caits - 08/16/00 14:16:49 My URL: My Have you gotten any autographs lately?: good charlotte Who's was it?: see above Did he/she sign a body part?: no | Comments: hey love the page! hehe you're gossip is funny! come see me sometime! |
Mary Heart - 08/07/00 15:20:38 My Have you gotten any autographs lately?: Yes Who's was it?: Minnie Me's (he's so cute!) Did he/she sign a body part?: What? Have that freak touch me? If yes, what body part?: Okay, my ankle. (couldn't reach anything else!) Have you washed it off yet?: Hell yes! Would they sign any of my body parts?: He'd sign anything as long as you don't call him "shorty." | Comments: Your disgusting rag is going down! I know how to take care of pervs like you! It'll go down something like this: I'll look out the window of my home, (who am I kidding! Mansion!) and I'll see you out there sitting in your '75 Dodge Dart/Bundy-mobile and then I'll slowly start to take off my blouse. You'll see through your top of the line minolta with 80X zoom lens, he light glint tantalizingly(SP?) off the to points at the tips of my bazookas. Then I'll point my two bazookas right at you, just so that you get a good look, and then I'll pull the triggers on my two bazookas, thereby launching a couple of RPGs at that railer trash car of yours, you sick bastard! Then I'll call the cops and Fire Dept. to clean up the burning wreckage of you, your car, and your worthless carreer! Love, Mary Heart. |
D. Lishus Thigh - 05/27/00 05:29:46 | Comments: Nothing gets me HOTTER then a Baldwin in a diaper!! |
Dave Sanders - 05/11/00 18:44:09 My Have you gotten any autographs lately?: No. But I'm hoping Mel DiMarcos will send me one soon. | Comments: Well everybody, I am setting up a web page dedicated to everyone's favorite action star, Mel DiMarcos. My information is somewhat limited right now, so if anyone has any information not listed on this page about him, please e-mail me at the above address Dave |
Nick W. - 03/30/00 03:38:59 My URL:Wait a while Have you gotten any autographs lately?: In a way Who's was it?: Mel DiMarcos Did he/she sign a body part?: Sort of If yes, what body part?: He hit me on the head with a bottle Have you washed it off yet?: Yeah, but it's still bleeding Would they sign any of my body parts?: Sure. Just ask him if he's had too much to drink | Comments: Damn yoy Mary Hart! DAMN YOU!!! |
Skip - 03/10/00 05:13:08 My URL: My Have you gotten any autographs lately?: Yes Who's was it?: Mary Hart's Did he/she sign a body part?: Yes If yes, what body part?: her bootprint plastered to my ass Have you washed it off yet?: six hours in surgery finally removed the fashionable pumps Would they sign any of my body parts?: Yes...if you ask her about the time she insured her legs | Comments: Hey Gang! This is a sad Skip, fair readers. Mary Hart has taken her little war against our fledgling on-line magazine to the next level (that's the one just below the rock she crawled out from)! Unfortunately, Mary has pulled strings to get us banned f om the Grammy's and the Academy Awards! All that was left for us to cover was the TV Guide Awards, and really, what would be the point of that? Because of all this trouble, our advertising revenue has gone to legal fees, so we are now forced to relocate from our posh corporate offices in glamorous Hollywood to a rundown trailer court in Receda! Unfortunately the move forces us to postpone any site updates until sometime in April. We apologize for the inconvenience. Feel free to address all hate mail to Mary Hart. Skip |
