Welcome to my the Good Will Hunting guestbook! I hope you have sign it or already have signed it.

Faizal Doest - 12/27/00 10:47:54
My Email:Faizal@cycosmos.co.uk
Where are you from?: Amsterdam
Where did you here about this website?: I didn't
Favorite GWH character?: Matt Damon
Favorite scene?: "It's not your fault"
What should I improve and why?: It's cool this way.
Your favorite website: Don't have 1.

I personally am a huge fan of Damon-flicks and everything around it, so I think U should go on with this site. Keep it goin', dude.

Anne-So - 09/30/00 17:55:51
Where are you from?: France,studying in UK
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo!
Favorite GWH character?: Sean and Will
Favorite scene?: "It's not my fault"

This film is one of the better one I have ever watched.And I have lived the same scene when they are in Sean's office and Will cries about his past life(beating)telling It's not his fault.Really moving!And I used to sit in the same pub Will and his girlfr end are in the film(near Harvard)Excuse-me for my bad English.Bye.

Henry - 09/28/00 23:26:39
My Email:OnTheCouch@aol.com
Where are you from?: NY
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Lambou

Hi... Does anybody happen to remember the GWH commercials and trailers? Well, the song played during those adverstisements is INCREDIBLE. I was hoping if anybody happens to know any info about the song played during its commercial, will you please let me now? Thanks a lot! Really appreciate it!

ShelbyMarie - 09/17/00 05:48:19
My Email:hollywood_star23@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: OhiO
Favorite GWH character?: WILL!!!!! and skylar

the line goes "21 now, legally aloud to drink so we figured the best thing for ya kid was a car" and "Will, i cant belive you brought skylar here when we are all bombed and drinkin" "yeah morgan, it be a real rairity we all be drinkin" Just a lil help for ya!

Ryan Costigan - 09/13/00 21:34:49
My Email:rdc463@aol.com
Where are you from?: Boston
Where did you here about this website?: just found it
Favorite scene?: "My boy's wicked smart"
What should I improve and why?: pictures


terry smallcomb - 09/06/00 05:00:44
My Email:tballz157@aol.com
Where are you from?: South Boston
Where did you here about this website?: looked around
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: when Chuck tells Will thats he better not stay in southie

This is the best movie i have everseen in my life and the whole story is ballzy

Barabàs Orsolya - 08/30/00 16:53:34
My Email:barabasi@libero.it
Where are you from?: Milan, but Im Hungarian
Where did you here about this website?: from the www.tdfilm.com
Favorite GWH character?: Will and Chuckie
Favorite scene?: There are a lot, but at the and, when Ben Affleck doesnt find Will at home. The script is fantastic!

Good Will Hunting is a fantastic film. Matt Damon a great actor and his friend, Ben, too. And Robin Williams, of course, but we knew that. The most fantastic thing in this movie is the script. This site is good, there are some pictures, that Ive had never seen before. Great job! Bye!!

Tim Smallcomb - 08/28/00 18:01:21
My Email:TJShamrock7@aol.com
Where are you from?: Boston, MA
Where did you here about this website?: yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Will, Chuck, Morgan
Favorite scene?: Will @ the Harvard bar; Will @ the N.S.A.
What should I improve and why?: nothing
Your favorite website: www.prowrestling.com

Good Will Hunting gives Bostonians a real sense of pride. Finally, a movie that does not take place in New York or L.A. The situations and street talk are ones that I am familiar with, so the film really touched home. With respect to the classics, the est film ever made.

stephanie - 08/16/00 22:48:22
My URL:http://www.
My Email:RUFUSTEPH@aol.com
Where are you from?: south of France
Favorite GWH character?: Robin Williams
Favorite scene?: Sean and Will in front of the lake
What should I improve and why?: it's ok like this!
Your favorite website: miramax

Except Forrest Gump, this is the only movie that completly turns me on, really. I think Affleck and Damon deserve their Academy Award, it's a "chef d'oeuvre!". It taught me a lot, above all, not to be coward, and to be honest with the others and with myse f. In a word, brilliant !

Aline - 08/10/00 18:19:40
Where did you here about this website?: affleck.com
Favorite GWH character?: morgan, ben, matt, minnie
Favorite scene?: i don't love you

thanks for this site, it's great!!

Jerry Hsieh - 08/09/00 21:31:36
My Email:jhsieh1@mail.utexas.edu
Where are you from?: Austin

I'm glad to see a website up about this movie. It's actually one of my favorites, I've already seen it atleast ten times

Fan - 08/04/00 23:14:53
Where are you from?: BG


Kate - 07/07/00 23:19:44
Where are you from?: California
Where did you here about this website?: Surfed On In
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: It's not your fault.

I absolutely love this movie! It is one of my top two or three movies of all times! The "It's not your fault" scene gets me everytime! I'm bawling like a baby! Everyone did such a fabulous job with this movie. I discover so much each time I watch this movie. It definitely should have won the Oscar instead of Titanic! Please!!!!!!! Great

jeff - 06/21/00 04:15:05
My URL:http://home.aol.com/dkzjaz
My Email:waljaz@aol.com
Where are you from?: st. louis
Where did you here about this website?: yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: will
Favorite scene?: will and skylar @ outside cafe
What should I improve and why?: more options
Your favorite website: miramax

i though your website was very cool. i'm glad some people have made websites devoted to the movie.

danielle - 06/12/00 00:23:26
My Email:girlazz@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: iowa :(
Where did you here about this website?: i dunno
Favorite GWH character?: will
Favorite scene?: where wills in the bar bitchin at clark
What should I improve and why?: nothin', cuz its fine
Your favorite website: dont really have one, but would you like me to say this one? :)

email me sometime if ya want... :) word up and freak out..

amphrodia - 06/08/00 18:37:17
My Email:amphrodia@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Hawaii
Where did you here about this website?: yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: everyone! It's my favorite movie.
Favorite scene?: the "it's not your fault" scene, and any with Morgan, and the guys!
What should I improve and why?: Nothing, I like it.
Your favorite website: Don't have one

I love GWH, that and GATTACA, are my favorite movies.

