I am Jaxman dammit! And this is my personal homepage !
Here you will learn all about me, and what makes me so great! Enjoy dammit!
Guess what dammit? I went to the Olympics! Here is my Olympic diary! 
I want to show you my room. It is O-some dammit! Come in!
Here are some of my friends dammit!
Here are my enemies. I hate them dammit!
Now, my idols. They are all O-some dammit! Here you will see Olivia Newton-John, Paul Hogan, Kylie Minogue, and Men At Work!
These are some of my favorite recipies. All of these are great dammit! But, make sure your mommy or daddy cooks these for you. That way, you will not burn your precious Brender speedos. I miss her dammit!
I know you all want to look as good as me. Well, now you can dammit! See some of the newest speedo designs, from my own closet! (I am sorry if some of them are ruined, but Morgan and Corinthos keep giving me wedgies dammit! And they are painful!)
If you love music, you have to check out my favorite song lyrics. They do not make music like they used to dammit!
Learn how to do the best dance in the world! Here are the steps to the locomotion dammit! Just do not have too much fun dancing to this song.
Ahh, a picture of my favorite car. There is no better car in the world dammit! Except, of course, for the Jaxmobile.
Here are all the people I have helped dammit! They are all so grateful to me, but why would they not be? I am Jaxman dammit!
And some other people I have met during my adventures. They all think I am great dammit!
Finally, what you have all been waiting for. Quotes from the greatest movie ever dammit! Crocodile Dundee! Yay dammit!
Thanks for visiting my homepage dammit! And tell all your friends to stop by. Remember, I am Jaxman dammit! Doer of good and conqueror of evil. Corporate raider by day, superhero by night. And, I am great!
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