Stuff I don't Understand

1) Why exactly did the chicken cross the road?
2) Why do some people spell cool, kewl? If you're typing's a hell of a lot easier to find the right keys when you type cool.
3) Why do we have to pay to go to school? It's bad enough we have to go, but then it costs!
4) Really, Why is the grass green? I don't think it's nutrients or whatever. There has to be a logical explanation.
5) Why do we always have storms on the weekend or on holidays? Why can't it just snow on a school day???
6) Why are you STILL reading this? Don't you have anything better to do?
7) Why does someone ALWAYS find something wrong with a new band that comes out?
8) Why do parents always not like whatever kids like?
9) Who invented chain letters? Whoever it was, they're going on my 'people I really really don't like list' (...I can't really hate someone I don't know....)
10) What do they put in skittles that makes them so damn good?!

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