Kadri - 04/21/00 21:33:17
Where are you from?: Estonia
Where did you here about this website?: from yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: skylar and will and the others
Favorite scene?: I can't choose. You have done one great selection though.
What should I improve and why?: the pictures under the text isn't a very good idea
Your favorite website: my yahoo mail page

I was so surprised how good it was, did't expect, that one film can have such a big impact on me. But it did.

tim - 04/14/00 02:32:11


Anthony - 03/30/00 01:45:44
My Email:Jellybelly@tweety22.freeserve.co.uk
Where are you from?: Scotland
Where did you here about this website?: Stumbled
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: When his mates go over to pick him up and he's gone-and the new seating arrangements.
What should I improve and why?: Liked it all, just keep it available

Nice site excellent movie and always good to listen to the good parts on your website

Amy - 03/29/00 14:44:15
My Email:ularra@lake.ollusa.edu
Where are you from?: San Antonio, TX
Where did you here about this website?: searched on net
Favorite GWH character?: Billy!!!
Favorite scene?: Any with Billy!
What should I improve and why?: More pics of Billy!
Your favorite website: don't have one

I guess you can tell by now that I am a huge Cole Hauser fan. I wish that he got the press that he deserves because he is emerging into a great character actor and I hope to see more of him at the movies and on this internet site!

christine Harris - 03/22/00 16:54:46
My URL:http://Yahoo.com
My Email:Flower-Power_


steph - 03/15/00 00:53:39
My Email:stef@chickmail.com
Where are you from?: new mexico
Where did you here about this website?: www.affleck.com
Favorite GWH character?: Ben Affleck's character =) and Skyler
Favorite scene?: Fake job interview
What should I improve and why?: Maybe make the layout more snappy, and the background makes it hard to read the text.
Your favorite website: www.affleck.com

Great site for a great movie!

mayleine olfindo - 03/12/00 04:55:20
My Email:kleinekisses@mailcity.com
Where are you from?: catanduanes,philippines
Where did you here about this website?: searching yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: will hunting
Favorite scene?: will and seanin the swan lake
What should I improve and why?: nothing
Your favorite website: www.yahoo.com

The movie is nicely done.Almost close to perfection!!!I've seen the movie hundreds of times but i just don't feel stucked up with it!

Joseph - 03/07/00 14:37:40
My Email:j_springmeyer@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: missouri
Where did you here about this website?: searching yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: morgan
Favorite scene?: wish I had a double burger
What should I improve and why?: nothing
Your favorite website: psychedelic realm

i feel this movie touched places in are heart that other movies have never reached, thats what makes this movie great.

Joseph Springmeyer - 03/07/00 14:35:55
My Email:j_springmeyer@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: missouri
Where did you here about this website?: searching yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: morgan
Favorite scene?: wish I had a double burger
What should I improve and why?: nothing
Your favorite website: psychedelic realm

i feel this movie touched places in are heart that other movies have never reached, thats what makes this movie great.

Christine - 02/21/00 09:53:50
My URL:/christinenl13/ChristinesCloset.html?951046152670
My Email:CNLflowerpower@aol.com
Where are you from?: San Luis Obispo, CA
Where did you here about this website?: just a yahoo search
Favorite GWH character?: Will of course, and Chucky <3
Favorite scene?: when Sean is telling Will that its not his fault, and when Will is telling Skylar that she doesn't want to hear about his problems
What should I improve and why?: more quotes, the ones you have are great, there are some other great lines
Your favorite website: this one and American Beauty's

Great Job, you did the movie justice, and I love coming here!

Cian Murphy - 02/12/00 23:55:27
My URL:http://surf.to/cianmurf
My Email:cianmurf@eircom.net
Where are you from?: Ireland
Where did you here about this website?: Altavista
Favorite GWH character?: None
Favorite scene?: Pep talk from Ben Affleck "In 20 years..."
What should I improve and why?: Nothing
Your favorite website: The last one I visited

Nice site, great film... get in touch ne1?

CARLOS IBARRA - 02/12/00 01:19:53
My URL:http://YAHOO@.COM
My Email:NEO_3041@YAHOO.COM
Where are you from?: MADRID,SPAIN
Where did you here about this website?: I FOUND IT
Favorite GWH character?: WILL HUNTING
Your favorite website: ALL ABAUT MOVIES AND GIRLS


CARLOS IBARRA - 02/12/00 01:19:32
My URL:http://YAHOO@.COM
My Email:NEO_3041@YAHOO.COM
Where are you from?: MADRID,SPAIN
Where did you here about this website?: I FOUND IT
Favorite GWH character?: WILL HUNTING
Your favorite website: ALL ABAUT MOVIES AND GIRLS


jessica davies - 02/09/00 16:57:24
My Email:dont remember
Where are you from?: england
Where did you here about this website?: found it
Favorite GWH character?: MORGAN
Favorite scene?: anything with morgan in it
What should I improve and why?: nothing
Your favorite website: ww.affleck.com

The film was ab fab and so were ben and casey

jessica davies - 02/09/00 16:53:04


panos - 02/07/00 15:17:50
My Email:abp9c8@bangor.ac.uk
Where are you from?: greece
Where did you here about this website?: accidentaly
Favorite GWH character?: will
Favorite scene?: it's not your fault...EXCELLENT IS NOT ENOUGH
What should I improve and why?: nothing,it's ok


ZaRkaN - 02/06/00 13:00:25
My Email:zarkan@free.fr
Where are you from?: Paris
Where did you here about this website?: Altavista
Favorite GWH character?: Skylar
Favorite scene?: It's not your fault
Your favorite website: All 'bout that I like


lauren - 01/18/00 12:40:29
My Email:ihatemrwohlman@mailbox.co.za
Where are you from?: south africa
Where did you here about this website?: links
Favorite GWH character?: sean
Favorite scene?: when he puts the letter in seans post box and sean receives it
What should I improve and why?: nothing everythings great

i love your home page and gwh is my best movie thanx

laura - 01/05/00 05:02:22
My Email:lbales@home.com
Where are you from?: massachusetts
Where did you here about this website?: it was off a link at imdb.com
Favorite GWH character?: chuckie
Favorite scene?: the double burger scene
What should I improve and why?: my history grades, they are slipping and I want the opportunity to get into a good university.
Your favorite website: this one

I think this is a wonderful movie. Greatly directed and beautifully acted. It was the best movie I had ever seen that yea

laura - 01/05/00 05:01:42
My Email:lbales@home.com
Where are you from?: massachusetts
Where did you here about this website?: it was off a link at imdb.com
Favorite GWH character?: chuckie
Favorite scene?: the double burger scene
What should I improve and why?: my history grades, they are slipping and I want the opportunity to get into a good university.
Your favorite website: this one

I think this is a wonderful movie. Greatly directed and beautifully acted. It was the best movie I had ever seen that yea

Samantha - 01/04/00 16:26:00
My Email:Jewperstar@aol.com or SAMMIE224@aol.com
Where are you from?: Tallahassee, Florida
Where did you here about this website?: Found it on a web search on YAHOO!
Favorite GWH character?: Will (of course).
Favorite scene?: Will and Chuckie at construction site when Chuckie tells Will that if he still lives there in 20 years he will kill Will.
What should I improve and why?: Skylar is spelled Skyla.

Your summary is vague, but all in all it is okay, I guess. It's such a great film and I would have liked to see a little more about behind the scenes of GWH. Thanks

??????????? - 01/03/00 22:21:53
My Email:??????????
Where are you from?: Canada
Where did you here about this website?: yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: CHUCKIE
Favorite scene?: DOUBLE BURGER IN CAR!!!!!!!!
What should I improve and why?: dont know, but don't like the green
Your favorite website: www.matrixmovie.com


Cyro - 12/28/99 21:02:28
My Email:cyro-x@excite.com
Where are you from?: Boston
Where did you here about this website?: Search engine
Favorite GWH character?: Robin Williams
Favorite scene?: "if your here 20 years from now.."
Your favorite website: www.comtech.com

Great site...but one critism...your version of the plot totally removes and excitement from it...you make the film sound like a piece of shit, whens probably the best film ever made in the last 20 years...its sure as hell better than that Titanic bullshit ..do me a favour dont go writing out plots when you have no clue...you'll get it wrong.

