random ramblings
it''s been awhile!
Hi! Missed me? I will start updating this site by the end of this year, I promise myself that. I havent been blogging and doing any webdesign for QUITE AWHILE! I seriously need to brush up on my rusty webdesign skills. I do have an account with multiply.com at http://zuwairi.multiply.com/ but I don't get to design my own layout there. I will try to come out with a lame new layout before the year ends. Promise. This 2006 has been really "educational" so far. I think I really am living life now. All this while I was so afraid to die that I forgot to live. Now its all carpe diem! Que sera, sera! Can't wait to get back to this space!
Friday 27-Oct-2006 10:53 AM
i'm closing this site. i wont close it completely, it's just that
i wont be updating it and i wont be blogging HERE anymore. i guess
i should have done this long ago but in truth i wasn't ready. i
was lacking in the designing skills and wasn't planning on blogging
"full time". now i feel that i want to blog full time and will do
so FREELY without ANY constraint! and to do that i have to move.
this website was initially made to impress me if not my friends.
i was trying to prove to them and myself that i am talented in some
other areas, not just academic. that i am versatile, better. i guess
i was more vain. i dont need to be that stupid anymore.
this website was also the place where my alter ego speaks freely
almost whatever he wants, which is something he cannot do outside
and anywhere else. in this website, i am virtually fearless where
in truth a hypocrite. i did not plan to offend or hurt cause i know
the visitors have the choice to either come or go. i was more defending
my stance rather than objurgating others.
this was my sanctuary.
now, i found solace someplace else where i can be completely me.
no more hiding behind the words. no more mild hypocrisy.
just me.
so this is it. the final blog entry for the zuwairi website!®
or zuwairi@geocities.com. i'll still be on the net, blogging someplace
else. i'm sorry i cant just give you the url, i want privacy from
anyone i know or anyone who THINK they know me. i want to start
anew, i want to start in truth.
anyways, do sign the guestbook or mail me, i love it. i promise
i'll respnd. thanks for visiting all this while and take care. btw,
the radio is playing the calling's wherever you will go and it just
seems so sad. why? goodbye
zuwairi aka randy
Thursday 22-May-2003 5:59 PM
and the boredom lurks in
i'm bored. i waited eagerly for this holidays but now i want to
get back to work. i'm not a workaholic but it's so much better to
be doing something rather than er.. nothing. all i do is eat, sleep
and watch tv. what a productive way to live your life. i need to
get back to work. why do the students need 3 weeks of holidays dammit!?
btw, i'll be coming down to KL this 30th till the 1st of June for
the PC Fair at Mid Valley. cant hardly wait!
Wednesday 21-May-2003 6:17 PM
this is what i hate about posting 'titled' blog entries: i'm not
creative enough to put a title for each entry. if you've been visiting
this site for a while, you might notice that i used to put titles
in each blog entry but then after awhile i stopped doing it coz
i started to feel the 'burden' of naming each entry. now i plan
to start over again and name each entry and i forsee an uncreative
blogger becoming a lazy one in the future. we'll see.
anyways i am helping Vee
with her layouts but they dont seem to work. i've screwed 3 layouts
and i am desperate to come up with another one that actually works.
i spent all day yesterday working on her site but havent yet feel
satisfied with the result. ahh, the pain of havin an uncreative
mind. but i'll upload her new layout once i finish it so lets hope
that it's soon. so i guess that's it for today's entry. btw, can
u come up with a title for this entry? how about desperately
seeking title? no? i told you i'm not creative.
