Hey, it's November!
Wow, It's already November, can you beleive it?  I just passed the last test to finish the Windows NT 4.0 MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer).  I'll be starting to study for the Windows 2000 exams in the next few days.  Hopefully, I'll get this one done a bunch faster, within the next few months if things go right.

Talk to you later,


Click on an underlined phrase and you'll see the pictures of said event!
Full Lather Club
Spring Training!
Chicago Style
If you need to know what a float trip is, click here.
Some more floatin'
The last of my Float trip pictures!
Here are pictures of a bunch of people
Saving the world from injustice and bad safety practices worldwide!
The official "Bonus Pictures" are here!
Pictures Eat-A-Burger sent me!    Fishbowls and in the cooler of some wine store

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Sign my guestbook you putz!
If you are too scared my guestbook, you can see it here!