Interesting Pictures 

        Seen any interesting pictures lately that terrified you? Well, in here, I have just a few of them that might do the trick. But it depends whether you believe in the originality of the pictures or not. If you have something to say about the pictures, why not give me a feedback?

Picture 1 

    Well, you might knew what this picture is all about. Just an explosion. Actually, a big explosion. Imagine what it can do to a certain place. Nothing will be left there... I'm sure nobody want to see this kind of thing happens, rite? KaBoom!!!

Picture 2 

        What's this? It's a nuclear explosion. Spells disaster... It's thousands of times greater than an explosion. Dead or alive? You guess it... Nothing can survive there. Environment disaster too! Now where did I put my nuclear bom...It's so much even I can't remember where were it...

Picture 3 

        Something just dropped...What was that? It's surely something with the size of a moon! It's impacted directly to the earth. Getting out of there is not necessary. Where can you go? Unless you have a personal space shuttle. The earth is doom under this situation. The end of life. End of days!!!

Picture 4

        What was that? Let me tell you. The thick `thing' in the center is actually the smoke of a fire. But what can you see on the smoke? It's a face! People said it's the face of the evil `Satan'. Do you believe it or it's just a coincidence? You do the judging.

Picture 5

        Now what is this again? A face again... Nicely on the earth atmosphere! Wait a minute, who draws this? It's not a drawing. It's taken somewhere from a published magazine. The face of the evil `Satan' covering almost 50% of the earth's atmosphere! Was it a coincidence? You tell me...

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