ET - 12/23/99 04:58:00
Where are you from?: HK
Where did you here about this website?: yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: So much

The colour of the homepage is really bad formy eyes!!! But everything goes well!!~.~

Stephanie Bye - 11/12/99 02:47:59
My Email:sbye4@aol.com
Where are you from?: lockport,ny
Where did you here about this website?: yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: At the Harvard bar, when Skylar first asks Will if he would like to go out for a cup of coffee sometime
What should I improve and why?: nothing, it was wonderful


Stephanie Bye - 11/12/99 02:43:37
My Email:sbye4@aol.com
Where are you from?: lockport,ny
Where did you here about this website?: yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: At the Harvard bar, when Skylar first asks Will if he would like to go out for a cup of coffee sometime
What should I improve and why?: nothing, it was wonderful


gary - 11/08/99 03:00:08
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wi/minime21/index.html
My Email:minime2120@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: WI
Where did you here about this website?: no where
Favorite GWH character?: chuckie
Favorite scene?: when the 4 of them kick those guys asses
What should I improve and why?: u should improve your whole site
Your favorite website: mine

Damn, way to ruin the movie with this shitty site! Your review of the movie was soo bad, u went from one thing to another, it was in no order at all. Also what u said about the movie, made no sense at all in your synopsis, learn to write....PLEASE, over a l, your page sucked shit..i give it a -3

Jay - 11/04/99 21:19:35

The site is nice, but the blue links and green background don't work well on the eyes.

caroline babey - 10/29/99 13:27:57
My Email:babeyc@cardiff.ac.uk
Where are you from?: england
Where did you here about this website?: didnt
Favorite GWH character?: robin williams
Favorite scene?: bench monolouge
Your favorite website: this one


marlow mercer - 10/15/99 20:39:54
My Email:marlow20@hotmail
Where are you from?: LaConner Washington
Where did you here about this website?: yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: When they kiss on 1st date.
What should I improve and why?: nothing


- 10/14/99 00:10:46
My Email:angel190@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Iowa
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: Do you like apples...?
Your favorite website: There's too many to list


Donnny - 10/08/99 14:44:21
My URL:/SunsetStrip/Palms/7402
My Email:skincrawl@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: originally new rochelle...right now staten island next month shit who knows
Where did you here about this website?: wanted the quote reguarding why he didnt want to work for the nsa
Favorite GWH character?: minnie driver because shes a hottie but hands down...will, hes a trip
Favorite scene?: shit...the harvard bar scene...that was awesome
What should I improve and why?: put more lines in ...like the one from the bar
Your favorite website: rotten dot com or the weather channel online

woop ass the movie rocks gus van sant is great.

Melissa - 09/29/99 23:38:03
My URL:/SoHo/Nook/6285
My Email:melissa_norton@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Allendale, Michigan-the excitement capital of the world!
Where did you here about this website?: the links page on affleck.com
Favorite GWH character?: Chucky!
Favorite scene?: "retainer" it's the funniest thing in the world
What should I improve and why?: Okay-I love the favorite lines page, but it's a little hard to read
Your favorite website: Oh..shameless self-plug-mine!!!

the site's great-really cool.

Jennifer Carlson - 09/18/99 04:05:33
My Email:iloveprettyboy@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Hibbing, Mn
Where did you here about this website?: searched for "GWH"
Favorite GWH character?: Skylar
Favorite scene?: When Skylar & Will are shopping & Will does his magic trick.
What should I improve and why?: some quotes are slightly off
Your favorite website: bobdylan.com

This is my all-time favorite movie. I melt when he says, "I had to go see about a girl." Ben Affleck is the prettiest pretty boy in the world. Plus, this movie got me into worshipping Elliott Smith. Funky site!

Frances - 09/14/99 06:46:33
Where are you from?: Auckland, New Zealand
Where did you here about this website?: yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: WILL WILL WILL (and billy)
Favorite scene?: All of them but especially "Its not your fault" *EXCELLENT*
What should I improve and why?: Ummmmm - get back 2 you


Dee - 09/12/99 03:43:03
My Email:vwdee@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: San Diego, CA
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Billy
Favorite scene?: On the way to the Harvard Bar
What should I improve and why?: Maybe some misc. stuff should be added?
Your favorite website: Lots

I have a question....is the Billy character wearing a Claddaugh ring? And if so, which hand is it on? For the life of me I can't tell in the movie.

Dongrul Shin - 08/27/99 04:40:41
My Email:dongrul@hanmail.net
Where are you from?: South Korea
Where did you here about this website?: Just LOOKING FOR
Favorite GWH character?: Sean
Favorite scene?: When Will was cring in front of Sean


Jean - 08/20/99 22:19:00
My Email:blue1006@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: MN
Where did you here about this website?: on the internet...
Favorite GWH character?: Morgan of course
Favorite scene?: all of them
What should I improve and why?: quotes, you should have more from other guys, too, not just Will
Your favorite website: www.affleck.com

I got GWH for my birthday (which incidentally is the same as Ben Affleck's) and have seen it about 6 times since then. It's my second fav movie, after Billy Madison.

kate - 08/12/99 19:44:07
Where are you from?: dc
Favorite GWH character?: morgan
Favorite scene?: mothers 900#

its actually later CHARGES at the public library not fee

tal arditty - 07/28/99 09:04:26
My Email:talRDT@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Israel
Where did you here about this website?: yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Will and Skyler
Favorite scene?: n.s.a
Your favorite website: there are lots of them..


Julien - 07/17/99 19:05:54
My Email:vmbriard@9bit.qc.ca
Where are you from?: ~ Montreal, Canada
Where did you here about this website?: i was looking for quotes of my favorite movies
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: the Bar and the riverfront scene
What should I improve and why?: no need to
Your favorite website: www.underworld.net/radiohead

i really like your «Favorite Lines» page. Keep up the good work!!!

Mary - 07/03/99 02:09:11
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mb/dolphins/index.html
My Email:Mary917@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Ohio
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo Search
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: When he is in Shawn's office and says' Let the healing begin'
What should I improve and why?: Add a few more things.
Your favorite website: Don't know

I like what you have so far on your web site. You did a really good job. If you have time visit my website and sign my guestbook. Leave your banner if you have one in it too! :) Thanks!

