Welcome to Vix's


Welcome to my site!

Whenever I give people the address for this site, they always ask "What's it about?" Well...basically, at this site you can find:

- lots of stuff about me

- my favourite links

- some cool cartoons and gifs I got from other sites

...and really, not much else. But I hope you enjoy browsing around anyway.

To find out more about me, click here!

Cartoons, anyone?

Some of my favourite sites on the web

My Fun and Games page...uh...it's still under construction, but there is some stuff up there!

Read all about the world's top news stories....check out the headlines by clicking on the newspaper below!

That's about it. Thanks for visiting!

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Most of the images I have used on this site have been taken from other sites. If I have unknowingly taken an image when permission was needed, please tell me so that I can seek permission or remove it as soon as possible. Thanks!


people have visited this site since it was born on October the 7th, 1998!