The basic
I'm 22 year old and I attend college about 20 min. out side of NYC. I love NYC and Philly and I try to go when ever I have the chance. I like the diversity it has, to see so many types of people in one place that pretty cool.

My Major is Video Production, and Social Work, and I am Minoring in Sociology and Physiology. I am the Vice President of our Pride group on campus and in the summer I will be training to be an EMT.

I am mix African, Arabic, Irish, and Native American. I don't really have a current style, but I am tomboyish. I have my lip, my tongue and my eyebrow pierced and that bar through the ear, and 3 tattoos.

My hobbies are Writing, Photography (I just got into it), Hang out with friend.
  I really into Alternative music but from the mid 90s like Oasis and Smashing Pumpkins, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, but I listen to all type of music now from rap to rock.
I am laid back and down to earth.I still wake up at  Saturday morning to watch cartoon. It my way of hanging on to my childhood as long as I can.

I am a writer by heart. I  write, mostly short stories and poetry.  I  just got into poetry reading and slam- poetry, and I am really getting in to spoken word and I have started performing at different colleges in NJ,  but I love art, all type, painting, writing, film, any thing that has to do with expression.
My friends say I'm a real comedian; I love to make people, laugh. I'm a happy person and I like to share my happines