One of the "projects" in "Learning the Tarot" is a compiled deck description. Each subscriber has selected a deck or two (or more); the entire group is describing a different card each week. The idea is to help everyone learn from the different decks ... plus it's fun!
The * denotes deck assigned for regular postings. The ~ denotes occassional postings. Subject: Our ABC of decks (update Jan 1999) LEARN THE TAROT Decks being reviewed//discussed//described: A ~Albano-Waite -. Lee .(Occassional) Alchemical- Scotty - *Amano - Elizabeth Clayton *Ancestral Path - Lovie *Ancient Egyptian...Scotty *Art Nouveau - R. Brian Redd *Arthurian Legend - Leanne B *Barbara Walker - GreyMere - J C Fink ~Bacchus - . Debbie ....(Occassional) ~Basque - . Debbie .... (Occassional) C *Cat People - Akewa *Chinese - Debbie *Connolly - Pat -: *Cosmic - R. Brian Redd *Cosmic Tribe - Rowena Morgana ~Crows Magick - Deena ...(Occassional.) *Crowley/Thoth - Bob - *Crystal....Lovie D *Daughters of the Moon- GreyMere - J C Fink ~Dragon - Akewa ...(Occassional) *Dreamtime - Mary E *Elemental- Mary *Enchanted- Myst Horizon" (AKA Zerner-Farber cards) F *Fairie Wicca - Zuzuwolf *Fantasy Showcase - Pat - : "Patricia Hammer" *Fifteenth Century (15 medieval decks) - Bob - *Flowers Speak - Sandra Long G ~Gavat - . Debbie ....(Occassional) *Gendron - Lovie *Gill - Pat *Goddess - Pat- : "Patricia Hammer" *Gothic - . Deena *Gnostic - Scotty - ~Gran Etteillo- Debbie H *Haindl...Lovie *Halloween- . Brian *Hallowquest - Scotty *Hanson-Roberts...Di I *IJJ Swiss Tarot deck - Jean (okay, we know it's 1JJ, not IJJ, but it has to go somewhere!) J -K L * Legend (Authurian) - Scotty ~ Light and Shadow - . Rowena *Londa Tarot - Deena13 *Lovers...Di M *Medicine Woman - : Rowena Morgana *Merlin - Brian *Miracle - Elizabeth Clayton *Moon Garden - . Barbara ~Morgan Greer- Jean *Motherpeace- GreyMere - J C Fink *Mythic - Scotty N *Native American - Pat - "Patricia Hammer" ~Navigator of Mystic Sea - Deena *New Orleans Voodoo - Three Jane *New Pallidini - Pat - Cheryl - *Norse - Mama Bear O *Olde English - : "Joey" *Old Path - . Grey Mere ~Orishas - . Grey Mere OshoZen- Mary P *Post Modern - . Brian Q R *Renaissance Deck.- Jamie L. C *Robin Wood - Chey ~Rohrig - Deena *Russian - Scotty S *Sacred Circle - Lynn *Sacred Rose - : "Joey" *Shakespeare - : "Joey" *Shapeshifter - Sandra ~Spiral - . Rowena T *Tarot of the Ages -Teresa Krull *Tarot of the Cat People - Akewa *Tarot Classic - Jean - : *Tarot of the Moon Garden - Debbie - *Tarot of the Spirit - Rowena Morgana ~Tarot of Love- . Debbie *Tarot of the Witches - Barbara (Venus) U *Ukiyo-e - Lee . TopTho *Unicorn - . Sandi *Universal Waite - Elizabeth Clayton V *Vertigo - Deena Visconte Sforza . Debbie *Voyager - Rowena Morgana W Waite - Stellie Wheel of Change- Meta4 *Witches Tarot- R. Brian Redd X Y Z ******************************* Decks not being covered as of Jan 1999. Cloisters - Pat; Karma - Froggy; Lovers- Di (Moonbm); Marsailles - Scotty; Medieval Scapini - Fabrisia; Vision - Donna: Wheel of Change- Meta4; WillowCrowAngel - AngelvistaBack to the Home Page