Welcome to
The Kristana Spa!
Welcome to The Kristana Spa a haven for fashion dolls and their owners!
I consciously started collecting fashion dolls way back in 1990, when I picked up a certain eleven-and-a-half inch vinyl goddess. And so it began...
And for awhile there I was buying anything, and not what I truly loved. I missed that tactile
experience of play. Admiring a doll in a box, just wasn't cutting it.
And then I saw Her -- Gene Marshall, and the rest they say is history.
A plain white box is opened, tissue paper pulled back, a ribbon pulled, and she is free
and the fun can begin! Amazing outfits and unbelievable accessories and I was taken back not only
to my childhood, but a Golden Age of Movie Stars...
My collection has evolved over the years from baby dolls, to
the elegant fashion dolls of today. And is it ever a wonderful time to collect fashion
dolls! From Ashton Drake's Gene, to
Madame Alexander's Cissy and Alex, to
Franklin Mint and their realistic portrait dolls, to
Robert Tonner's fabulous American Models, and the
newest fashion wonder: Tyler Wentworth and Sydney Chase not
to mention a smattering of everything else in between!
So please set your bags down at the Concierge's Desk, ring the bell, and Ramon,
the Senior Cabana Boy will give you the whirlwind tour.
Although The Kristana Spa is currently undergoing major renovation, there's lots of
"stuff" happening behind the scenes. In the meantime, be sure to check out
The Kristana Spa Confidential for the
latest news, gossip and updates!
Here's a sneak peek of what's coming: The Gallery will feature a rotating display
of items from my personal collection, Violet performs at The Starlight Lounge and Cissy and Alex
reside in the Suites, Tyler and friends in the Penthouse, as well as a host of famous people in
the Presidential Wing; Peteena and her pack of
friends spend most of their time in the Kennel, and the Lawton "Little Ones" as well as the Travel Dolls spend their time in the Attic. Bleuette reposes in the Salon and Madra in the Boudior, while Trent reads his scripts in the Den. For the devout collector, be sure
to visit the Convent and to light a candle at the Closed Toe Spectator Shrine. Not to be
missed is The Rumba Room where you can partake in all of the fun of Conventions! Still not sure
where to go? Then your first stop should be The Concierge's Desk where you'll find destinations galore.
And last but not least, The Library has lots of information
for collectors of all ages!

As always, I'd love to hear about your visits to The Spa so please drop me a line at krispin41@yahoo.com or by
signing the guestbook.
Last updated June 19th, 2004
The opinions expressed on these pages are entirely my own and I am in no way affliated with any of the doll companies that
may be mentioned.
Copyright © 1998-2004 Kristan Molchin
Mandarin Mood sketch Copyright © 2001-2004 M. Christine Quick