Welcome to the Actor For Hire Guestbook!

Christina Obligar - 09/13/00 00:47:44
My URL:http://ChrYsA.tripod.com
My Email:chrysa@hotmail.com
Why did you come here?: I miss corey
Tell me your interests?: ummmm... I'm not interesting.
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: Fight Club, The Truman Show, The Mask of Zorro, Romeo + Juliet, Robin Hood: Men in Tights
Are you a Leo fan?: His movies are entertaining
Where are you from?: Hanford/Berkeley

Hey Corey haven't communicated with you in a while. I hope you're doing well! I'm thinking about getting an internship in LA this summer, I'll have to visit you then. Best Wishes, Christina

Sara - 09/12/00 06:51:50
My Email:perpetual_indulgence@yahoo.com
Why did you come here?: I'm stalking Corey
Tell me your interests?: writing, hiking, talking about saving the world, acting, singing, reading, food
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: American Beauty, Being John Malcovich, and most anything with/by Charlie Chaplin
Are you a Leo fan?: No way
Where are you from?: Santa Cruz, CA

Sometimes it gets to be much too hot in the summer time, and you begin to hate the son. But then one day you walk outside after having kept yourself in an overly conditioned home (so overly air-conditioned that you began to shiver and you even found yours lf puttingo n a sweater!) and you sigh with pure joy because that heat is now awakening you to a new, deeper kind of beauty. That feeling my friends, that is exactly what Corey Ralston and his web page do to me!

Bobby Canttellyou (gayultrahacker) - 02/14/00 05:07:32
My URL:http://come.to/gayultrahacker
My Email:quickfix19@hotmail.com
Why did you come here?: To sign your guestbook
Tell me your interests?: Football, hockey, computers, and cotttage cheese.
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: Pulp Fiction, and everything else with the same director :)
Are you a Leo fan?: No
Where are you from?: MEMPHIS

Cool site .... hope you make it big and remember us "little" people.

bigdick14_ie - 12/27/99 02:02:51
My Email:mcquillanpatrick@hotmail.com
Why did you come here?: cause u put it in the room
Tell me your interests?: oliver!
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: michael collins
Where are you from?: ireland

did u not do oliver! i love it 2 bits. wish u the best of luck in your acting career

Cari - 07/08/99 23:54:11
My Email:customer_service@kevinperkins.com
Where are you from?: L.A.

Be sure to get listed on one of the fastest growing search engines on the net: The Actors Exchange http://www.ActorsExchange.com

Reuben Furnell - 06/03/99 09:45:43
My URL:http://members.tripod.co.uk/ReubenFurnell
My Email:furnell@hotmail.com
Why did you come here?: To know you more.
Tell me your interests?: Painting. Watching loads of movies, anything Woody Allen, Leonardo or Jude LAw esque...
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: Breakfast at Tiffany's, R & J, Heavenly Creatures....
Are you a Leo fan?: Fabulously Yes.
Where are you from?: I live in Edinburgh, UK

I'm having some trouble getting Geocities to save this message. I loved the site. More pics of you.... Reuben J

Reuben Furnell - 06/03/99 09:43:15
My URL:http://members.tripod.co.uk/ReubenFurnell
My Email:furnell@hoitmail.com
Why did you come here?: You know me. Or not yet.
Tell me your interests?: Painting, watching tons of movies, anything Woody Allen, Leonardo or Jude Law esque...
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: Breakfast at Tiffany's, Romeo and Juliet, Heavenly Creatures, Beautiful Thing....
Are you a Leo fan?: Fabulously Yes.
Where are you from?: I live in Edinburgh, Scotland, the UK

Grant I love your page, it's very cute, though I had some trouble loading the page about you I managed to read it all the same. Keep on updating the stuff about Leo, but don't foeget to us all posted on your own activities, like what plays your in and pictures, we want lots of pictures!!! Love Reuben J

Reuben Furnell - 06/03/99 09:43:03
My URL:http://members.tripod.co.uk/ReubenFurnell
My Email:furnell@hoitmail.com
Why did you come here?: You know me. Or not yet.
Tell me your interests?: Painting, watching tons of movies, anything Woody Allen, Leonardo or Jude Law esque...
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: Breakfast at Tiffany's, Romeo and Juliet, Heavenly Creatures, Beautiful Thing....
Are you a Leo fan?: Fabulously Yes.
Where are you from?: I live in Edinburgh, Scotland, the UK

Grant I love your page, it's very cute, though I had some trouble loading the page about you I managed to read it all the same. Keep on updating the stuff about Leo, but don't foeget to us all posted on your own activities, like what plays your in and pictures, we want lots of pictures!!! Love Reuben J

