jas - 11/12/00 10:17:49
Sex: male
Where are you from: vic
How did you find the page?: I don't know
she is very good looking and I wish I had her as a girlfriend
Paul - 10/29/00 02:44:11
Sex: Male
Where are you from: VIC
How did you find the page?: Just by looking
enjoyed gallerys but more pictures needed
delaforce - 10/22/00 10:58:18
My Email:delaforc@eosnet.aunz.net
Where are you from: emerald qld
How did you find the page?: browsing
Bayu Soegomo - 10/04/00 08:34:07
My Email:dhewah@hotmail.com
Sex: Male
Where are you from: Jakarta currently studying in Australia
How did you find the page?: search engine
You can live up your web page by puting more interesting information things that people would would enjoy while browsing your web page and (put some jokes)
Glenn Ziliotto - 08/26/00 06:16:26
My Email:gziliotto@optusnet.com.au
Sex: Male
Where are you from: Australia
How did you find the page?: Link of Jodie Mears page
E-mail me more pictures of Terasa Livingstone
rachelle ilic - 07/30/00 16:57:45
My Email:elektra2003@hotmail.com
Where are you from: melb
How did you find the page?: brousing
Robert Nimmo - 07/22/00 05:08:44
Sex: male
Where are you from: Tasmania
How did you find the page?: fluke?
Robert Nimmo - 07/22/00 05:07:42
Robert - 07/22/00 05:07:13
- 07/12/00 01:38:34
Sex: alien
Where are you from: tupawarcoo
How did you find the page?: easy
not bad for a human
- 04/21/00 11:55:16
Hiram Pascoal - 04/04/00 14:19:18
My URL:http://HiramP.tripod.com
My Email:hpascoal@zdnetmail.com
Sex: male
Where are you from: Brazil
How did you find the page?: A banner in my website
Nice website
tony sutton - 03/10/00 07:03:24
My Email:lytola@tpg.com.au
Sex: male
Where are you from: melbourne
How did you find the page?: sheer luck
what a fantastic babe a sex symbol down here in oz still waiting to find a site with her naked a few topless but not naked yet still looking thiugh
James Chalmers - 03/10/00 03:49:17
My Email:jchalmer@hellmann.com.au
Sex: Male
Where are you from: Brisbane
How did you find the page?: Your Name
Just wanted to say gidday, my girlfriend was a Sue Harvey dancer, she mentioned she knew of you.
Her name is Cathy Peglas, you probably wouldn't remember her name, from what she told me you would know her face.
I guess the reason I'm taking time out to write is due to the fact that I am a large fan.
It is not often that an Aussie can impress me as much as yourself.
Anyway good luck in everything you can achieve, If you get a chance my girlfriend would enjoy a little message from you.
OH, if you do e-mail with a message, please don't tell her that I was looking at your glorious web page.
Ari - 03/05/00 23:27:33
Sex: very sexsy
Where are you from: Finland, Oulu
How did you find the page?: I always know were sun shine
U are my sun and stars at same time. Kiss kiss!!!
e c macalintal - 01/14/00 02:34:14
My Email:edmcmacalintal@mailcity.com
Where are you from: phils
How did you find the page?: browsing
its fine, more power to you
michael buckley - 12/24/99 03:52:01
My URL:http://cook44@webtv.net
My Email:cook44@webtv.net
Sex: male
Where are you from: buffalo
How did you find the page?: webtv.net
you look rill nices
harley - 12/01/99 12:36:22
My Email:harles@telstra.easymail.com.au
Sex: male
Where are you from: melbourne
How did you find the page?: just love teresa
I'm teresa's number 1 fan !!!
