TV Shows
South Park
The Late Show

Dirty Jokes
Dirty Jokes
Dirty Jokes the sequel
If it is not erotic it is not interesting

Drinking Games
The Good News Week Drnking Game
The X-Files Drinking Game
The Red Dwarf Drinking Game
The Friends Drinking Game
In the unlikely event that you can't find something on this page, I suggest you do the following- Bite me
- Scream at your computer
- Talk to your invisible friend
- Get a life
- Put some music on and get down with your funky self
- Download some porn
- Discover the true purpose of your thumbs
- Put a surveilance team on your pillow for when the tooth fairy comes in case he's casing the joint
- get some scientific equpiment and see if 'Love is in the air'
- See if Love grows where my Rosemary goes
- give yoursef a barium enema
- tell someone you were abducted by aliens, and they amputated your arms and legs then put them on exactly the same way so noone would believe you
- get someone to give you an anal probe via your ear
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