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First Name: :   Julie
URL: :   
Email: :   
Comment: :   You're welcome, Pam. I'm so glad I e-mailed you. Wouldn't want you to miss the chance of knowing what a terrific author you are, and how much we all enjoy your wonderful stories. I've read and reread all of them. You never disappoint me.
First Name: :   NancyH
URL: :   
Email: :
Comment: :   Pam, I noticed know one has signed sinced you posted your latest notice, but I hope you are in the process of writing a wonderful and fulfilling new fanfic!! We are so in need of these now!!! Please!!!
First Name: :   Linda
URL: :   
Email: :
Comment: :   Can't wait to read any new stories you are writing. I've read and reread all your previous ones.
First Name: :   Therese
URL: :   
Email: :   
Comment: :   I'm waiting for March 17th, Pam! I love your stories very much and I hope you'll continue to write for us!
First Name: :   emily
URL: :   
Email: :
Comment: :   hey, Pam. Great site. I've read all your stories, and I check back regularly for new ones...I look forward to reading your episode in the virtual season, as well as whatever you post next on this site.
First Name: :   Megan J.P.
URL: :
Email: :
Comment: :   Hi Pam, I love your stories. They remind me of the series and everytime you write a new one I jump for joy and get on the internet. Keep writing!! Megan
First Name: :   Julie
URL: :   
Email: :   
Comment: :   I just reread all your stories, Pam. I love your style of writing. I can hardly wait for you to post your new sequel. Will you be posting it soon? I think I've read A Forever Love at least five times. It's my very favorite. Please continue writing your
First Name: :   Melli
URL: :
Email: :
Comment: :   Hi Pam! I enjoyed reading Longings! I started my own Fan Fiction page this week. It is far away from being perfect but I try very hard to give it a better look and to make it work properly! If you like to take a look at it....;-) I enjoyed your storie ab
First Name: :   NancyH
URL: :   
Email: :
Comment: :   Pam, I love your stories and have been rereading all of them lately. Do you have any new ones in the works in the near future?
First Name: :   NancyH
URL: :   
Email: :
Comment: :   Pam, PLEASE continue the 'Longings, Heros and Fools' saga!! I would love to know what happens to Bess and Mr. Beauchamp (SP??!)!! Also, more (and LOTS MORE!!!) Sully and Michaela ROMANCE!!!!! I think most of others would agree!!!!! That's what I think, an
First Name: :   Megan
URL: :
Email: :
Comment: :   Well Done.I love your stories.Keep up the good work.
First Name: :   Julie
URL: :   
Email: :   
Comment: :   I know you are a busy lady, but I hope you can find time to write another story. Do you have any plans to post a new fanfiction soon? I'll keep checking back.
First Name: :   Alison
URL: :   
Email: :
Comment: :   I love the stories . We are lucky in the U.K. as Disney Channel is showing the series from the start . The only trouble is they stop at the point where Sully goes over the cliff . By reading your stories and Debby K's fanfics the whole story thread has
First Name: :   Linda
URL: :   
Email: :
Comment: :   Hi Pam, I've enjoyed all the stories you've written. When can we expect anothe great hit.
First Name: :   Hywelis
URL: :   
Email: :   
Comment: :   Pam, I can only speak for myself, but my own interest is not diminishing at all. I do hope you will continue writing. More by e-mail asap.
First Name: :   Hywelis
URL: :   
Email: :   
Comment: :   I only wanted to add that I am sorry for not commenting on your latest stories, this was due to a busy work period and not to any lack of interest on my part.
First Name: :   Julie
URL: :   
Email: :   
Comment: :   I certainly have not lost any interest in fanfiction especially your fanfiction. I might not comment about all your stories, but I have enjoyed them all. Please keep writing.
First Name: :   DQMW Fan
URL: :   
Email: :   
Comment: :   Pam PLEASE continue the saga !!! Please include Bess & lots of romance !!!
First Name: :   Hywelis
URL: :   
Email: :   
Comment: :   Pam, I was so glad to see your message about how you are going to contnue writing. I shall keeep checking your webpage every day and I will really try to contact you via e-mail asap, as soon as my work gives me a break
First Name: :   Linda
URL: :   
Email: :
Comment: :   Looking forward to another great saga.