Monday 19-May-2003 10:36 AM
de novo
i'm back and i'm starting de novo, anew, afresh, whichever you prefer
to call it. the zuwairi website!® is now zuwairi@geocities.com
but it's still my site and i get to do absof**kin'lutely anythin
i like. dont wori tho coz i'm not gonna do much, i'm on vacation
right now so that's why i'm updating this site. my students are
on a 3 week holiday so expect a longer hiatus once i get back to
work in 2 weeks time. man i missed home and am sure glad to be back.
life's rather dull and boring here and that's what i love about
my hometown. it's very unlike the state where i work. life's all
hustle and bustle there but then again maybe i'm just a lazy bummer
who loves to exagerate. well, it's just so good to be back. one
thing i miss very much is my pc coz all my stuff is there, mp3s,
games, journals, website materials etc. tho i just bought a state
of the art p4 powered 256mb 40gig laptop, it's just not as good
as my old celeron powered 64mb 20gig desktop that i'm typing with
right now coz the laptop doesn't have what my 'sephia' has. i guess
it's true what they say, beauty is only skin deep it's what's inside
that counts. which reminds me that i'm plannin on buyin an external
cd-burner soon but i'm lookin for a good bargain. know any place,
brand, type, dealer, stealer? maybe i'll go to the PC Fair this
30th May and find something inexpensive yet great. am i a cheapskate?
okay enuff of this empty ramblings. i am just typin whatever comes
to mind coz i need to post something to launch this new layout.
how do you like the new lay btw? i think it's ace. do gimme ur comments.
okay i guess that's about it. i'll blog again later, i hope. now,
go and hug someone.
Saturday 17-May-2003 12:19 PM
who? what? where? zuwairi aka randy,
27, malay malaysian, taken, lecturer, the glass's 'almost' full, near sighted + vain =
no glasses + many bumps, fake american accent, real asian tan, bitter,
ambivert, cynical, contemplative, STILL a dork, a coulrophobic, a pacifist,
an aspiring genius, a hard-worker, a failure and thankful.
loves: art, photography, graphic &
web design, fellow nerds, Dave
Matthews Band, The Beatles, Tom Petty, coffee, electronics,
Van Gogh, archaeoastronomy, Blue
TorchTV, outdoor, calvin & hobbes, the sims, funnies section
& weblogs
Contact: msn [ riez_lennon@hotmail.com
] or yahoo! [ randy_rie@yahoo.com
disclaimer, credits...

production notes:
> orlando bloom
> john mayer's my stupid mouth
> notepad
> square721bt, arial, silkscreen
> brown, white, black every bit of design is mine. i usually scribble my ideas on papers
then 'ambitiously' try to 'transform' them to webpages for hours
using what little html knowledge i have. sometimes i succeed, but
most of the times i ended up swearing. this of course means that
any stealing of my stuff is f**kin' annoying. so please do your
own coding and use ur own brain! i'm sure u got one. if not, then
go and fly a kite.
> geocities
> photoshop
> dynamicdrive.com
> 7 cups of coffee |
words spoken, written, or sung
"...one's self knowledge should be great
before one thinks of setting others straight; That one should learn
the art of living well before one threathens other men with hell"
"When you point a finger at someone,
there are three fingers pointed back at you."
"Stupidity is innate; intelligence is
a result of curiosity." E.J. Wiesner
"Imagination is a quality given to a
man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humor was
provided to console him for what he is."
Oscar Wilde
"There’s not a moment to lose
in the game, don’t let the troubles in your head, steal too
much time you’ll soon be dead" You Never Know
Dave Matthews Band
"It feels as if the boy in me has left
and been replaced with a cheap and bitter imposter of myself"
Up And Gone Hoobustank
"We do not see things as they are. We
see things as we are." Herb Cohen
"Question everything, for a belief never
questioned is no more than a curse."
Erich Oelschlegel
"Now I think I know what you tried to
say to me, and how you suffered for your sanity, and how you tried
to set them free: they would not listen; they're not listening still...perhaps
they never will." Vincent Don
Mclean |
sound for yer tortured soul
gimme your love
[ view
i know them |
other randomness... I'll
put some random stuff here. Click on the text links and
procede from there.
My Banners
Dave Matthews Band Animated Gifs