Reuben Furnell - 06/03/99 09:42:57
My URL:http://members.tripod.co.uk/ReubenFurnell
My Email:furnell@hoitmail.com
Why did you come here?: You know me. Or not yet.
Tell me your interests?: Painting, watching tons of movies, anything Woody Allen, Leonardo or Jude Law esque...
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: Breakfast at Tiffany's, Romeo and Juliet, Heavenly Creatures, Beautiful Thing....
Are you a Leo fan?: Fabulously Yes.
Where are you from?: I live in Edinburgh, Scotland, the UK

Grant I love your page, it's very cute, though I had some trouble loading the page about you I managed to read it all the same. Keep on updating the stuff about Leo, but don't foeget to us all posted on your own activities, like what plays your in and pictures, we want lots of pictures!!! Love Reuben J

Reuben Furnell - 06/03/99 09:42:47
My URL:http://members.tripod.co.uk/ReubenFurnell
My Email:furnell@hoitmail.com
Why did you come here?: You know me. Or not yet.
Tell me your interests?: Painting, watching tons of movies, anything Woody Allen, Leonardo or Jude Law esque...
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: Breakfast at Tiffany's, Romeo and Juliet, Heavenly Creatures, Beautiful Thing....
Are you a Leo fan?: Fabulously Yes.
Where are you from?: I live in Edinburgh, Scotland, the UK

Grant I love your page, it's very cute, though I had some trouble loading the page about you I managed to read it all the same. Keep on updating the stuff about Leo, but don't foeget to us all posted on your own activities, like what plays your in and pictures, we want lots of pictures!!! Love Reuben J

Reuben Furnell - 06/03/99 09:42:40
My URL:http://members.tripod.co.uk/ReubenFurnell
My Email:furnell@hoitmail.com
Why did you come here?: You know me. Or not yet.
Tell me your interests?: Painting, watching tons of movies, anything Woody Allen, Leonardo or Jude Law esque...
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: Breakfast at Tiffany's, Romeo and Juliet, Heavenly Creatures, Beautiful Thing....
Are you a Leo fan?: Fabulously Yes.
Where are you from?: I live in Edinburgh, Scotland, the UK

Grant I love your page, it's very cute, though I had some trouble loading the page about you I managed to read it all the same. Keep on updating the stuff about Leo, but don't foeget to us all posted on your own activities, like what plays your in and pictures, we want lots of pictures!!! Love Reuben J

Brittany Jordan - 01/25/99 06:02:43
My URL:http://www,geocities.com/Hollywood/Studio/9711
My Email:squeaker2000@usa.net
Why did you come here?: I felt like it
Tell me your interests?: Soccer, art, acting, school, discussions, the foutain of happiness, killing creepy insects, and fun stuff like that
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: Well right now I like Sphere, but I also really like Ghosts in the Darkness
Are you a Leo fan?: Yepp he's FINE! Oh ya and he's a good actor too. I really liked Man in the Iron Mask!
Where are you from?: East Coast, USA and you?

So how long have you been acting? Ever been on TV? I wish I could make it to Hollywood, but its not probable. Anyway so I'm sort of taking a pole. What's your favorite way to kiss? What's your favorite thing about a girl? What's your least favorite hing about a girl?

Miqui - 12/16/98 09:32:40
My Email:turtlebelle@hotmail.com
Why did you come here?: corey showed me
Tell me your interests?: boys
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: titanic, stand by me, breakfast at tiffany's
Are you a Leo fan?: thats a silly Question! DUH!
Where are you from?: Newport Beach, CA

i think corey has great potential and there is determination and he will become a rising star in Hollywood.

casey - 11/11/98 09:24:09
Why did you come here?: to drink
Tell me your interests?: chodiza
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: sleepless
Where are you from?: cow town cali

don't take the train.

casey foster - 11/11/98 09:20:41


casey foster - 11/11/98 09:20:40


10/25/98 09:10:24
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Karyn Daniels - 10/18/98 09:04:37
My Email:goldcard_shopper@mailcity.com
Why did you come here?: Grant Made me
Tell me your interests?: drama, advertising, PHIL
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: Titanic, Everyone Says I Love You, The Paper...Melrose Place (even though its not a movie)
Are you a Leo fan?: No Im a friend
Where are you from?: Beverly Hills

Grant is a sweetie! And I might add a "Hottie" (sorry Phil) Cant wait until he makes it Big like he deserves!

