Acknowledgments and Thank Yous

I've been working on this page for over a year and I have been fortunate enough to have wonderful people to help me along the way. There are many people I want to thank!

Thank you Larry for writing about being a propmaster for this page. It means a lot to me that you took the time to write it out. It sounds like the best and most interesting job anyone could ever have!

Thank you to Marlise for writing about the finale for me. That's so cool! I'm so jealous of you that you got to see all these tapings! And I'm stuck in Chicago... Where nothing except Jerry Springer is taped. :)

Thank you to Geoff for selling me the scripts, telling me about your job and now being able to say that I've talked to someone online who not only has met the cast of MB and worked on the set, but has met Noah Wyle as well. :)

Thanks to Camila in Brazil for your willingness to help me out. Thank you for typing up that very long article! I really do appreciate it!

Thank you to the wonderful members of my MurphyFan list, you all are great.

Thanks to WGN, the Chicagoland station that aired Murphy Brown longer than most networks had it in syndication. They stopped airing it a few months ago, but it was a great run.

Thank yous out to everyone that took the time to fill out the survey. And to everyone that took the time to email me with suggestions.

And to whoever's reading this, thank you for coming to my page, and still loving the show after 11 years like I do.

Thank you everyone. :)

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