Rudy P. - 06/17/99 20:05:19
My Email:river-phoenix1@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: michigan
Where did you here about this website?: yahoo search
Favorite GWH character?: will or chucky
Favorite scene?: nsa
What should I improve and why?: Get a script and post it
Your favorite website: this website so far

ok I love this site its the best on i have seen yet but the only things i think should be improved is if he had the script and the soundtrack( well the artists on it)

yoon hyuk, choi - 06/17/99 02:39:05
Where are you from?: taegu, south korea
Favorite GWH character?: will( matt damon)
Favorite scene?: it is not your fault
What should I improve and why?: very impressive to me
Your favorite website: this site

come and see this movie!!!!!! Feel all this man (matt damon)!!!! oh~~~~~

Erin - 06/13/99 15:25:06
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me2/erinscastle/index.html
My Email:snowqueen28@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Maine
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Why Will Of Course
Favorite scene?: The Bar Scene
What should I improve and why?: More information, be creative!
Your favorite website: mine :) or this one www.treacle.com

stupid me...this will probably be sent to you twice...I always hate it when people do that in my guestbook. I enjoyed your site, loved the sounds :) overall I give it two thumbs up :P

Erin - 06/13/99 15:23:39
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me2/erinscastle/index.html
My Email:snowqueen28@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Maine
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Why Will Of Course
Favorite scene?: The Bar Scene


Dani - 06/01/99 14:49:46
My Email:peach181@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Canada
Where did you here about this website?: fell upon it
Favorite GWH character?: Ben'n' Minnie
Favorite scene?: has to be the kiss at the cafe
What should I improve and why?: nada

i just can't believe how many of you find Matt Damon*gasp* attractive,well anyway we all truly know who the really sexy Good Will Hunting star is BEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Laura - 05/29/99 00:58:56
Where are you from?: Fairfax Station, Va
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: The scene where Will and Skylar are eating lunch. It's cool because both of Matt and Ben's moms are in the background eating.
What should I improve and why?: nada
Your favorite website: www.lovecalculator.com

Very cool website. P.S. I've met Ben Affleck, he's a really charming and hilarious guy.Plus he's even better looking in person!

Laura - 05/29/99 00:58:36
Where are you from?: Fairfax Station, Va
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: The scene where Will and Skylar are eating lunch. It's cool because both of Matt and Ben's moms are in the background eating.
What should I improve and why?: nada
Your favorite website: www.lovecalculator.com

Very cool website. P.S. I've met Ben Affleck, he's a really charming and hilarious guy.Plus he's even better looking in person!

Adam - 05/23/99 16:56:46
My Email:slimshady2000@webtv.net
Where are you from?: U.S.
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: The part where Robin William's was talking to Will about life, and when Robin was in the Army
What should I improve and why?: Nothing, just my favorite part when they were on the bench, Can you get me what they say? Like Robin William's qoute
Your favorite website: Don't have one

Can you get me what Robin William's Was talking to Will? Whe robin say's like..... "You don't know what it's like to be next to someone and be truely happy. You Don't know what it's like to hold a wonded soilder in you're arms. If i ask you about war you ll give me shake spear.." Could you get me all that? What i said it was kinda missing.

debbie - 05/01/99 23:01:28
My Email:debhm@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Florence


Jessica Ramirez - 04/27/99 20:19:10
My Email:mebs985831@aol.com
Where are you from?: Chicago, IL.
Where did you here about this website?: on the street
Favorite GWH character?: Will or lets say Matt
Favorite scene?: every sceen that Matt was in
What should I improve and why?: who are you???????
Your favorite website: every one but this one

come too me Matt

Jennifer Ford - 04/27/99 20:13:04
My Email:AJLAgirl@AOL.com
Where are you from?: Chicago, IL
Where did you here about this website?: Nobody
Favorite GWH character?: Matt Damon (Will Hunting)
Favorite scene?: When he was really mad w/Minnie Driver and he like punched the wall or something
What should I improve and why?: Get about 500 more pics of Matt Damon
Your favorite website: Not this one

I luv Matt Damon. He is soooo hot! Caliente!!!!! I would seriously get w/Matt if he wanted me to. He is so cool...And Ben Affleck is a scrub.

Robyn - 04/23/99 18:07:21
Where are you from?: England
Where did you here about this website?: found it
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: the end bit

I love the film - it's so cute.

Michael Warner - 04/19/99 10:14:48
My URL:http://beastieboys.home-page.org
My Email:mwarner@powercom.com.au
Where are you from?: Australia

Which actor won an oscar for best supporting actor? please tell me as I need to know for a school assignment. please email me. thankyou

scott marshall - 04/17/99 19:00:58
My Email:taylorman053196@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: richardson tx
Where did you here about this website?: from a link
Favorite GWH character?: ben afflieck
Favorite scene?: the whole darn movie

the moviw was excellent 2 thumbs up!

scott marshall - 04/17/99 19:00:19
My Email:taylorman053196@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: richardson tx
Where did you here about this website?: from a link
Favorite GWH character?: ben afflieck
Favorite scene?: the whole darn movie


Mai-Liis - 04/10/99 17:41:02
My URL:http://www.Geocities.com/Hollywood/Theater/1102
Where are you from?: Canada
Where did you here about this website?: affleck.com
Favorite GWH character?: Chuckie
Favorite scene?: apples :)
What should I improve and why?: nothing :)
Your favorite website: www.affleck.com

Brilliant site :)

Todd - 04/08/99 14:20:58
Where are you from?: Sullivan, MO
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo directory
Favorite GWH character?: Will Hunting
Favorite scene?: When Will makes fun of the Harvard guy in the bar.
What should I improve and why?: nothing

I love the site. However, I would not mind seeing the seen where Will makes fun of the Harvard guy being in the quotes section.

Sasha - 04/03/99 17:02:47
My Email:hbthea@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Philippines
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo Directory
Favorite GWH character?: Ben Affleck
Favorite scene?: Solving the Math Problem
What should I improve and why?: nothing
Your favorite website: Many to mentio

This is a great site!!!! Hope to see more of your sites! good luck!

Chris Brundage - 04/01/99 19:40:40
My Email:cfb924@aol.com
Where are you from?: Quincy Massachusetts
Where did you here about this website?: Browsing
Favorite GWH character?: Sean
Favorite scene?: Fisk's home run
What should I improve and why?: nothing

I liked this websit a lot. It was very good. Chris

Rich G - 03/16/99 22:43:06
My Email:grssmann@wpe.com
Where are you from?: NY
Where did you here about this website?: Surfing
Favorite GWH character?: Sean
Favorite scene?: Swan Lake
What should I improve and why?: Looks good to me.

GWH is a great movie with a GREAT cast. Robin Williams just gets better and better and Matt is a gifted young man.

BC - 03/12/99 18:18:40
My Email:cahillb@logan-elm.k12.oh.us
Where are you from?: home
Where did you here about this website?: just found it
Favorite GWH character?: Ben's character
Favorite scene?: either the "why shouldn't I work for the N.S.A." or "do you like apples"....one of those
What should I improve and why?: absolutely nothing...it's all good
Your favorite website: i don't know what my fav. website is but i do know that this is definately my fav. GWH site

This is the best Good Will Hunting page I have ever found! You did aa awesome job Justin! If that's really your name...is it? Well I guess I'll have to believe you for now, but I'm not gonna let it slide as easily next time. Kidding! I don't even know wha I'm talking about. Just wanted to let you know that I was looking for the quote "Why shouldn't I work for the N.S.A.?" And I looked everywhere and your site was the only place I could find it. so I just thought I'd say thanks to you for putting it on you site, so I didn't have to go insane looking for it. Anyway, thanks a lot! By the way, did I tell you your website's awesome! Well it is. See ya.

