01-17-04: A few months back I received my first paying professional journalism gig. Wasn't much, I just proofread a book for Pojo.com, but it was a good experience, and I'm proud of my work. Anyway, you can buy the book at Amazon here.
Main Menu - Stuff to See and Do
- My Live Journal Updated whenever I get a chance.
- My Flickr Account Also updated whenever I get a chance. Please comment.
- Grendel - The Devil's Catalog A Guide to Matt Wagner's Masterwork
- A Complete Catalog listing of all Grendel Comics, Toys, and Merchandise. Unfortunately I've lost all the images I had up here, and am SLOWLY in the process of updating them. And I do mean SLOWLY.
- Writings and ColumnsHere's the treasure trove, recent scholarly papers from my tenure at UCLA as an undergrad, a few older papers I wrote at SMC or Mesa Community College, and all of the columns I wrote for TKTV.NET. This is actually updated quite often now.
- Film and Video Reviews Introduction. You can now skip directly to the Video Reviews or the Film Reviews - Both are really no longer updated, as I don't find the time to review anything anymore. However, if you would like me to review something, shoot me an email.
- Some Links I Like
- Please support my friends and neighbors, they'd support you if they could lift you.
- Who am I and why should you care.
- Check out my Auctions on E-Bay - Cards, Comics and whatever I feel like selling, ASSuming that I have stuff on ebay at the moment.
Send me email (or hate mail or comments or whatever)to:
WMNOE@YAHOO.COM. I don't promise to respond, but I'll read it.
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Monger (Joe Shreve) made this!