Welcome to my Magazine Collecting Guide. Hopefully, the information herein will be helpful to those interested in collecting Led Zeppelin "cover mags".  The hobby is an enjoyable one for many reasons..the visual aspect, the written contents, and the investment value. 

While the price of some of the more common American mags have dropped in
recent years, the more rare ones, whether it be American, European,
or Japanese, continue to increase in value as their availability shrinks.  I
would like to place a value on the different magazines listed here, but the
worth of a magazine really varies according to the persons selling and buying
them.  A nice collection can be built with just a  reasonable amount invested.
Beyond that, the fun truly begins....the hunt and the discovery!  Hopefully
this guide will help you in knowing what is out there. 

My main goal here is to list all the magazines, worldwide, that Led Zeppelin
appeared on the cover of between 1969 and 1980. To list EVERY magazine would be quite a daunting task, and perhaps impossible. Therefore, I have elected to
stick with the Vintage magazines, meaning the ones that appeared during
Zeppelin's illustrious career.  The list of mags post-1980 is quite substantial.  While most are worthy, there ARE a nice percentage that are more dedicated to the individual members' post-Zeppelin careers, and as such, are not pure "Zeppelin" magazines.  It's possible that I may attempt a listing of post-80 mags in the future, if there seems to be any interest in the project.

If visitors see any magazines that I've overlooked (and there are sure to be
some) please e-mail me with the information so I can include it here.  I will
be adding photos of some of these magazines in the near future.

NOTE:  Previously, I had scans here of some of the really rare magazines. I've
deleted them to gain webspace for my photos and posters sections.  They should
not be missed too much since I do list the cover subjects.  I apologize to
those very few of you who actually care.


02-00-69       Fusion             (Page)
05-31-69       Cashbox            (Group)
12-06-69       Record Mirror      (Cover??) 


01-08-70       Melody Maker   (Page)
01-31-70       Melody Maker        (Page)
02-20-70       Friends             (Plant)
03-00-70       Beat Instrumental   (Group)
03-07-70       Disc                (Page)
03-21-70       Record Mirror       (Group)
04-00-70       Rock et Folk        (Plant)
06-03-70       Cashbox             (Group)
06-13-70       Disc                (Plant w/Family)
07-00-70       Music Life          (Group)
07-03-70       Melody Maker        (Group)
07-27-70       New Musical Express  (Group - partial cover)
08-00-70       Beat Instrumental   (Page)  
09-05-70       Record Mirror       (Group)
09-26-70       Go Set               (Group)
10-00-70       Music Life          (Plant)
10-16-70       Skyline             (Plant)
10-24-70       Sounds              (Page)
11-28-70       Sounds              (Plant)
12-00-70       Best                (Page)
12-00-70       Rock et Folk        (Page)
12-12-70       Disc and Music Echo (Jones) 


01-02-71        Go Set                  (Plant)
02-00-71        Phonograph Record       (Page)
03-06-71        Melody Maker            (Page)
03-13-71        Melody Maker            (Page)
03-13-71        Go Set                      (Plant partial)
03-27-71        Go Set                  (Page)
04-00-71        Record Songbook   (Group heading)
05-00-71        Fabulous 208            (Plant)
05-24-71        Record Mirror           (Page & Plant)
06-26-71        Disc and Music Echo     (Plant)
07-20-71        Domenico del Corriere   (Group)
07-29-71        Pop Music Superhebdo    (Plant)
08-12-71        Intrepido               (Group drawing)
09-00-71        Cashbox                 (Group??)
09-00-71        Rock et Folk            (Group)
09-25-71        New Musical Express     (Page & Plant)
10-00-71        Music Life              (Group)
11-00-71        Music Life              (Plant)
11-13-71        Disc & Music Echo       (Plant)
11-27-71        Melody Maker            (Page & Plant)
12-00-71        Muziek Expres           (Plant)
12-00-71        Circus                  (Group shot)
12-08-71        Ciao 2001               (Plant)
00-00-71        Rock Festival           (Plant) 


01-00-72        Best                    (Plant)
01-08-72        Record Mirror           (Plant)
01-15-72        Rock Star               (Group)
02-00-72        Creem                   (Plant)
03-21-72        Planet                  (Plant)
07-00-72        Rock et Folk            (Page)
09-11-72        Rock                    (Page)
11-11-72        New Musical Express     (Page)
11-25-72        Disc                    (Page)
12-00-72        Bravo                   (Plant)
12-00-72        Zig Zag                 (Page)
12-00-72        Extra                   (Page & Plant)
12-00-72        Extra Encyclorock       (Page)
12-09-72        Sounds                  (Plant) 