Ambrosia - 03/08/99 22:59:53
My Email:bluedragonrider_@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: ontario
Where did you here about this website?: through yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Skylar
Favorite scene?: when will and skylar have their first kiss at lunch.
What should I improve and why?: this page is pretty good so far, i see no reason to change it.
Your favorite website: http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/2549/main.html

man, not only is this a good movie, but a really good web page. this is great, keep it up man! Blue Dragon Rider

Missy - 03/07/99 20:31:20
My URL:http://members.aol.com/mookyntay3
My Email:Mookyntay3@aol.com
Where are you from?: CT
Where did you here about this website?: on yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Will, love his accent but Skyla is awesome and i love robin williams
Favorite scene?: ya like apples?.. you know the line
What should I improve and why?: well i came looking for soundclips from the soundtrack but i still love your site, maybe you could find some mp3s of some of the songs

good job, the website looks great!

C.J. Friedman - 03/03/99 18:49:05
My Email:jay@electro-net.com
Where are you from?: Florida
Where did you here about this website?: No where inparticular
Favorite GWH character?: Will Hunting or Chuckie
Favorite scene?: When Chukie tells Will that if in twenty years, he still lives there, still comes over to watch Patriot games, and still works constrution, he'll fuckin' kill you. That's not a threat, that's a fact, I'll fuckin' kill you.
What should I improve and why?: nothing
Your favorite website: Probably the ones about GWH and Prince William

I really like how you put in quotes from the movie. It was neat. Keep up the good work. I love GWH.

Cari - 02/25/99 20:34:52
My Email:cari49@aol.com
Where are you from?: Seattle
Where did you here about this website?: Accidentally
Favorite GWH character?: Chuckie, Skylar, Morgan
Favorite scene?: Chuckie and Will talking over the hood of the pickup about Will wasting his gift.
What should I improve and why?: More Ben interviews!!
Your favorite website: The unofficial Casey and Ben Affleck website or www.viewaskew.com

I loved "Good Will Hunting". It was so funny and so moving. I'm glad you have dedicated a site to it. I have to tell you, though, "Shakespeare in Love" is better! Oh, and Ben Affleck is the world's most beautiful man.

CHRISTINE EARLY 'THE QUEEN' - 02/24/99 15:19:08
My Email:www.christineearly.com
Where are you from?: MARS
Where did you here about this website?: from my intellectual brain
Favorite GWH character?: Will
What should I improve and why?: 'My Body'
Your favorite website: Elle McPhearson

I love 'Good Will Hunting' so much I have to watch it at least once a day, if not more! When will there be a sequal? Can I star in it? After all I am 'The Body'. XXX

CHRISTINE EARLY 'THE QUEEN' - 02/24/99 15:13:50
Where are you from?: MARS
Where did you here about this website?: from my intellectual brain


Lindsey Seward - 02/23/99 03:02:29
My Email:Sewy_117@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Colorado
Where did you here about this website?: just found it
Favorite GWH character?: Will Hunting
Favorite scene?: Skylar and Will
What should I improve and why?: Not a thing
Your favorite website: Don't know

Your page is really cool. You did a really nice job! Keep it up.

- 02/20/99 21:15:27


kg - 02/19/99 01:21:14
My Email:kg160@barnard.columbia.edu
Where are you from?: Berkeley, CA
Where did you here about this website?: www.affleck.com
Favorite GWH character?: chuckie and morgan
Favorite scene?: harvard bar
Your favorite website: www.viewaskew.com

My fave lines: Morgan: "I swallowed a bug" and Morgan: "What the fuck are we gonna do that we can't spare 15 minutes?"

Brad Kessler - 02/07/99 03:50:42
My Email:kesslerb@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: pratt ks
Favorite GWH character?: chuckie
Favorite scene?: riding in car-sandwich
What should I improve and why?: Trivia?
Your favorite website: view askew

Good Will Hunting is definetly one of my all time favorite movies. Ben Affleck and Matt Damon are great actors. If I had a web site I'd probably have Good Will Hunting on it because I love movies check out other Ben Affleck movies @ View Askew.com.

Mark Wendell Dela Cruz - 02/06/99 12:11:25
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/bullhead
My Email:bullhead@angelfire.com
Where are you from?: Davao City, Phils.
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo search
Favorite GWH character?: Will Hunt
Favorite scene?: "It's not your fault"
What should I improve and why?: intelligence
Your favorite website: http://www.angelfire.com

This web site is great. Thank God! I would'nt have to worry about my reaction paper on this movie. Thanks!

Mark Wendell Dela Cruz - 02/06/99 12:08:47
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/bullhead
My Email:bullhead@angelfire.com
Where are you from?: Davao City
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo search
Favorite GWH character?: Will Hunt
Favorite scene?: "It's not your fault"
What should I improve and why?: intelligence
Your favorite website: http://www.angelfire.com

This web site is great. Thank God! I would'nt have to worry about my reaction paper on this movie. Thanks!

PETE - 02/05/99 15:28:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Island/6074
My Email:kingpjh@banet.net
Where are you from?: Bronx,NYC
Favorite GWH character?: Chuckie
Favorite scene?: "Retainer!!"
Your favorite website: www.viewaskew.com


PETE - 02/05/99 15:27:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/


PETE - 02/05/99 15:27:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/


Mitchymouse - 02/01/99 22:01:18
Where are you from?: UK/USA... depends
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo Search
Favorite GWH character?: Will/ Sean
Favorite scene?: Harvard Bar
What should I improve and why?: Transcript maybe....

Anyone know how long it took the guys to sell the screenplay or who their agent was? E-me of you do............

Gavin - 01/21/99 12:04:12
My Email:gplumley.new@monmouth.monm.sch.uk
Where are you from?: London
Where did you here about this website?: Found it by chance
Favorite GWH character?: Will Hunting... not suprisingly


Rosebud - 01/20/99 21:02:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/trommfamily/kelly.html
My Email:kellydawn98@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: LaLa Land
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: When Robin Williams says that Will stole his life...
What should I improve and why?: NOTHING!!!

Great page about a perfect movie! Don't change a thing!

Todd Goranflo - 01/14/99 20:51:26
My Email:thetodd@sky.net
Where are you from?: Olathe, KS
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo Search
Favorite GWH character?: Robin Williams
Favorite scene?: The park bench scene in front of the pond.
Your favorite website: www.cannondale.com

Incredible movie! The best one to come along in many years. If anyone has a DVD player, but this movie! There's some really good deleted scenes and little extras that can only be found on the DVD format.

noel levesque - 01/11/99 00:28:04
My Email:blanotam 39 a hotmail.com
Where are you from?: stewart b.c.
Where did you here about this website?: a friend
Favorite GWH character?: matt damon
Favorite scene?: matt damon smiling
What should I improve and why?: smiling ben afleck
Your favorite website: matt damon

matt damon is so hot you guys are the best exept for ben afleck he only good in armeggedon

claire_riis - 01/10/99 02:35:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/soho/square/7438
My Email:claire_riis@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: california
Where did you here about this website?: yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: the bar scene where Will told off the Micheal-Bolton clone
What should I improve and why?: Minnie Driver's character's name is Skylar with an r
Your favorite website: caffeinated magazine

Great site! Keep it up!

