Well it goes something like this....

What was Quantum Leap about? You ask. Well, it's about this guy named Dr. Sam Beckett (Scott Bakula), a genius that built a machine going through a person's life time (People can't see his face, it's the person he "leapt" into that they can see). The Quantum Leap Project was about to lose funding so Sam uses himself to test it. Unfortunaly it works (But he can't get home) and he leaps from life to life, putting right what once went wrong in a person's lifetime and hopes that the next leap would be the leap home. The only person he can communicate from the future (which the setting is 1999) is his pal Admiral Al Calavicci (Dean Stockwell) who only appears as a hologram that Beckett can only see and hear (Except for small children, animals, the mentally absent and pychics). Quantum Leap ran through 1989-1993, 4-5 wonderful years of this show. It wasn't just sci-fi, it had a little bit of comedy, drama and action.

© 1998,1999 Quantum Leaper

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