Melonistic theories- The Melonistic Theories could be, to some, a way of life. The Bustin' Melonz thought up all of these theories and put them together in the cover booklet of their cd. The following is how the Melonistic Theories appear in the cover booklet.



Melonistic Theory

As we rapidly approach the year 2000 a new era awaits - one that will be predominated by the laws of the MELONISTIC THEORY. In light of this it seems only fittin that BUSTIN MELONZ take the initiative with styles upon styles to open your melon into the age of MAYHEM.




MELON, CAP, PIECES: This refers to someone's head, but more specifically refers to one's ways and/or actions that can be corrected by first acknowledging one's immediate physical space.

SEEDS: The most deeply embedded elements of the melon. Every seed represents a trial and tribulation that the melon has experienced be it good or bad.

MIX: This refers to the who, what, where, when, why, and how of a situation with one or more individuals involved. Simply said it is the actions or surroundings that are controlled by a superior melon or melonist.

OPEN: This is when a melon is at its weakest state. Easily persuaded, fooled, influenced by other melonz who recognize the vulnerability of that individual.

RED: Under the influence of booms.

BOOMS: Another term for weed, cannabis, urb.

GIDDIE: Means woman, lady girl, feminine.

BLIDDIE: The final product of a blunt (cigar) and weed together ready to be puffed.

YIBES: Place of residence. Where one lives.

SKIT: Another meaning for shit, without the smell.

BATS: Tabs spelled backwards.



Laws of Melonistic


The principles of Melonistic Theory depends on the presence of two or more melonz in order for the principles to be applied. Melonists only concern themselves with the scenarios with two or more melonz. Thus there are many levels in which a melon can be busted!

1. If a melon is busted a melon buster should recognize it at all times.

2. A melon buster busts melonz with the intention of causing seeds to pop out for the purpose of acquiring melon holder status.

3. Seeds from melonz should always be cultivated by the holder.

4. One cannot maintain the melon holder status if other bonafied melon holders don't see the fruits of the seed made manifest.

5. Melonistic Theory is a progressive process of perception, inflection, reception, digestion, self-realization and deception. A melon buster above all else must remain real.

6. A true melon buster or holder must admit when accused by fellow melonists of not keeping their cap intact (holding ya melon). This is a classic example of being too wrapped up in a mix with a melon subject.

7. Never bust a fellow melonists melon in the presence of unknowers unless it is apparent to non-melonists as well. In that case just cover your own melon and watch the seeds.

Everyone has the ability to be a Melonist, but it is up to the individual to recognize or utilize their ability.


written by See and Squeechie



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