Elina - 01/08/99 10:46:14
My Email:elinapaakala@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Finland
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: When Will is screaming to Skylar, and she says she loves him and "it´s not your fault...

Hi... I was searcing something about Justin Hall, because I saw this document last summer... I was wondering, are you this same guy..? Justin Hall is this strange but great web-guy... or something... I cant find his site anywhere... I hope, someone can an wer me... Ou, I loves the movie, it was great!!!

sanjiv limbu - 01/07/99 00:58:06
My URL:http://none
My Email:thebe70@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Florida
Where did you here about this website?: yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: will
Favorite scene?: 'It's not your fault'
What should I improve and why?: no comments
Your favorite website: none

"This movie is the story of my life and I could relate a lot to the main character.Matt Damon is excellent as a actor and the screenplay is written very intelligently.I am also waiting for a character like Robin Williams to come into my life,but I guess t at happens only in the movies,not in the realistic world.

- 01/05/99 03:29:02
Where are you from?: pa
Favorite scene?: all
What should I improve and why?: I think it would be chillin if you could get a transcript

Great site..about a great movie

Diddlmaus - 01/05/99 00:54:28
Where are you from?: Ljubljana,Slovenija
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Chuck

Fenks for this great site,keep on doing this great job.AJD'!

Stephanie The Great - 01/04/99 21:57:10
My Email:bah
Where are you from?: bah
Where did you here about this website?: hobgoblin
Favorite GWH character?: ummm, huh?
Favorite scene?: andre
What should I improve and why?: everything!! heh heh heh, you're a movie freak!
Your favorite website: I haven't created it yet

Rachel, Rachel, Rachel! when will you ever learn? For one, you are obsessed with these movie things. And for two, andre is hot. Even Amy said so, and Amy never lies! So, anywho, I must be going now, as fun as this is... Have a nice pleasant remained of your existence in the bubble or what have you. Farewell

Leslie Reiter - 01/04/99 00:09:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palladium/8570
My Email:BdCOPNoDNT@aol.com
Where are you from?: Darien, Patheticut
Where did you here about this website?: I found it through Yahoo.com, I was doing a GWH search for my page.
Favorite GWH character?: Chuck
Favorite scene?: When Chuck walks up to Will's front door and he doesn't answer and Chuck's brother gets in the front seat... that's cool.
What should I improve and why?: It's good, me, personally, I don't like the background color but that's just me :)
Your favorite website: Mine of course LOL

This is really good. I like your summary and everthing is just really cool..

- 01/03/99 22:15:35


amelia - 01/03/99 03:59:52
Where are you from?: Terrace, B.C. CANADA
Where did you here about this website?: Surfing
Favorite GWH character?: Ben Afleck
Favorite scene?: The Work Site
What should I improve and why?: Nothing

Good Will Hunting is one of my all time fave movies and I'm glad that you have made this web page. It made my day.

Frida Johansson - 01/01/99 21:31:20
My Email:Frida_9c@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Sweden, Ljungsarp
Where did you here about this website?: Just found it
Favorite GWH character?: Matt Damon
Favorite scene?: When Sean say "It was not your fault" to Will
What should I improve and why?: More picture and maybe some collage from the movie
Your favorite website: This one!!!

I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!! It`s a wonderful story with wonderful actors. Matt Damon is fantastic and sooooo handsome! He was so cute together with Minnie Driver. Stellan Skarsgård is a swedish guy, so I have to say that he is a very good actor. And he talks very good english. Better than I do!!! Robin Williams is always good and I really liked his roll. Ben Afleck is, like Matt Damon, very handsome, and he played well in the movie. Like I said: ILOVETHISMOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

crystal wiens - 12/30/98 03:46:59
Where are you from?: drake, sk ,canada
Where did you here about this website?: i found it while surfing the net
Favorite GWH character?: matt damon
Favorite scene?: in the bar when Damon introduces Minnie Driver to his friends
What should I improve and why?: ????
Your favorite website: this one

I think this movie is excellent, not only because of damon and affleck but because they wrote the movie which shows how inteligent they really are. Plus they are both super hot!!!

Lindsey - 12/28/98 03:36:07
My Email:Luwella@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Missouri
Where did you here about this website?: browsing around the net
Favorite GWH character?: Chuckie
Favorite scene?: The Harvard Bar & the burger layaway scene
What should I improve and why?: More Pictures
Your favorite website: Ben World

Well I liked the whole movie but I seriously think the best character is Ben Affleck's Character Chuckie!!!! And I think this is the first web page in which the guestbook isn't filled with insane people dissing the movies and characters.

Lindsey - 12/28/98 03:25:37
My Email:Luwella@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Missouri
Where did you here about this website?: browsing around the net
Favorite GWH character?: Chuckie
Favorite scene?: The Harvard Bar
What should I improve and why?: More Pictures
Your favorite website: Ben World


Mel - 12/19/98 16:19:54
Where are you from?: Canada
Where did you here about this website?: search for it
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: When Sean says to will that it's not his fault
What should I improve and why?: more picture
Your favorite website: www.mattdamon.com


Ali Katibi - 12/13/98 18:37:17
My Email:ali2@cyberia.net.lb
Where are you from?: Lebanon
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Robin Williams
Favorite scene?: All the movie
What should I improve and why?: More pictures

Just love all movies cause the make me see and live the things i didn't live Thank you for making me dream... Thank you for making US dream...

danette - 12/13/98 17:21:54
My Email:dgaperocho@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: houston
Where did you here about this website?: searched for it
Favorite GWH character?: matt damon
Favorite scene?: whole movie :)


casidy Gord - 12/10/98 00:37:13
Where did you here about this website?: friend
Favorite GWH character?: MATT DAMON
Favorite scene?: When he says to that guy " Do you like apples?"
What should I improve and why?: nothing
Your favorite website: bodybreak

I love matt damon thank you for putting this website on the internet so i can see him!!!!

Deon Jessie - 12/09/98 22:27:15
Favorite GWH character?: matt Damon!!!
Favorite scene?: The end when it shows Sean reading the letter
What should I improve and why?: MORE PICTURES
Your favorite website: THIS ONE

I love Matt Damon and i am glad you had so many pictures of him!!!

Cindy,Chung - 12/07/98 12:27:00
My URL:http://www.touc.edu.tw
My Email:s15850834@jupiter.edu.tw
Where are you from?: taiwan
Where did you here about this website?: in school
Favorite GWH character?: sean mcguire
Favorite scene?: sean's office
What should I improve and why?: nothing
Your favorite website: not founding

Everyone should make his dream come true . Do my best.

Cindy,Chung - 12/07/98 12:13:44


erick - 12/04/98 22:52:17
My Email:ejyl@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Malaysia
Where did you here about this website?: yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: Whenever Chuckie give a cup of coffee to Will, and whenever they sit with looking outside the window, in subway.

I really like Will's impolite mind, however, he knows what was always going on.

Kami Larson - 12/04/98 05:05:16
My Email:ktlarson@netins.net
Where are you from?: Hubbard, IA
Where did you here about this website?: found it
Favorite GWH character?: Matt Damon
Favorite scene?: When they are at the bar and she tells that joke and spits out water!!!


