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My Botcon Picture Page... Ugly, but functional. |
"Hello, what have we here?" It's Shaun! With a mouthful of chocolatey goodness! |
"Look, the Shauns are pantsless, in Iowa, I think they're doing just fine." |
Even in the middle of nowhere, Galvatron is serviced by his lackeys. |
No smart ass comments here, just two words: Sailor Shaun. |
The coolest celebrity I met at Botcon. Really a down to earth kinda guy. This picture is of our lunch together. (It's a little out of
focus.) |
A true sandwich artist, Scott McNeil signs a Subway(tm) sandwich. :> |
Following suit, Jim Byrnes leaves his mark on the very same footlong. :> |
Yeah this site is basic, if you don't like it, stick it. :> Anyhow, the legal stuff, if it's copyrighted by you, you own it. I use for purely
recreational purposes with no intent on profit and such. God knows I don't wanna piss off any lawyers. |