Spunk Johnsonmier - 03/01/00 09:37:05 My Have you gotten any autographs lately?: On my contracts Who's was it?: Many, many stars Did he/she sign a body part?: Yup. If yes, what body part?: No info for free pal. Have you washed it off yet?: N/A Would they sign any of my body parts?: Not unless I tell 'em to. | Comments: Okay, ya' goddam bastards! You have chutzpah to mess with my Mel! Celebrity death watch my uncle Ida's ass (R.I.P.)! In case you haven't guessed, I'm Mel's manager, and I can tell ya' that he ain't dying unless I get 20% off the top. Your hack magazine also insinuates that Mel takes free booze! Well, I can assure you that the only free booze he get's is from me, not to mention barbituates, qualudes and acid! My Mel is as clean as Darryl Strawber- er wrong guy. My Mel is as clean as P te Ros- ummm. My Mel is as clean as President Clinto- eheh. My Mel is as pure as new fallen snow in 'Jersey's Meadowlands! Uh yeah. |
loves Mel Dimarcos - 02/05/00 08:14:17 My Have you gotten any autographs lately?: no :( Who's was it?: wish it was Mel's Did he/she sign a body part?: again, I wish.... If yes, what body part?: I havent gotten one....YET?! Have you washed it off yet?: Didn't get one :( Would they sign any of my body parts?: Hell no!! | Comments: When are we going to see more of Mel? I am very unpatient..with a face like his can you blame me? |
Missy's Mom - 01/24/00 13:16:22 My URL: Have you gotten any autographs lately?: yes Who's was it?: Missy's Paw prints | Comments: Eric, Thanks for visiting Missy's Memorial Page, and leaving those kind comments. I'm glad you liked the pages and about the midi files on each page, Missy was a music lover, I guess, she inherited that traits from me. Anyway, I'm still keeping those midi files and might change them if I'll get a chance. On the main page, visitors will already know that there is a midi on it, so if they leave because of the long download time, then its okay with me. No harm done and no hard feelings. Take care and have a purrfect day!
loves Mel DiMarcos - 01/17/00 07:07:48 My Have you gotten any autographs lately?: in my dreams Who's was it?: mel dimarcos Did he/she sign a body part?: ummm yes If yes, what body part?: guess? Have you washed it off yet?: NEVER will Would they sign any of my body parts?: NEVER | Comments: Mel DiMarcos is so hot!believe me he is real. Please keep updates of Mel on your page The pictures are great! I would like to know what he likes to do for fun! :) What a heart throb I cant get enough! |
Eric W - 01/12/00 23:07:41 Have you gotten any autographs lately?: No Who's was it?: I wish it was Nicole Kidman's Did he/she sign a body part?: I Wish!!! If yes, what body part?: Oh, to dream the sweet dream Have you washed it off yet?: I probably would kill anyone who tried to wash it Would they sign any of my body parts?: She's mine, you hear? All MINE!!! | Comments: Hey you guys, I've been told that Mel DiMarcos may not be real! You guys better be right about him, because I'm telling everyone I know that he's going to be the next Anakin. My blood is on your hands if you're wrong! |
Myswimmigpoolsidelounge - 01/08/00 17:13:06 My URL: My Email:n/a Have you gotten any autographs lately?: yes Who's was it?: me Did he/she sign a body part?: almost If yes, what body part?: picture Have you washed it off yet?: nah Would they sign any of my body parts?: yes | Comments: with so nice comments Thanks |
Mel DiMarcos - 01/03/00 01:01:45 My Email:I don't think so Have you gotten any autographs lately?: I might have Who's was it?: Not telling Did he/she sign a body part?: Sorry, I'm trying to keep a clean image If yes, what body part?: Excuse me? Have you washed it off yet?: Hmmmmm... Would they sign any of my body parts?: Right | Comments: OK, first of all I want to thank you for the praise on Wildman and Furious Alley. You guys have a great page. I would like to clear something up before it gets out of hand though. I'm not sure who this "Steve" joker is, but I can assure you I never signed an autograph for him, especially not on any of his body parts, so don't go getting the wrong idea. I hope all of you out there are looking forward to Episode II ans much as I am. It's so thrilling to be part of something as big as Star Wars. We would like to point out that no e-mail address was given with this entry, and that Mel's people have not confirmed that he even signed our guestbook. It would be flattering to us if he has, but this IS the World Wide Web after all, and nyone can claim to be anybody. We leave it to you, our good readers, to judge for yourselves if this is really Mel DiMarcos. -- Ed. |