Beth Davis - 10/13/98 06:33:55
My URL:/Area51/3458/
My Email:lady_paladin@geocities.com
Why did you come here?: 'Cause Corey is my co-ed from WW ;)
Tell me your interests?: Final Fantasy, Star Wars prequels, Mountain Dew, Are You Being Served?, general insanity... and my cat.
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: Star Wars Trilogy
Are you a Leo fan?: I'm neither one way nor the other!
Where are you from?: The dark depths of Mr. Quist's photo lab in Hanford, CA

COREY!!! Nice to see that you're now learning a bit of HTML, as well as doing well at college. I bet the teachers at APU can't bang their staplers quite like Mrs. Larion could. ~_^ Keep in touch, and hopefully my email will get through to you this time Bustenhalter to you! ;D

Amber - 10/12/98 04:44:25

It is I, Belle01, again (new name, Isabelle on here...come on, get with it Grant...:o) Ok...you wanna stay in touch also...now...how?

Tarah Gardape - 10/07/98 23:54:04
My Email:twg99@hotmail.com
Why did you come here?: you suggested it on the internet
Tell me your interests?: band, God, reading
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: Shawshenk redemption, first wives club, goodwill Hunting
Are you a Leo fan?: somewhat
Where are you from?: Pennsylvania

I think its cool that you have your own web page and that you gave me your e-mail address. E-mail me and we can talk more about God, acting, movies, Leo and anything else. Bye! Tarah

Heather the Groovy 70's Chick - 10/05/98 04:45:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Stage/5417
My Email:s0216336@cc.ysu.edu
Why did you come here?: 'Cause you signed my web page and you met some of the '70's Show cast..and damnit, I'm jealous.
Tell me your interests?: Kevin 'GOD' Smith, Mountain Dew chugging, music and muzak, saying 'Rammstein' a lot
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: Chasing Amy, Army of Darkness, Dazed and Confused
Are you a Leo fan?: Ah, sure, why the hell not.
Where are you from?: Youngstown, Ohio--about a block away from hell.

Bee-yoo-tee-ful page, tall skinny artsy boy. I suppose I'll forgive you for seeing Topher in person just 'cause I am one unlucky person. Sigh...oh well. Have a good one.

lica_sto!!! - 10/05/98 02:03:23
My Email:liqa_sto@hotmail.com
Why did you come here?: because i got a really cool announcement that said to come here.
Tell me your interests?: i like to travel, and to meet extraordinary people in bath houses.
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: LOLITA!!
Are you a Leo fan?: of course
Where are you from?: Bezerkeley, CA

i love your site actor for hire!!! keep on updating it please!

Cindy - 09/29/98 16:30:19
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Elenaj - 09/27/98 21:59:53
My Email:elenaj2@hotmail.com
Why did you come here?: because grant is my friend dumb ass
Tell me your interests?: Fashion, Drawing, Acting
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: Dirty Dancing, Footloose, Anne of Green Gables, Everyone Says I love you
Are you a Leo fan?: yes oh yes
Where are you from?: Burbank,CA

Your web site is totally Awesome! I have been stalking you for years...i cant wait until we can share our lives together.

Martha Garcia - 09/26/98 06:45:33
My Email:indi74@hotmail.com
Why did you come here?: 'Cause I love you!
Tell me your interests?: I like to travel and sing.
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: French Kiss, Truth About Cats and Dogs, Muriel's Wedding, and So I Married and Axe Murderer
Are you a Leo fan?: yes
Where are you from?: California

Great site! Nicely done. Lots of great facts about Leo.

Isabelle (amber) - 09/23/98 05:06:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arena/6059
Why did you come here?: You sent me the URl
Tell me your interests?: music, t'aekwon'do, writing
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: Rush Hour
Are you a Leo fan?: Somewhat
Where are you from?: Idaho

Hey, Grant...It has been a long time since we talked. Nifty little page you have here...keep up the good work...and good luck in school...follow your dreams.

Leo Fan - 09/21/98 22:20:15
My Email:leofan@hotmail.com
Why did you come here?: i like actors
Tell me your interests?: drama
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: Titanic, anything leo
Are you a Leo fan?: oh yes
Where are you from?: colorado

I love anything leo...that would be the guy who i might add is very hot.....that made this page...toodles

heather perry - 09/21/98 07:44:36
My Email:hperry98@hotmail.com
: cause corey is the best person in the whole wide world, well.... almost
Email: corey, corey, and corey
Why did you come here?: EVITA!!!!!!!
Tell me your interests?: a little
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: hanford, ca

i love corey's page, it is so awesom!! the best ive seen in hours!! Corey is so cute!! Just kidding, he is one of my best buds, i love the boy. i am impressed by his webpage, and not surprised that it involves leo, his fav. actor.

Stephanie Keith - 09/21/98 00:33:54
My Email:sak13@yahoo.com
: because corey forced me
Email: my boyfriend
Why did you come here?: Titanic, Armageddon
Tell me your interests?: Heck ya..he's HOT!
Whats your favorite movie(s)?: Modesto,CA

YOU ROCK COREY!!!! nice job....so far. :) HA! teach me all this neat stuff when you're done!!! BYE!

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