Take one drink every time...
- Mulder makes a terrible joke or pun
- Mulder puts the X in the window.
- Mulder appears with a 5 o'clock shadow
- Mulder and Scully have different theories on a case.
- We see an alien or UFO
- Scully expresses her opinion just by the word "Mulder"
- A woman falls for Mulder
- Mr. X talks to Mulder.
- Deep Throat talks to Mulder
- The Lone Gunmen make a reference to another conspiracy (J.F.K etc)
- Somebody dies.
- Mulder runs his fingers through his hair
- Scully brushes her hair out of her eyes.
- Mulder or Scully call each other on their mobiles
- An X file leads Mulder and Scully to an alien, monster, mutant, ghost,or person with supernatural powers.
- Mulder or Scully raise their voices.
- Mulder or Scully listen to their answering machines.
- Samantha gets abducted
- The time, date, or location appears at the bottom of the screen.
- A computer does something computers can't do.
- Cancer Man stubs out a Cigarette.
- The current X file is related to a 50 year old X file that only Mulder knows still exists.
- Scully or Mulder go into a dark dangerous place without waiting for the other.
- Mulder appears in speedos
- Cancer Man smokes a cigarette.
- Scully or Mulder flash their badges.
- There's a shot of Scully's chain with the cross
- Mulder or Scully come into contact with a previously unknown virus, parasite, or odd life-form that almost kills them.
- Mulder or Scully bust out the lightsabre flash lights.
- Someone gets an implant
- Krycek kills somebody.
- Scully or Mulder get Kidnapped/abducted.
- Mulder or Scully draw their guns.
- Frohike cracks onto Scully
- Skinner and Mulder argue with each other.
- Mulder beats somebody up.
Wanna add something? email me at unfrufru@excite.com