Kami Larson - 12/04/98 05:04:57
My Email:ktlarson@netins.net
Where are you from?: Hubbard, IA
Where did you here about this website?: found it
Favorite GWH character?: Matt Damon
Favorite scene?: When they are at the bar and she tells that joke and spits out water


Susan B - 12/01/98 01:19:05
My Email:suz44@rocketmail.com
Where are you from?: Farmington Hills Mi
Where did you here about this website?: yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: matt damon
Favorite scene?: "u like apples?"
What should I improve and why?: the colors, hard to read
Your favorite website: no se


mike rowe - 11/30/98 04:05:15
My Email:mike_rowe@hotmail
Where are you from?: nj
Where did you here about this website?: nj
Favorite GWH character?: nj
Favorite scene?: nj
What should I improve and why?: nj
Your favorite website: nj


Kartikeyan Swaminathan - 11/29/98 21:57:57
My Email:blah blahj
Where are you from?: India
Where did you here about this website?: yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Will Hunting
Favorite scene?: screwing up te psychologists

love that film!!

Tania - 11/28/98 07:23:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/7822/index.html
My Email:tcn@diesel.net.au
Where are you from?: Victoria, Australia
Where did you here about this website?: Found in MetaCrawler
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: too many to write down...
What should I improve and why?: the background on the quotes page takes awhile to show up...maybe its just my slow computer :)

Just wanted to say cool page - ESPECIALLY the sounds - will definitely be coming back :)

MICKEY ROWE - 11/27/98 21:48:00
My Email:mike_rowe@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: New Jersey
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: The judge who sentences Will
Favorite scene?: Fight in the playground
What should I improve and why?: I love you just the way you are
Your favorite website: ESPN

Good Will Hunting is a great movie. I really appreciated the movie because it show us that success is not working for large coroporation making a ton of money. Although it is alot easier to feel that way when you are potraying a character in a movie, t e movie did illustrate that money and happiness and not one in the same. Unfortunately, in our society a great emphasis is placed on wealth that sometimes we forget what is really important. The problem is you usually have to give something up before y u realize how important it really is.

lily - 11/27/98 03:53:58
My Email:lily_femme@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: wisconsin
Where did you here about this website?: just surfed
Favorite GWH character?: Skylar
Favorite scene?: When Will is in Sean's office and breaks down and cries.
What should I improve and why?: Try to download the script or transcript.
Your favorite website: too many to choose

I really have to give you props for the quotes. That is definitely a plus. The pics are really good too.

Michelle Keebler - 11/22/98 23:32:28
My Email:xena_07@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Oregon
Where did you here about this website?: Surfed to it
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: Scene(s)1. when will delivered the how do you like them apples line. 2. the its not your fault scene
What should I improve and why?: Nothing it is a great gwh fan site.
Your favorite website: This one

I love this movie. It is on my christmas list. I was crossing my fingers for Ben & Matt to get their Oscars. I'm so glad they did.

Ella - 11/21/98 23:54:08
My Email:Ella@udel.edu
Where are you from?: Newark, DE
Where did you here about this website?: desparate clicking
Favorite GWH character?: Probably the DYNAMIC among the actors
Favorite scene?: "It's Saturday"
What should I improve and why?: Who are you?

I have watched this movie at least a dozen times. I am not sure why. I also cannont believe such young people wrote an academy award winning piece. Isn't the girl "Schuyler" not Skyla?

muffin - 11/19/98 16:04:19
Where are you from?: hicksville
Where did you here about this website?: surfing the net
Favorite GWH character?: matt & ben
Favorite scene?: when matt only had underware on
What should I improve and why?: get pictures of matt with only underwear on
Your favorite website: don't have one


Ryan Masters - 11/14/98 23:18:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/caerat/5588/
My Email:alm@beeline.ca
Where are you from?: ALton, Ontario,Canada
Where did you here about this website?: Just looking for good pages
Favorite GWH character?: Morgan
Favorite scene?: They were all great scenes

Great page. check it, mine, please.

winnona - 11/14/98 09:49:18
Where are you from?: durango co
Where did you here about this website?: surfing
Favorite GWH character?: matt and ben
Favorite scene?: the end
What should I improve and why?: nothin
Your favorite website: dont have

i just want to say right on this is a cool page keep adding stuff

Beth - 11/13/98 18:32:43
My Email:bblafka@dep.anl.gov
Where are you from?: Illinois
Where did you here about this website?: a friend
Favorite GWH character?: Please...Matt Damon
Favorite scene?: His monologue about seals, oil, and the presidency
What should I improve and why?: the backgroud color-orange and forest green..ick
Your favorite website: i'm indifferent

This website is probably the best done on Good Will-you encapsulated the theme of the movie, and had the best quotes as well as pictures

omer - 11/09/98 21:42:31
My Email:e116148cc.edu.metu.edu.tr
Where are you from?: turkey
Where did you here about this website?: I searched
Favorite GWH character?: everybody


Kim - 11/08/98 20:22:01
Where are you from?: The Netherlands
Favorite scene?: When Will is screaming at Skylar and she says "I love You "

You have a great site !

Kim - 11/08/98 20:19:14
Where are you from?: The Netherlands
Where did you here about this website?: I found it
Favorite GWH character?: Matt Damon
Favorite scene?: I like the scene when Will is screaming at Skylar , when she says to him "I love You"

You have a smashing site !!!

Stephanie Corleone - 11/05/98 19:20:21
My Email:Bette2SMC@aol.com
Where are you from?: New Jersey
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Will, he's a great character
Favorite scene?: The bar scene and right after that with the apples.


Suzanne Moriarty - 11/05/98 15:50:15
My Email:Mooneey
Where are you from?: campton, New Hampshire
Where did you here about this website?: Found it!!!!
Favorite GWH character?: Ben Affleck
Favorite scene?: In the end when Chuckie goes to will's house and he's not there because chuckie didn't want him to.
What should I improve and why?: I would like to become and actrss
Your favorite website: Ben Affleck Website

Ben Affleck and Matt Damon are the most two unbelievable guys in the whole world. I love them both and hope to some day meet them. Good will hunting was a great movie and I've seen every Matt Damon and Ben Affleck movie.

Suzanne Moriarty - 11/05/98 15:45:55
My Email:Mooneey
Where are you from?: campton
Where did you here about this website?: Internet
Favorite GWH character?: Ben Affleck
Favorite scene?: In the end when Chuckie goes to will's house and he's not there
What should I improve and why?: I would like to become and actrss
Your favorite website: Ben Affleck Website

Ben Affleck and Matt Damon are the most two unbelievable guys in the whole world. I love them both and hope to some day meet them. Good will hunting was a great movie and I've seen every Matt Damon and Ben Affleck movie.

Rebecca Bennett - 11/03/98 04:55:00
My Email:bec_aus@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Australia
Where did you here about this website?: I just found it.
Favorite GWH character?: I love them all and I just find it way too hard to pick just one.
Favorite scene?: I love the entire movie and different scenes for different reasons. Again it's just way too hard to pick just one scene
What should I improve and why?: Nothing
Your favorite website: Don't know!

Good Will Hunting is the best movie.

