Who does he think he is?" She took another deep breath and whispered, "He frightens me Sully ..."

He drew her in against himself. "I know it," he whispered in return. "But ya didn' show it ... Ya want me ta speak with him?" He drew her head down to his shoulder and wrapped his arms around her comfortingly.

She drew a deep breath and then shook her head. "We're in Miriam's home," she rejoined softly. "I don't want her upset .."

"Figured as much ... that's why I didn' say anythin' down there ... He can thank his lucky stars I was bein' polite ..."

She leant back to look up at him, giving a wan smile, "Thank-you," she whispered. "I knew that's what you were doing ... you're a very good actor ..."

He kissed her forehead. "When I gotta be ..." He peered over at their son. "You gonna feed him here ... or do ya wanna head back to the hotel?"

"He might wake soon," she mused. "But I'd rather we got away from here ... I can't stand being in the same house with that man ... and he told me this is the room he'll be sleeping in ..."

"If William wakes ... then he can cry a little," decided Sully. "It won't hurt him ... an' we're only ten minutes or so from the hotel ..."

Michaela suddenly peered up at him, aghast. "Brian and Katie? Where are they?" she exclaimed.

He lovingly caressed her back. "They're in the kitchen with Mrs Green. "I'll go git 'em soon as you're ready here ..."

She nodded and then remembering something else, grasped his arm. "I told Adrian we were staying in a hotel *up* town," she asserted in a loud whisper.

He smiled. "Good thinkin' ... so he didn' know where we were stayin' huh?"

She shook her head. "He assumed we'd be staying here ... with Miriam ...," she rejoined and then abruptly shuddered. "Imagine sleeping in the same house with him ..."

Sully's fists clenched when he saw the fear and abhorrence on Michaela's face. "Well we aint," he rejoined adamantly. "We're not stayin' for another minute .."

"But what about Miriam?" exclaimed Michaela. "She'll think it strange that we've left before she arrived home ..."

"Not so strange," he disagreed. "Remember she knows we're havin' supper with Mr Beauchamp .."

"Perhaps she'll tell Adrian ..."

He chuckled. "Don' reckon it'd matter if she did ... he aint likely ta git past the front door if we warn Yi ... Come on ... let's git outta here before I forget I'm bein' polite an' go back down there an' do him some serious damage ..."

Michaela gave him a quick, loving hug and began to collect the baby's things together.

"Now Katie ... you sit here next to me ... with your mother beside you," instructed Mr Beauchamp, as he directed the family into the large and very elegant dining-room in his home. "Brian and Mr Sully ... on my other side please ..." The family and their host seated themselves at the impressive walnut dining table which had been laid with the finest linen, bone china, crystal and silver. The dancing flames from the many lit candles sparkled on the tableware and in the eyes and on the hair of the diners.

Michaela regarded her tiny daughter with some apprehension. Although she was currently proudly sitting up beside Mr Beauchamp in the raised chair Yi had provided, she was renowned for quickly losing interest in adult conversation and getting into mischief. Michaela didn't relish the thought of what mischief could be got up to when it involved fine china and crystal.

Mr Beauchamp, as if reading her thoughts, reassured her, "Please don't worry about the little one Dr Quinn ... she'll be fine." He ruffled Katie's honey blond hair. "Won't we Katie girl?" he asked fondly.

Despite her apprehension, Michaela smiled and then entreated, "Please Mr Beauchamp ... call me Michaela ... Dr Quinn is far too formal ..."

"An' call me Sully," offered her husband from the opposite side of the table. "That's what all my friend's call me ..."

The old man nodded in satisfaction. "Michaela and Sully it is then," he replied.

For the next hour or so, as a delicious meal prepared by Yi's wife Ming, was served and enjoyed, carefree and entertaining conversation filled the dining-room, seeming to warm the home's previous cold and somewhat sombre atmosphere.

Finally everyone sat back after having consumed their delicious dessert of chocolate ice-cream, something which caused some amusement amongst the family, the reason for which had to be quickly shared with their host. "So you see," concluded Michaela. "Whenever we have ice-cream, everyone remembers my craving for it when I was having William ... I didn't realise it was as bad as everyone now tells me it was ..." There were a number of chuckles around the table again as she blushed with embarrassment.

"Ah .. but you still enjoy it Michaela ...," rejoined Mr Beauchamp with a grin. His eyes swept around the table and the empty plates. "As did we all ... so there is nothing at all to be embarrassed about ..." He folded his napkin and placed it neatly by his plate. "Now we will retire to the parlour ... for coffee and ..." He again ruffled Katie's fine baby hair. "Chocolates!" he announced, laughing when her eyes opened wide in delight.

In the parlour, a small fire was burning in the grate despite it being early summer. It did not give out much heat, but dispelled the seeming coldness of the huge, dimly lit room. When everyone was settled, Mr Beauchamp glanced around at them all, took a deep breath and said quietly, "I have only known you all for two days ... but in my heart I feel as if I have known you for years ... Lillian told me so much about you ... especially about Ethan's three children. It has not taken me long to realise that you are proud and honourable people ... a description I have rarely been able to assign to many of my acquaintances ... I asked you here tonight because I wanted to put a proposition to you ... a proposition I have thought long and hard about since you arrived here yesterday ... a proposition for your children's futures ... I hope you will hear me out ... and give due consideration to what I have to say before inevitably objecting ..."

Michaela, Sully and Brian regarded the old man bemusedly as he began ...

Heroes and Fools continued ...