
The people and sites listed below must be thanked and acknowledged.
Without them this site would not be possible

Emma (TLQ): She answered my post on a message board when I needed graphic help. The result is that great collage you see on the first page

Mandy: I had so many stupid questions. She always had answers.

Jerry:For helping me with the story synopsis when I was staring at the screen.

All Movie Guide: Where many of the bio's came from

The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) : The place I got much of the info on cast filmography, credits, etc. - MoviePeople Database : Where I found many of the bio's on the cast. : Where I found bio of Michael Chabon.

The Michael Douglas Fanpage: The place I got Michael Douglas and Wonder Boys pics

A Completely Unofficial Tobey Maguire Page : Where I found Tobey Maguire pics

The Unofficial Robert Downey Jr. Webpage: Where I got the Robert Downey Jr. pics

Richard Thomas Unoffical Webpage : Where I found Richard Thomas pic

Offical Rip Torn Website : Where I found Rip Torn pic A place I found a good Wonder Boys synopsis

Disclaimer: Wonder Boys Movie site is an unofficial fan-run site, and is no way affiliated with Paramont Pictures, Michael Chabon or other interested parties. Please contact me if there are any problems.