01-00-73        Best                    (Plant)
01-00-73        Zonk                    (Plant)
01-00-73        Performance             (Plant)
03-27-73        Pop Music Maxipop       (Plant)
04-00-73        Rock et Folk            (Plant & Roger Daltry)
04-00-73        Musa                    (Page)
04-21-73        New Musical Express     (Page)
04-21-73        Sounds                  (Page shot)
05-00-73        Best                    (Plant)
05-13-73        Ciao 2001               (Plant)
05-24-73        Zoo World               (Houses of the Holy)
06-18-73        Rock                    (Page)
08-00-73        Zig Zag                 (Plant w/Boz Skaggs)
09-00-73        Creem                   (Page)
10-00-73        Circus                  (Plant)
12-00-73        Hit Parader             (Page) 


00-73-74        Hit Parader Special     (Group live)
01-00-74        Music Life              (Group)
06-00-74        Music Life              (Group)
06-00-74        Superstar Series Posters   (Group)
07-00-74        Hit Parader             (Plant)
10-00-74        Mordisco                (Plant)
10-12-74        New Musical Express     (Page) 


01-15-73        National Rock Star      (Group)
02-00-75        Rock et Folk            (Plant)
02-00-75        Best                    (Page)
02-00-75        Circus                  (Page)
02-00-75        Creem                   (Page)
02-00-75        Muziekkrant Oor         (Plant)
02-00-75        Extra Encyclorock       (Page)
02-01-75        Melody Maker            (Page)
02-01-75        Sounds                  (Plant)
02-08-75        New Musical Express     (Plant & Paul Rodgers)
02-18-75        Good Times              (Plant)
03-00-75        Phonograph              (Plant)
03-13-75        Rolling Stone           (Page & Plant)
03-15-75        Melody Maker            (Plant)
04-00-75        Popular 1               (Page)
04-00-75        Teens Now               (Plant)
04-00-75        Music Life              (Page)
04-00-75        Now                     (Plant)
05-00-75        Let It Rock             (Plant)
05-00-75        Rock Poster           (Group)
05-03-75        Cashbox                 (Group)
05-18-75        The Observer            (?)
05-24-75        Melody Maker            (Page & Plant)
05-24-75        New Musical Express     (Page)
06-00-75        Crawdaddy               (Page w/William Burroughs)
06-00-75        Hit Parader             (Plant)
06-00-75        Historia de Led Zep...  (Plant)
06-29-75        Ciao 2002               (Page, Plant & Jones)
07-00-75        Suosikki                (Page)
09-20-75        Melody Maker            (Page & Plant)
11-00-75        Vibraciones           (Plant)
00-00-75        Heavy Rock              (Plant)
00-00-75        Rock Superstar          (Plant)  


02-14-76        New Musical Express     (Plant)
03-00-76        Creem                   (Plant shot)
03-20-76        Melody Maker            (Page)
04-10-76        Melody Maker            (Page)
Spring 76       Melody Maker            (Plant)
04-00-76        Best                    (Page)
05-00-76        Circus                  (Plant)
05-00-76        Creem                   (Page & Plant)
05-00-76        Sounds (Germany)    (Group - partial)
05-21-76        Ram                    (Plant)
05-29-76        Melody Maker            (Plant shot)
06-00-76        New Music               (Group)
06-00-76        Hit Parader             (Plant)
10-00-76        Hit Parader             (Page)
10-09-76        Melody Maker            (Group)
11-18-76        Scene                 (Page & Plant)
11-19-76        Ram                      (Plant)
11-20-76        New Musical Express     (Page)
12-20-76        People                  (Group) 


01-00-77        Rock Scene              (Plant)
01-00-77        Rock et Folk            (Plant)
02-26-77        Melody Maker            (Group)
02-26-77        New Musical Express     (Group)
03-00-77        Rock Scene               (Plant - partial)
04-00-77        Creem                   (Page)
05-00-77        Gig                     (Page)
06-09-77        Circus                  (Page)
06-25-77        Melody Maker            (Page & Plant)
07-00-77        Guitar Player           (Page)
07-00-77        Best                    (Plant)
07-00-77        Hit Parader             (Page & Plant)
07-00-77        Creem                   (Plant)
07-28-77        Daily Express           (Plant)
08-00-77        Warner World            (Group)
08-00-77        Ongaku Senka         (Page)
08-00-77        Dzuboks                 (Plant)
08-05-77        Happy Times             (Zep Cartoon)
08-12-77        Ram                      (Plant)
09-00-77        Rock Scene              (Page shot)
09-00-77        Trouser Press           (Page)
09-00-77        Rock                    (Plant)
09-00-77        Popular 1               (Plant)
10-00-77        Music Life              (Plant)
11-00-77        Rockin On               (Plant)
11-00-77        Rock                    (Page)
11-00-77        Rock Fun                (Plant)
11-00-77        Acid Rock               (Plant)
11-00-77        Hit Parader             (Page)
12-00-77        Super Rock              (Plant)
12-17-77        Juke                       (Page)
00-00-77        Hit Parader Yearbook    (Plant shot) 
1977-78         Led Zep (all Zep issue) (Page & Plant) 


01-00-78        Player                  (Page)
02-00-78        Creem                   (Page)
02-00-78        Circus                  (Plant & Linda Ronstadt)
03-00-78        Creem                   (Plant shot)
05-00-78        Rock                    (Plant)
05-00-78        Player                  (Page)
08-00-78        Player                  (Jones)
09-00-78        Steady                  (?)
09-00-78        Rock Superstar          (Bonham)
09-16-78        Sounds                  (Group)
10-00-78        Led Zep 2 (all Zep)     (Page & Plant)
10-00-78        Rock World (all Zep)    (Plant & Page)
10-00-78        Circus                  (Page shot)
11-00-78        Rockin On               (Page)
12-00-78        Led Zep vs. Kiss        (Plant & Kiss)
12-00-78        Super Rock Spectacular  (Zep & Kiss)
12-23-78        Juke                    (Plant) 


01-00-79        Hit Parader             (Plant)
02-00-79        Creem                   (Page & Plant)
02-00-79        Rockin F                (Page)
02-06-79        Circus                  (Plant & Heart)
04-00-79        Young Guitar            (Page & Plant)
04-00-79        Led Zeppelin (all Zep)  (Page, Plant & Jones)
05-26-79        Melody Maker            (Group)
07-00-79        Blue Beat               (Page)
07-00-79        Grooves                 (Group)
08-00-79        Best                    (Plant)
08-00-79        Rock et Folk            (Plant)
08-00-79        Vibraciaonnes           (Plant)
08-04-79        New Musical Express     (Page)
08-04-79        Melody Maker            (Page)
08-04-79        Record Mirror           (Group)
09-00-79        Musik Express           (Plant)
09-00-79        Rockin On               (Plant)
09-07-79        Ram                     (Page)
09-09-79        Ciao 2001               (Plant shot)
09-15-79        Cashbox                 (Group)
09-18-79        Circus                  (Plant)
10-00-79        Vinyl Edition           (In Through The Out Door)
10-00-79        New Music               (Page)
10-00-79        Ongaku Senka            (Page)
10-00-79        Popular One             (Plant)
10-27-79        Musicians Only          (Page & Plant)
11-00-79        Creem                   (Page)
11-00-79        Rockin On               (Page)
12-01-79        Melody Maker            (Group) 
1979-80         Biographie et Discographie  (Group) 


00-00-80        Zeppelin 80 (all Zep)   (Plant)
00-00-80        Viva Rock                (Page)
01-00-80        Hit Parader             (Plant)
01-04-80        Dzuboks                 (Page & Plant)
02-17-80        Ciao 2001               (Group live)
02-19-80        Circus                  (Plant & Blondie)
03-00-80        Hit Parader             (Page)
05-00-80        Hit Parader             (Plant shot)
06-00-80        Kerrang                 (Page)
07-00-80        Dzuboks                 (Page & Plant)
08-00-80        Musik Express           (Plant)
08-00-80        Musiker & Tontechnik    (Page)
08-00-80        Rock et Folk            (Page)          
08-30-80        Juke                    (?)
09-00-80        Ongaku Senka            (Page) 1
09-18-80        Scene               (Group)
10-00-80        Best of Creem           (Page & Plant)
10-00-80        Pelo                    (Page & Plant)
10-11-80        Juke                    (Group)
11-00-80        Conecte                 (Group)
12-00-80        Creem Special (all Zep) (Page & Plant)
12-00-80        Beats                   (Page & Plant)
12-00-80        Rockin On               (airbrushed Page)