The Hooters were the favorite sons of Philadelphia during the late 80's and early 90's. Althought band members insist that they are still together, there has been no new work by the band per se since the release of "Out of Body" in 1993. The individual members are all involved in solo ventures of one sort or another, and they collaborated with many other artists in 1997 on the critically-acclaimed CD "Largo". What the future holds for the band has yet to be seen. But you can click here to check out a few vintage photos! Or follow these links for a few other Hooters sites.
These guys kinda fell into my life when I was least expecting it. I was feeling bored and decided to sign up for an adult evening class called "Cartooning for Grownups", taught by a gentleman by the name of Bradley Keough. Well, not only is Bradley one heck of a cartoonist, I discovered that he is also one-third of a band called "Psych-a-Billy". I visited the band's website, listened to the MP3's and was completely hooked. The music defies description, except to say it is a whole barrel 'o fun - combining elements as diverse as old-fashioned bluegrass, rockabilly, blues, gospel, the Beatles and the Ramones - occasionally all at the same time. They're as much fun as a bunch of hillbillies from the Philadelphia suburbs can be. I really like them! Check 'em out, I'll bet you will, too. And if you're moved to drop the band a line, tell ol' Mushrat that the Toonlady sent ya, y'all hear?
There's a little bit 'o Elizabethan England right off the Pennsylvania Turnpike near Lancaster at the Victorian Mt. Hope Estate and Winery! Get just a taste of what goes on - click here to see some photos from the Faire's Highland Fling weekend July 9 and 10, 1999. Want more information? Be sure to visit the Faire's official website! It's worth the click!
If you'd enjoy some culinary adventures and assorted unusual links, check out "The Free Chicken and Beer Page", created by another one of my favorite folks, my kid brother.
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