On this page you'll find links to other Tarot sites on the Web that tarotiers have found interesting & useful. I hope you'll feel the same way after you've visited them too! If you'd like to suggest a site for this page, please contact me via e-mail at Learning Tarot.
Study Group Images: This week's images from the "Learning The Tarot" study/review list |
Study Group Images - Past: Last week's images from the "Learning The Tarot" study/review list |
Tarot FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions. Lots of helpful information for beginners (and non-beginners) |
Online Tarot Reading Course: A great resource! Online course teaches the art of Tarot reading using the Rider Tarot Deck. You can also download the course and use it offline! |
Michele's Tarot Page: Another great resource. Everything you're looking for in the tarot world has a link here. |
Wicce's: Nice page, but also has a "deck exchange" feature! Have some decks you no longer use and would like to trade for others? Here's where you can go! |
Aeclectic Tarot: Many, many deck images |
Dave's Tarot Emporium: Good selection of decks and prices (I've found some here that weren't available anywhere else), delivers very quickly |
Crazy Egor's: Another good place to purchase decks ... plus it's fun to visit! Egor has books, too. |
Lo Scarabeo Nice site with images and descriptions of many decks |
Moonstruck: Nina Lee Braden's site -- great site, good articles, plus she has a very good FAQ sheet |
Pythagorean Tarot: An Interpretation of the Major and Minor Arcana on Pythagorean and Alchemical Principles © 1996, John Opsopaus |
Astrology & Tarot Made Easy : Welcome to Linda's pages for Understanding Yourself and Others Through these Ancient Arts |
The Folly of The Alchemist : Their mission? "...to provide leads for those looking for tarot decks, from easily-available decks to independent, obscure, old, imported, or out-of-print decks!" |
Laren's Book of Shadows: |
Tarot Spreads: David Jones's massive document with about a gazillion different spreads, plus lots of other neat information! |
¯ÈµP¥Ø¿ý: No, that's not a typo -- it's a Japanese site with loads of deck images. However, unless your browser displays kanji, you'll need our own Scotty's key to decipher what you're looking at! |
The Healing Tarot: Here there be a Bluewitch! Nice website, and home to a really nice photographic deck; you can view all the images. |
Affirmations from Tarot : Eva Yaa Asantewaa's Majors Meditations. |
Bibliofind: A used/old/new booksearch facility that searches a coupla thousand bookstores! Enter "tarot" in the keyword search and you'll be paging forward for a couple of hours. Good source for books -- especially older ones -- and decks. |