Dilek - 11/02/98 14:44:29
My Email:dilek@gunduz.com
Where are you from?: Turkey
Where did you here about this website?: I just found it
Favorite GWH character?: will hunting
Favorite scene?: every scene
What should I improve and why?: You don't have to improve anything
Your favorite website: this site

Everything's wonderful. This is a perfect website

monica - 10/30/98 16:07:49
My Email:sudbury
Favorite GWH character?: ben afflick

sexy, sexy boys in this movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Laure - 10/30/98 14:16:00
My Email:lbordas@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: France(the French Riviera)
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo search
Favorite GWH character?: Matt Damon(Will of course) & Ben Affleck!!!
Favorite scene?: At the end,when Ben Affleck comes to Will's house and he's gone!
What should I improve and why?: I think you should add more pix....
Your favorite website: www.celebsite.com

Hey!!!your website is SOooo CoOl!! I LoVe MoViEs.,and GoOd WilL HuNtInG is my favorite one!!Matt Damon & Ben Affleck are great! i'd love to hear from any film freak like me!!!

paul martin - 10/28/98 13:51:05
My Email:pauly@king.igs.net
Where are you from?: Kingston, Ontario
Where did you here about this website?: yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Robin W
Favorite scene?: Fight

I'm just wondering if you knew what kind of math proofs/problems they were doing in the movie- like the tree structure matrices or whatever they were. I have to do a math project so I figured I'd look into that a little bit.

courtney - 10/27/98 22:44:53
My Email:courtney@kanoski.com
Where are you from?: Springfield, IL
Where did you here about this website?: just searched in yahoo under Good Will Hunting
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: all of them
What should I improve and why?: everything is great

Matt Damon is beautiful and very talented, I love this movie!!!

courtney - 10/27/98 22:35:55
My Email:courtney@kanoski.com
Where are you from?: Springfield, IL
Where did you here about this website?: just searched in yahoo under Good Will Hunting
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: all of them
What should I improve and why?: everything is great

Matt Damon is beautiful and very talented, I love this movie!!!

10/25/98 09:48:03
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks

Gehrig Castles - 10/22/98 13:57:14
My Email:Jakob72@AOL.com
Where are you from?: Lubbock,Tx
Where did you here about this website?: Looked it up
Favorite GWH character?: Matt Damon and Minie Driver
Favorite scene?: When Ben Afleak went to Matt Damons house and he was gone
What should I improve and why?: The detail about the sroy and its overall theme
Your favorite website: none

I would like to know what your anylasis of the theme is?

Mercedes - 10/21/98 18:13:32
My Email:benze818@aol.com
Where are you from?: Pa
Where did you here about this website?: yahoo search
Favorite GWH character?: Will
Favorite scene?: When Will takes Skylar to the bar to meet his friends.

The movie wa so good, it made me cry, ALOT. I thought it was very well though out and had a clever twist. Love the page :0)

Emily - 10/20/98 22:27:52
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/BeCareful/enter.htm
My Email:emilyhuo@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: California
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Will Hunting
Favorite scene?: The scene in the bar where Will meets Skylar

This is the best movie I've ever seen!

wai woh leong - 10/20/98 18:47:47
My Email:
Where are you from?: Malaysia
Where did you here about this website?: look for it
Favorite GWH character?: Matt Damon
Favorite scene?: in the park near the lake
What should I improve and why?: nothing

This one of a hell great movie, and it is about life, and no mortal is perfect even genius, we are born equal.

Susie - 10/18/98 15:41:03
Where are you from?: Chicago
Where did you here about this website?: yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Chuckie
Favorite scene?: The burger/layaway scene
What should I improve and why?: don't put anything in neon green--really hard to read

This movie is one of the best ever made--make your website live up to it

H - 10/16/98 22:16:49
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/md/apples28
My Email:apples28@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: N. Attleboro, MA
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo!
Favorite GWH character?: Chuckie
Favorite scene?: The apples scene
What should I improve and why?: Different colors
Your favorite website: www.friends-cafe.com, even though it disappeared somehow


MEW - 10/15/98 23:01:20
Where are you from?: NORTH CAROLINA
Favorite GWH character?: MORGAN MADE ME LAUGH ALOT.
Favorite scene?: I HAVE THREE


Megan Wintermantel - 10/15/98 22:33:10
Where are you from?: Ohio
Where did you here about this website?: nowhere
Favorite GWH character?: WILL
Favorite scene?: "It's not your fault"
Your favorite website: anything about Damon

You are awesome for having Good Will Hunting!!!

Megan - 10/14/98 00:35:45
My Email:jcmharan@worldnet.att.net
Where are you from?: Illinois
Where did you here about this website?: found it
Favorite GWH character?: Matt & Ben
Favorite scene?: Whole movie
Your favorite website: USA NETWORK La Femme Nikita


Megan - 10/14/98 00:34:11
My Email:jcmharan@worldnet.att.net
Where are you from?: Illinois


Melissa - 10/12/98 23:57:09
My Email:melcole@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Canada
Where did you here about this website?: went looking for it
Favorite GWH character?: Morgan
What should I improve and why?: You need pics of other charaters such as Casey Afflect...cause he's a good charater

I like your web page but it would be cool to see some Casey Afflect

Sandra Gleesborg - 10/12/98 10:05:21
My Email:SGleesborg@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Denmark
Where did you here about this website?: Yahoo
Favorite GWH character?: Skylar
Favorite scene?: It is impossible to choose when the script is so amazing!
What should I improve and why?: Tjeck out Good Will Hunting Central -dont copy but do your own thing! Good job though! :-)
Your favorite website: The other Good Will Hunting Central is great Sorry!!!!


Julia - 10/11/98 20:44:07
My Email:juliabrand@northweb.com
Where are you from?: NY
Where did you here about this website?: A friend
Favorite GWH character?: Matt Damon
Favorite scene?: When they talk about his wife farting in bed.
What should I improve and why?: Nothing.
Your favorite website: Don't have one.

Good Will Hunting wuz the best movie. It kicks ass and Matt Damon was soooo hot in it. This web page is pretty cool.

Jess Wallis - 10/11/98 08:29:45
My URL:/cgi-bin/geoplus_apps/ans_entry
My Email:gwallis@nettrek.com.au
Where are you from?: Perth
Where did you here about this website?: no where
Favorite GWH character?: Will Hunting
Favorite scene?: lots
What should I improve and why?: dunno??
Your favorite website: I have heaps


Jess Wallis - 10/11/98 08:29:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/cgi-bin/geoplus_apps/ans_entry
My Email:gwallis@nettrek.com.au
Where are you from?: Perth
Where did you here about this website?: no where
Favorite GWH character?: Will Hunting
Favorite scene?: lots
What should I improve and why?: dunno??
Your favorite website: I have heaps


Boseephus - 10/01/98 20:56:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/cinema/8695
My Email:boseephus@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Boone, NC
Where did you here about this website?: Saving Private Ryan page
Favorite GWH character?: Morgan
Favorite scene?: bar scene
What should I improve and why?: nothing, this is great
Your favorite website: Saving Private Ryan page

Hey, I love this site. Very good start, can't wait to come back.

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