Welcome to the concert poster section of my website.  I've kick started the page with a few scans from my collection.  I apologize for the quality.   I hope to upgrade these in the future with higher resolution scans.  Additionally, I hope to add another section for promotional posters.  If you're here just to see the posters, scroll below to see my collection.  For commentarty, read on:

Collecting Led Zeppelin concert posters, or concert posters in general, is an enjoyable but sometimes expensive hobby.  Many of these posters were produced in small runs, distributed and used to promote the concert, and then discarded.  Fortunately, some do survive, and finding them is the most rewarding part of the hobby. 

The Bill Graham event (San Francisco-Oakland) posters were manufactured in the largest quantities, thus tend to be easier to find and more affordable when one does locate them.  Because they have cross appeal, they are a great place to start your collection.  Not only for the affordable pricing but because they are easier to resell, as they hold interest among the fans of the other acts listed on them, as well as appealing to collectors of the entire BG series of posters. Besides the 1971 Berkeley poster, of which I've yet to find (or see!) an original, the most difficult to locate would be the September 1970 (BG246)...expect to pay in the $400-$550 range, as of this writing.  The most sought after poster in the series  tends to be the BG199 from November '69.  The price on this one really fluctuates, but having to pay upwards of $850 for a pristine copy would not surprise me.  Most of the others BG series posters can be had in the $150-$350 price range.

After the BG posters, the next easiest to locate would be the 1969 Texas and Atlanta festival posters, as pictured below, and the fairly common 1979 Knebworth festival poster.  There are multiple versions of the TX Pop poster, with the yellow/blue colored one being the most "common" .  The gold/red version is a bit rarer.  There are two distinct Atlanta Pop posters: a)same style as the TX Pop, which is most popular, and b) the rarer but less eye catching version as pictured below.  Quantity should dictate that style b is more valuable, but they can sometimes be found in the same price range.  The Knebworth Festival poster also comes in two styles (red and black)  with the black one from my collection (below) being the popular  version.

After these, the search becomes a real job requiring dedication and perseverance.  There are many posters of which only ONE copy are known to exist, and there's certainly many more that have went undiscovered altogether.  Locating these rare gems requires either lots of connections throughout the world or sheer luck.  If locating them through the first avenue, expect to pay huge bucks to land the item once you locate it!  Prices in excess of $3,000 is not unheard of when these rarities exchange hands.  In the tier just below these one-of-a-kinders you'll find some short-run posters that have survived in extremely tiny numbers.  These gems tend to bring in the $2,000 range, depending on the visual (or personal)  appeal of the poster to the buyer.  Examples of these would be shows from Boston, Chicago, Toronto, and others from 1969.  Of course, concerts from latter years fall into this category, as well.  But before completing any purchase, beware:

The one question that should ALWAYS be first on the minds of any collector is originality, as some of these posters have been reproduced, in some cases quite faithfully.  The 1975 Earl's Court poster is a prime example, wherein it is virtually impossible (without a personal inspection) to differentiate between the original and the early knock-offs.  Other examples, although not as extreme, do exist.  Do your homework before buying!!

If you have a poster, or would like to inquire about the existence, value, or otherwise, of a Led Zeppelin concert poster, please feel free to
email me.  If I can't help you, I can inquire with other major collectors that may be able to.

Lastly, some comments on a few of the rarer ones on my list below:

Seattle 69:  produced in moderate numbers, this poster comes in at least three versions, with mine being the earliest and best.  There is, however,  a cardboard version that is near impossible to find.  Extra appeal here because of 'The Doors' being on it.

Vancouver 69:  a small (10"x14") telephone pole-type poster, printed in a very tiny run.  Less than a dozen are known to exist.

Stockholm 70: 12 in existence, 1 of which is damaged. These were originally printed for use in 1969, then after being scrapped, were pulled back out and printed over (at the top) for the promotion of a 1970 concert there.  The stash was discovered in an attic in Europe about 6 years ago.

Vancouver 70:  Only 10 of these exist. They were unearthed at the Concerts West promotor's estate following his death. Quickly absorbed by the serious collectors in the hobby, it is never seen anymore.

Wembley 71:  Produced in larger numbers than those above, this poster is, never the less, VERY difficult to find!  It's tremendous visual appeal makes it a real keeper, thus it's rarity. Watch out for reprints!  If you're certain it's the real deal, consider $1,000 a bargain.

The posters below are the ones I have scanned so far.  I hope to add the remainder and upgrade some of the poorer quality ones in the near future.  Also check back for a look at some promotional posters in the near future.
01-69  Fillmore West, San Francisco
Fillmore West & Winterland Ballroom, San Fran
Atlanta Pop Festival, Atlanta
Goldcreek Park, Seattle
Agrodome, Vancouver
Hemisphere Arena, San Antonio
Fairgrounds Arena, Santa Barbara
International Speedway, Dallas
Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco
Konserthuset, Stockholm, Sweden
Pacific Coliseum, Vancouver
03-70  Salt Palace, Salt Lake City
09-70  Oakland Stadium, Oakland
Empire Pool, Wembley, London
03-73  Orthenauhalle, Offenburg, Germany
Kezar Stadium, San Francisco
Oakland Stadium, Oakland  (cancelled show)
Oakland Stadium, Oakland
Knebworth Park, Stevenage, UK
Olympiahalle, Munich, Germany
Tour Over Europe 80
Tour Over Europe 80 (2nd version)