"Never underestimate the power of denial"

     Hi, this is my American Beauty fan site. I have never seen a movie that has moved me so much: I just had to make a web site devoted to it. I am working on gathering some info, but i am also working on writing my " disclaimer "... I need some help with quotes from the movie, so if you have any you liked and remember... e-mail me, Heather. Also if you have read any magazine articals about American Beauty please e-mail me with what magazine & what date.

I have a large selcetion of at least 10 links for you... If you would like to read the whole script , I know a site for that too... the site may seem a little bland right now, but please fill out this opinion sheet on American Beauty if you have the chance...

      American Beauty has to be one of the best scripted movies I've ever seen. Alan Ball's script is so brilliant. When the movie begins the narrator, who is also a character, Lester Burnham (played by Kevin Spacey ), informs you of his short time left to live. Even though you are aware of the narrators future demise, it does not ruin any of the plot. Lester's wife, Caroline (played by Annette Bening),seems to be an everyday working wife, who works full time with two jobs: real-estate agent & house wife. From driving her daughter to school to watering the flowers everyday to trying to get a sale, you rarely see her being able to relax. They have a teenage daughter named Jane (played by Thora Birch ) who is similar to any adverage suburban teenager: wants to fit in, wants to be independant, and accepted. The family of three are three "main characters" of the movie.

"I wouldn't remember me either" ~ Lester

COMING SOON (or up*):
STILLS/PICTURES* [There are three pages of pictures]
(i wish, but i could probally only do that for Jane and Angela)

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