Special Means Retarded:
An Idiot's Personal Web Site
This page is dedicated to possibly the greatest man on Earth...ME.  I would like to think of myself as a funny man, but alas, I am not.  What I am, though, is a man who gathers funny information and then puts it into my conversation (or website).  Yes, many of the things put on this site were ultimately developed by me, but that doesn't require too much skill.  Many of the things are pictures I editted, characters I "borrowed", and quotes I flat out stole.  Can you blame me?  These things could not be kept hidden from the world.  Below are links to Earth's greatest hidden treasures...
To Brian Vahey's Quote Page
For those of you who are new to existence on this planet, this website is devoted to a man.  Not just any man, but a man we like to call Brian Vahey.  This quiet southern-gentleman began his life in the great state of Ohio.  After realizing that he actually LIVED in Ohio, he made his way to a dinky town in upstate...
See Mr.T kick butt all over the galaxy.
I Love Mr.T and Starwars, just like everybody on Earth should. After finding many websites in which Mr.T beats up on various people AND after seeing Jar-Jar ruin Starwars' good name, I decided that Mr.T had to beat up Jar-Jar.  If you love Mr.T, blood, gore, and violence, this is the website for you.  If you happen to be under the age of 14 pretend you are older.
Everybody loves a mullet, so why don't you?
The Mullet, also known as hockey hair, is a hair style that is cut short on top and is grown longer in the back.  This hair style reached its peak in the 1980's but you will soon see that the Mullet has been around for ages.  The Mullet Wall of Fame comemorates and enshrines all that have made the mullet possible.
Take a wild ride with the man himself, BRIAN VAHEY
The Brian Vahey Tour of Siena, takes you to a place where no man (and certainly no woman) has been before.  See, through the eyes of your tour guide Brian Vahey, what Siena is really like.  OH, HE DON'T HOLD BACK HERE!  Come witness the seamy underbelly of suburban Albany.
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