Arne - 11/29/99 17:40:05
My URL:http://dragracing.freeservers.com
My Email:lindkvist.bros.racing@telia.com
Sex: Yes
Where are you from: Sweden
How did you find the page?: surfing
You realy looks greate Meet me in your next life
jonathon - 09/27/99 00:24:28
My Email:g.p.o box 1626m/melboune. vic/australia
Sex: male
Where are you from: melbourne
How did you find the page?: looked you up
to the most beutifule women in the world.thankyou.
jonathon - 09/27/99 00:23:54
My Email:g.p.o box 1626m/melboune. vic/australia
Sex: male
Where are you from: melbourne
How did you find the page?: looked you up
to the most beutifule women in the world.
bullshit - 09/23/99 04:06:06
My Email:bullshit@bullshit.com
Sex: not from Teresa
Where are you from: bullshitville
How did you find the page?: searching for porn, what a let down
lose Teresa
lindsay - 09/17/99 13:17:42
My Email:linseed@smartchat.net.au
Sex: male(or often)
Where are you from: mornington peninsula
How did you find the page?: browsing
excellent photos and enjoy watching you on tv
like your style of presenting.
will you be coming up in any new shows soon?
- 09/12/99 00:01:56
robert livingston - 08/26/99 22:52:24
Sex: male
Where are you from: gallup new mexico
How did you find the page?: searching the web
Hi teresa how are you. me i'm doing great here in new mexico. my name is robert livingston . I really like your pictures and i was wounding if you can send me a copy with your signature please. can you call me at (505)-863-8967.
robert livingston - 08/26/99 22:45:07
Tommy - 08/24/99 23:39:47
My Email:luv4eva2@hotmail.com
Sex: male
Where are you from: Australia
How did you find the page?: search
It really good
tim - 07/16/99 00:30:54
My Email:mixer17@hotmail.com
Sex: male
Where are you from: adelaide
How did you find the page?: searched for inside sport
you look HOT
G.T - 07/06/99 10:31:40
Where are you from: Logan Village Qld
How did you find the page?: Just Browsing
Terasa you are an absolute spunk
You are one of the most gorgeous australian women
you are so spectacular most of us younger males dream of having a girl like you
Rooboy - 06/21/99 21:01:09
My Email:rooboy_11@hotmail.com
What a pity Teresa has decided to cut her hair short and get a stupid nose stud! She no longer looks beautiful!
tom3641 - 05/31/99 05:11:10
My Email:tom3641@aol.com
Sex: mail
Where are you from: Las Vegas
How did you find the page?: Was told about it
Not bad need to see moor
Evan Jones - 05/30/99 10:31:45
My Email:marvan@tig.com.au
Sex: male
Where are you from: Australia
How did you find the page?: link from Jodie Mears page
Evan Jones - 05/30/99 10:31:30
My Email:marvan@tig.com.au
Sex: male
Where are you from: Australia
How did you find the page?: link from Jodie Mears page
Evan Jones - 05/30/99 10:31:13
My Email:marvan@tig.com.au
Sex: male
Where are you from: Australia
How did you find the page?: link from Jodie Mears page
peter - 03/13/99 10:25:14
Sex: yes please
Where are you from: earth
How did you find the page?: don't know
mad page this girl rocks don't ever shut it down just keep expanding it
Paul Furlong - 03/03/99 10:51:10
My Email:helfuzzy@bigpond.com
Sex: Male
Where are you from: Canberra
How did you find the page?: Television
Gorgeous Aussie Icon
- 02/26/99 11:22:21
Elwood - 02/19/99 11:12:02
My Email:renegade23_69@yahoo.com
Sex: male
Where are you from: Maine
How did you find the page?: invited to join club
If that picture was you then your one awesome looking lady.What is your club all about.All I saw was stuff about SAT's.I'm not a collage student.I would like to know more.E-mail me.
Raymond P. - 02/01/99 16:32:56
She is just ok. 12 people looked at her picture nobody liked her .....
Mike Hunt - 01/30/99 06:30:09
PLease find an e - mael address to Teresa
Mike Hunt - 01/30/99 06:28:21
PLease find an e - mael address to Teresa
Maverick - 01/17/99 10:18:20
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/jmeares
My Email:maverick@webtel.net.au
Sex: ???????????
