My fondest TV memories from my childhood are of watching this show in 1974 + '75.  I think most of the humor went over my head, but the weekly scares had a great impact on me.  Viewing it as an adult gives one a whole different perspective.  Often times, the suspense that kept one enthralled as a youngster is lacking.  The weekly creatures sometimes appear just plain silly, due to the limitations of special effects and television budget restrictions.  Nevertheless, the show is still a good one.  The premise, the acting, the humor, and (usually) the stories are so good that one can find enjoyment in many other ways.  And there are some authentic scares and suspense to be found!  In my opinion, this show is unfairly bagged by critics and fans alike and should be re-evaluated from a new perspective. 

Regardless of one's opinion, the show has an important place in television history. It has sold well via its release by Columbia House, and it's influence has helped to better television.  Chris Carter has attributed The Night Stalker as a major inspiration and influence on the creation of his excellent program, the X-Files.  That, in itself, counts for something!
NOW AVAILABLE ON DVD!!   My Review - Reviews At Amazon
Night Stalker Intro & Background
The Night Stalker Movie (1972)
The Night Strangler Movie (1973)
Night Stalker TV Series (Episodes Reviewed & Graded)
Night Stalker Companion - the quintessential book on the Night Stalker.  HIGHLY recommended!
Night Stalker Info - the most comprehensive webpage on the net.  Highly recommended!
Kolchak Timeline - incredible research & patience to put this together - check it out!
Kolchak The Night Stalker at TV.com
Kolchak Page at the Internet Movie Database
Kolchak Page at SCIFI.com
Kolchak Guide at 'The Science Fiction & Telefantasy Databanks'
Another Kolchak Site with Links
Darren McGavin's site
Darren McGavin on the Internet Movie Database
Simon Oakland - Internet Movie Database
Jack Grinnage's Website
Ruth McDevitt - Internet Movie Database
Carol Ann Susi - Internet Movie Database
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