Hello and welcome to my website on Toran Caudell. My name is Cher and I'm a huge, huge fan of him. You might recognize Toran from several movies he has starred in. You also might recognize his voice, to which he has lent to a few cartoons. If you would like to learn more about which movies/tv shows/cartoons he has been in/lent his voice to, please click here.
~*~Update - 11/15/99~*~12:55PM EST
Well, today I updated my fan-fics. I've finished chapter 3 of, Science vs. Secret. If you want to check that fan-fic out, click here. You can go here for the, Wolfgang's Different Side, fan-fic. :)
I designed a graphic for "S.T.G.A - Supporters of the True Girl for Arnold" to put on their website. Please click here to get the HTML. :)
I, Cher A., was married on October 15, 1999.
I got married to:
Toran Caudell
...and he was a perfect gentleman throughout the entire ceremony!
Want to marry Toran, too? Go to the altar!
Disclaimer for "Toran"graphics: "PLEASE" don't take them for your own page without asking, k? It took me forever to create them. And I know it would take me forever to hunt you down ... so make my life a little easier and just e-mail me if you want to use them, k?
*Coming Soon* - Joke Wise
"The Wedding..."
"My Interview w/ Toran"
"The 50 Reasons Why I Like Toran"
"Why Did I Make This Page?"
My Artwork!
My Hey Arnold! Fan-Fics
My Photo Masterpieces!
Click below to find out about the webmaster AKA me:
Check out my fave links please!
Movie Pictures
Max is Missing
Johnny Mysto: Boy Wizard
Johnny Mysto: Boy Wizard
Johnny Mysto: Boy Wizard
TV Pictures
7th Heaven
7th Heaven
Miscellaneous Pictures
If for some reason you would like to come back to the "main" page, just click the link titled, Back Home. Have fun! Oh, and if you are a huge Toran fan, like me, check out Lauren's Toran Caudell Yahoo! fan club and join it! It's a must for any Toran fan. :o)
Please e-mail me at: torancaudell@yahoo.com
Copyright © Cher A. 1999
All comments and suggestions are welcome! :o)