Where are you from: Sydeny
How did you find the page?: Suave's links
She certainly is a hot one!!
well done, and very cooooool.....
- 01/11/99 23:27:17
peter cooper - 01/05/99 00:44:05
My Email:scoutdog69@aol.com
Sex: male
Where are you from: boston mass. usa
How did you find the page?: i went to sun set radio
i talk to a young lady in adelaide area and I wanted to find out more about the area that she lives in , so I cked out the radio sta. in the area thats she lives in and I went a little bit more then what I was looking for , well that about does it bye t
en , oh i thing this is great finding more about the world
Ron - 12/29/98 10:00:01
My Email:bonga@a1.com.au
Sex: male
Where are you from: Sydney
How did you find the page?: suave
great site.. keep me posted!!! Will spread the word about this sensational site
Obake - boo! - 12/21/98 01:52:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Set/1078/T.html
My Email:obake@geocities.com
Sex: not often enough
Where are you from: Gehenna
How did you find the page?: i am the knower all of ALL things
mmmm, yummy. great looking site adam. nice to see some *friendly* competition :) i better get my act together, or you 'might' start getting scans before me... na, never happen :) hehe
just be carefull of those sharks (lawyers) hahaha!
Craig Lyons - 11/21/98 11:30:38
My URL:http://members.aol.com/craigdl
My Email:craigdl@aol.com
Sex: Male
Where are you from: Peterborough, ENGLAND
How did you find the page?: From webmaster and other links pages
Nice site!! Im not much for blondes but Terasa hits the spot. Keep up the good work!!! =)
cindy - 11/09/98 22:06:57
My Email:neilcin@earthlink.net
Sex: often
Where are you from: Bloomington/Hesperia
How did you find the page?: you
Who is Terasa? How did you make up that page? Can anyone do it? Or do I have to have a master do it?? You know like you.
Roy - 11/09/98 15:30:12
My Email:blanket07@hotmail.com
Sex: male
Where are you from: Singapore
How did you find the page?: was surfing the net
a very nice "shrine" of the "Goddess"-Terasa Livingstone forever!!!
Dark Whacker - 11/06/98 00:52:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/1184/index.html
My Email:DarkWhackr@aol.com
Sex: Only when I am naked and drunk and with my self
Where are you from: ME LAND it's so sticky at this time of year
How did you find the page?: I sold my sorry soul for money but was lied to so all I got was your web page
Your web page is evil and making the world die with with sin.Please stop the evil and fix all the sins your web page makes for the kids.. Free your mind and the world from all this sin please save the kids and fix what you did for the lust of one mans sou
,...Its still not to late my dear boy
Troy - 11/05/98 23:05:36
Sex: Male
Where are you from: Traralgon.
Good page need nude pictures of her because she is a fox and has the best tits of them all??????
Troy - 11/05/98 23:03:28
Sex: Male
Where are you from: Traralgon.
10/25/98 10:03:29
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks
john manson - 10/11/98 23:41:32
My URL:http://do.not.have.one.com.au
Sex: Only with Teresa
Where are you from: A womb
How did you find the page?: Looking for some action
I have a dream where Teresa impales herself on my large juicy cock and then i pull out just in time to cum all over her body. I hope dreams do come true.
Mola-Ram - 10/11/98 11:14:10
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/hollybrisley/
My Email:mola-ram@usa.net
Sex: I'm a real man.
Where are you from: Perth, Western Australia
How did you find the page?: Linked from some joint...
Okay man, its looking good. If you're absolutely desperate for original Terasa vidcaps, visit my page (soon to be operational again) and raid the galleries. You're bound to stumble across a few pics with Rasa in them. They ain't much but hey, you get what
you pay for. Stay cool, hombre.
Cindy - 09/30/98 07:35:11 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |