The Terasa Livingstone Home Page
The page I drew some insipiration from. Heaps of Terasa stuff on there including heaps and heaps of caps from ACC and Great Outdoors. A must for a Terasa fan.
General Australian Celebrity Sites
The Babes Paradise, Links and Pics of all the Famous Babes!
Well Ok, there aren't only Australian Celebs on this site, but it is still an awesome site and whether you are looking for your favourite Hollywood celebs or other Aussie Celebs check out this site for heaps and I mean heaps of links and pictures of your favourite celebrities from all over the globe.
The Australian Celebrity Image Studio
Goose510 is the Webmaster of this site and he has pics of hundreds of pics of different celebs, not to mention the largest range of Black & White scans on the web, and also a message board so you can post queries about your favourite Aussie Celeb.
The Australian Babes Gallery
Suave the Webmaster began this page by collecting and scanning pictures of one the most gorgeous females on this planet, Tania Zaetta, now he has other Aussie Celebs in his collection, like Kim Kilbey and Karen Fischer just to name a few.
Aussie Babes Paradise
If you like the gals off Home & Away then you are in heaven with collections of Kristy Wright, Isla Fisher and Kimberly Cooper. Plus more pictures updated regularly. Great site.
Specific Australian Celebrity Sites
The Catriona Rowntree Shrine
This is one of my favourite sites on the internet. Catriona Rowntree off "Getaway" has her own shrine with hundreds of photos, loads of information and even a memory game. If you only visit one other site make sure it's this one.
The Tania Zaetta Shrine
What else can I say about Tania Zaetta than Wow!!! This glamour has just been awarded a role on Baywatch so keep in touch with this site to see some pics of her in the near future in those red bathers. Oh yeah and it does have the biggest collection of pics of her on the net already.
Elle Macpherson Daily Gallery
The one and the only Elle has her own page designed by a Swedish guy, and what a well designed site it is! Check out the galleries and galleries of pictures of Elle.
Holly Brisley - Boogie Central
Webmaster Mola-Ram is not only one of the funniest guys but he is also one of the most generous with a lot of pictures already donated by him to my collection. Holly Brisley is the chick that worked with Terasa for a few years as a reporter on Agro's Cartoon Connection. A brilliant site.

Jodie Meares
I first saw Jodie as an "Inside Sport" sportsmodel years and years ago and she is today Australia's premier swimwear model and ever since she has been going out with billionaire Jamie Packer her staus has risen enormously. And about time. Check out this relatively new site.
Kate Ritchie Fan Page
She has been little Sally Fletcher ever since Home & Away began and as we see her grow up on the television we also see her grow as one of the sexiest young stars on Australian television. Good to see another international webmaster as well looking after our lasses.
Brooke Satchwell - The Web Site
Well she has only just turned 18 and she has already made the top ten in "Who Weekly's" sexiest men and women competition. Another superbly designed site that I cannot recommend highly enough.
Other Sites I Recommend
Channel Seven Australia
The network that brings you all the Aussie shows you love and hate including, Great Outdoors, Home & Away, Who Dares Wins, and I could go on.....
FHM Underground
This site features some of Australia's sexiest women who have posed for FHM magazine including, Terasa (of course), Isla Fisher and many more.
Dwayne's Home Page
A must see for Home & Away fans, with heaps of pics of the cast whether it is caps from the show or individual cast members as shown in some magazines. Well designed site, check it out.
Red Cross
If anyone deserves donations more than anyone else, it is definately the Red Cross. If you are willing to part with a donation please visit this site and follow the simple steps. I don't think people today value and appreciate organisations like the Red Cross. Ohhh....and you can also win heaps of stuff too.
More coming soon.........
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