First Name: :   NancyH
URL: :   
Email: :   
Comment: :   Pam, I surely hope that you don't think people are losing interest in the DQ fanfic, because I really don't think that is the case!!!! I, for one, can't get enough of the quality Michaela/Sully stories that you and several others are so very capable of wr
First Name: :   Gaylan
URL: :   
Email: :
Comment: :   I just found this site a few months ago, but I'm really enjoying the stories I've read. I loved Longings and am now on Forever Love. I can't wait to read Heroes and Fools. Thanks for the great stories! Gaylan
First Name: :   Vanessa
URL: :   
Email: :   
Comment: :   Thank you so much for making these wonderful stories!! I am a HUGE fan of Dr. Quinn and these stories are jsut what I need!! Keep up the great work!! And as a hopeless romantic, I love the romance in all of them!! Thanks!
First Name: :   Sarah
URL: :   
Email: :
Comment: :   Love your website. Do you have any Andrew and Colleen stories?
First Name: :   Birthe
URL: :   
Email: :   
Comment: :   Dear Pam I have just read your wonderful story "Honeymoon Reflections" and I want to let you know how much I enjoyed it. It is a truly beautiful story and I love the the blend of present and flashback memories, it sort of makes the story complete and y
First Name: :   Mu
URL: :   
Email: :
Comment: :   Pam... I send you an e-mail about a year ago to tell you how much I enjoyed your stories...this is still true, keep the good work!
First Name: :   Hywelis
URL: :   
Email: :   
Comment: :   Pam, i was so glad to find the update regarding your first story instalment. I'll keep checking your site daily. I can't wait to read another of your top-quality works.
First Name: :   lou
URL: :   
Email: :   
Comment: :   i love your stories!! are you in the process of sequeling "longings" & "heroes & fools"? and last but not least, when do you think you might post? thanks for your great stories!!!
First Name: :   NancyH
URL: :   
Email: :
Comment: :   I so glad you are about to start posting your sequel to 'Longings' and 'Heroes and Fools'! It's gives me such a nice warm and fuzzy feeling to know I have something this wonderful to look forward to!!
First Name: :   Sylvie
URL: :   
Email: :
Comment: :   Thanx for keeping the DrQ spirit alive and blossoming on the www. Your stories are enthralling, seems like the series never ended after all... can't wait to read the new one ! All the best from a die-hard fan in Paris...
First Name: :   Hywelis
URL: :   
Email: :   
Comment: :   Once again, I was so glad to find the update on your homepage. I can't wait for the first instalment. It's so good to know that there will be more quality DQ fanfic to enjoy!
First Name: :   LInda
URL: :   
Email: :
Comment: :   Just read your first installment "Circle of Life. It was worth waiting for.
First Name: :   Hywelis
URL: :   
Email: :   
Comment: :   Lovely beginning, Pam! I shall be eagerly waiting for the following chapters of the story.
First Name: :   DQMW Fan
URL: :   
Email: :   
Comment: :   Greart first 2 chapters Pam !! Will next one's be posted every Thurs. as before? Hopefully for a long time!
First Name: :   Linda
URL: :   
Email: :
Comment: :   I love your new story. Can't wait for Chapter 4. Thanks for the new story.
First Name: :   Julie
URL: :   
Email: :   
Comment: :   You never disappoint me, Pam. Your new story is wonderful. I can hardly wait until new chapters are posted.
First Name: :   JO
URL: :   
Email: :
Comment: :   Thanks I was very pleased to see your NEW story CIRCLE OF LIFE posted when I visited your Site. I have read all your stories and enjoyed them very, very much. Keep up the good work
First Name: :   Grace
URL: :   
Email: :   
Comment: :   I love it
First Name: :   Helen
URL: :   
Email: :
Comment: :   I`m really enjoying " Circle of Life" & eagerly awaiting the next chapters
First Name: :   Vanessa
URL: :   
Email: :   
Comment: :   I love this site Pam! Great stories! Keep on writing! They're wonderful!!
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