The Good News Week/GNW Night Lite Drinking Game.
This works best with a pre-taped episode. Some sections work for only one or the other(that is GNW or GNW Night Lite), but some can be used for both. One drink is equal to your average shot glass. People under 18 are not advised to use alcohol because they might like it too much.
Take ONE drink everytime
- Julie mentions breasts.
- You can tell Paul is wearing make-up
- A joke dies
- Anyone uses any of the 'Strange but True' clues as a piece of clothing.
- Margerate Scott laughs at something nonew else can understand
- Flacco plays the newspaper apron
- There's a short joke.
- Julie starts talking with her breasts
- There's a fat joke.
- Someone (usually Paul and Mikey) mentions their sexual ability (or lack thereof)
- Someone swears (more on Ten then ABC)
- There's a Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky joke.
- Paul sings with Mark Trevorrow
- Paul does the little boy lost in the shopping center look(you know the one)
- The audience don't laugh at an obvious joke.
- Mikey calls Paul "Monkey Boy".
- Julie actually gets a question right during Night Lite
- Sandy or Flacco try not tot laugh during their clips
- Mikey pretends to sing 'Throw your arms around me' or 'Shut up and kiss me'
- Paul actually sings 'Throw Your Arms Around Me' or 'Shut Up and Kiss Me
- Richard Fidlers on
- Tim Fergusons on
- Paul stuffs his lines and it goes to air
- The Buzzers of Death don't work properly
- The audience goes wild over 'WARREN'
- Someone does something sexual during 'Bad Street Theatre'
- Sandy wears the red cowboy outfitWanna add something? email me at unfrufru@excite.com