Check out these various links. Also, just added, Mexico and Nightmare on Elm Street!! Be sure to check it out!
This was one of our first pictures taken together. Boy how time have changed!!!
Now on to a little more recent set of photos. These were part of Shonna's senior pictures
Well, it is official my baby loves the Harley. So if you are a 60+ year old man and would like to have a good looking 20 year old girl riding with you just call here up! HAHA!
Below are the various links to different areas of my webpage Come see my Disney World Vacation Check out me in a production of Arsenic and Old Lace Pictures from Gospel Singers of America Just me and my buds
Pictures from my Mexico Mission Trip My Trip to Canada including Nigara Falls, Montreal, etc. All coming soon. Your are encouraged to check out the Beverly Drive In Webpage. It will definitely give you a look at that era. A look at the Nightmare on Elm Street saga