An Interview with Luke Skywalker - The Randy Tayler Show
Though never aired due to legal constraints, The Randy Tayler Show welcomed documentary-film star Luke Skywalker, and discussed his status as a pop icon and the common misconception concerning the nonfiction nature of the Star Wars Trilogy.
Ever wanted to ask Luke how he can stand for good when he's slaughtered so many people on the Death Star and off? Or how about that incestuous little romance with his sister? Mr. Skywalker gave some intriguing insights to these and other questions.
We'd like to thank George Lucas in advance for not bothering to sue a small-time operation like ourselves.

We'd also like to thank the kind people at North Central Intensive Care.

Watch the show now.
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Executive Producer: Randy Tayler
Directed by: David Softley
Luke Skywalker: Aaron Johnston

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