Benjamin Scanlon - 12/13/99 21:03:29 My URL: My Have you gotten any autographs lately?: nope | Comments: Well hello there. Thanks for visiting PEZ Central. I'm glad you found it visually stimulating even though you though Adam West sites were the least likely site topic. Actually, there are many pez sites on the web. Check my links page. Here I am returning o sign your guestbook. Thansk for taking out the time to sign mine. Your site is great. I'm glad it's taking off and getting many hits. I mean, where else could I hear about the Buffy/Angel cross dressing, crossover Tuesday Night Event? thanks. Eat more pez like you promised. |
Skip Kenenbarbie - 12/08/99 23:37:16 My URL: My Have you gotten any autographs lately?: yes Who's was it?: Sigourney Weaver Did he/she sign a body part?: yes If yes, what body part?: the little squishy thing that was exposed when the alien ruptured my chest Have you washed it off yet?: what? the blood? Would they sign any of my body parts?: sure...let me get the alien... | Comments: Hi all! Skip here! The little problem with the guest book seems to be fixed now, so everyone have fun and let us know what you think! PS-- That's the last time I don't edit an internet form that the Web Masters create. |
Me - 12/03/99 22:22:33 My URL:http://what My Email:Don't know Have you gotten any autographs lately?: Yeah Who's was it?: Val Venius Did he/she sign a body part?: I can't remembeer If yes, what body part?: Well somethings hurt Have you washed it off yet?: With soap Would they sign any of my body parts?: Well he is a well rounded actor | Comments: I find it alittle clean for my taste. Will you be doing action stars? Vals a wonderful actor, well he doesn't talk much, but what he can do with his tongue!!! MMMmmmm!! oH neVer minD!!!! I'll be watching you from a distance, your work or car or shopp ng who knows where I'll turn up!! HA!HA! |
moviemutt - 11/25/99 01:47:48 My URL:/moviemutt My | Comments: Loved the site! Very funny. I'm looking forward to your next issue. For movie reviews, preview links, and games, visit me at ![]() |
Lefty - 11/23/99 08:32:50 My URL: My Have you gotten any autographs lately?: Yes Who's was it?: Dolly Parton's left booby Did he/she sign a body part?: I wish! Would they sign any of my body parts?: Not likely | Comments: I resent the coverage that was presented about me, Denise's Left breast. I sounded like a selfish little mound of titty! You totally ignored the uplifting role I played for Denise, while downplaying the alleged FACT that Right Breast is sagging A-CUP bitch that not too long ago was feeling a little down. she sagging worse than Bea Arther on Jupiter until Denise got her a Back ally Sillicone job! Why does this always go unnoticed? Do I not have feelings? Aspirations? C-cups? I leave you to ponder this, you little tit-f*cking Bastards! |
Let me go check... - 11/23/99 01:16:29 My URL: My Have you gotten any autographs lately?: A little while back... Who's was it?: The whole of Aerosmith Did he/she sign a body part?: No...That's a really disgusting thought actually... Would they sign any of my body parts?: You mean you want them to? Rather you than me... | Comments: This site is almost as mad as some of my creations (that's probably not saying much...). Keep up the good work, and remember to get along to as many showbiz cocktail parties as you can (then you can play celebrity spotting - 'I spy...Sean Connery...5 poin s!'). If I bump into any out of work celebrities ( never know), I'll let you know... |
