Visit my message board: Guiding Light board

This site is very much under construction, These little men, will be warking hard for the next few weeks.  some links may return error or may not be clickable, be patient because there is so much to come.  I enjoy feedback/constructive critisism so please E-mail me with suggestions/comments


  This page is dedicated to:

Lil Kim ( The Queen Bee)
Guiding Light (My #1 Day-Time soap)
Dear Tina (My advice column)

I was going to make the page about one specific thing or person.  Then I decided to make it a multiple page because of all my interest.

Hope you enjoy the site!


      Guiding Light

         Lil' Kim


I have been watching Guiding Light for about 10 years now.  I started when I was 14.  I have seen characters come and go.  Most I enjoy, others  I am happy to see go.  For all new-comers that do not know too much about GL (Guiding Light) check out  biography of my favorite characters you will find it informative and enjoyable.
I will also be listing a
character of the week in which you will be able to vote for a character.  If you are like me, you like to voice your opinion on what you think will and should happen,  I created Things that make you go hmmm so that you can voice your opinion on what you want to see happen.  Have a Jeva moment or take a look at my pick of best couples.

Lil Kim AKA the Queen B, known for her rowdy ways, is actually a very kind hearted down to earth young lady. Don't just judge Lil Kim get to know Kimberly Denise Jones.



Official website site

Links to other Lil Kim sites

Links to other Guiding Light Links


Dear Tina:

My friends always tell me I have good advice.  So I wanted to use it towards a good cause, helping people.  Anyone can ask a question about issues facing our world today, or if you just have a question or comments about things on my web site, click the red mail box.   I will post a question and answer here from people that write in for advice, It will be totally confidental, your name or E-mail address will not be displayed.  I will also be in need of other advisors to help in the advice column, currently I need 1 male and 1 female interested? E-mail me.



If there is a possibility that I have used some of your photos and would like for me to remove them, Please E-mail me.    


Visit my message board: Guiding Light board