Steve W. - 11/21/99 03:32:34 My Email:stevew@hotcock.cum Have you gotten any autographs lately?: yes Who's was it?: Mel DiMarcos Did he/she sign a body part?: yes If yes, what body part?: My white hot manhood Have you washed it off yet?: I've scrubbed alot Would they sign any of my body parts?: No he's mine you bastard | Comments: I like your site, but you need more coverage of Mel DiMarcos....He is SO hot. |
Ima B. Adboy - 11/17/99 20:31:02 My Email:Ima @,net | Comments: |
Nick - 11/16/99 04:55:37 My Have you gotten any autographs lately?: Yep Who's was it?: Drew Barrymore Did he/she sign a body part?: Oh yeah... If yes, what body part?: She signed my pecs Have you washed it off yet?: Nope. Never Would they sign any of my body parts?: Dream on pal | Comments: |
George Clooney - 11/14/99 01:13:20 My URL: My Email:nope Have you gotten any autographs lately?: yep Who's was it?: mine Did he/she sign a body part?: does simply touching count? If yes, what body part?: umm...not saying Have you washed it off yet?: yeah, it was sticky Would they sign any of my body parts?: Only if you were Nicole Kidman | Comments: Good page. If I see any crap about me in your gossip column, I'm going to sue your asses off. Keep up the good work. Anyone know a good agent? |
Mommy Dearest - 11/12/99 13:53:20 My URL:Don't have one My Email:For a stalker site? Have you gotten any autographs lately?: Yes, in 1958 or so Who's was it?: Dwight David Eisenhower's Did he/she sign a body part?: Nope, just a Presidential business card If yes, what body part?: N/A Have you washed it off yet?: N/A Would they sign any of my body parts?: Highly doubtful | Comments: Good job, son. But I don't "get" all of it, not too surprising for someone of my advanced years. I'll check back soon. |
Baby Baldwin - 11/12/99 09:33:51 My URL: My Have you gotten any autographs lately?: No! Who's was it?: I said no, dammit! Did he/she sign a body part?: No means no! If yes, what body part?: Well...maybe. Have you washed it off yet?: Okay, damn yer hide! Would they sign any of my body parts?: I did get an autograph on my b | Comments: Oops! Ran outta space! Now you'll never know where, and by whom my autograph was signed! Seriously though. Move your "contents" higher up on your page. I would move it, at a minimum, above the horizontal rule. Preferably above that excuse for external validation you call, "a guest book!" |
Evilproducer - 11/11/99 07:41:58 My URL: My Have you gotten any autographs lately?: Yes Who's was it?: Ben Dover Did he/she sign a body part?: Ummm.. Yeah. If yes, what body part?: I- I don't like to discuss it Have you washed it off yet?: I'm sooo dirty! Would they sign any of my body parts?: Please God no! | Comments: I like your page. It looks very "pro!" Yup, it looks "pro," if the "pro" is a talentless HACK that can't tell the difference between a STRAWBERRY and a TANGARINE iMac. You putrid, scum sucking mother f**kers couldn't tell an eOne, fro your G*D D**NED F**KING, D*CK L*CKING, CR*CK S*CKING little toe! BTW good job on the site! P.S. Do you know of a Turrets (SP?) syndrome support group? |
Pete - 11/11/99 05:10:20 My URL: My Have you gotten any autographs lately?: Nope Who's was it?: Uhm.... Did he/she sign a body part?: WHAT?! Are you DAFT man?? If yes, what body part?: Heh heh heh.... Have you washed it off yet?: Uhm, you're supposed to WASH them??! @#$@#$#@!! Would they sign any of my body parts?: Which ones you want signed? | Comments: Uhm, oops, I hate it when I mess up signing guestbooks...Here's my complete signature though!! |
Pete - 11/11/99 05:07:22 My URL: My Have you gotten any autographs lately?: Nope Who's was it?: Uhm.... Did he/she sign a body part?: WHAT?! Are you | Comments: |
Eric - 11/10/99 22:37:56 My URL: My Have you gotten any autographs lately?: yep Who's was it?: Anthony Daniels Did he/she sign a body part?: yep If yes, what body part?: my R2 unit Have you washed it off yet?: nope..never Would they sign any of my body parts?: probably for enough money | Comments: Wow. This is a great site! I'm telling everyone i know about it! I'll be back as often as i can to get all my entertainment news! |