Stealth Suit - On the ending where Meryl dies, you will recieve a special suit when you save and restart the game. This suit gives you the ability to not be seen by any guards. This suit is the one worn by many of the guards.
Bandana - If you finish the game with the ending where Meryl lives, then you will receive a new item called the Bandana. When you have this item equiped you can't run out of bullets.
Easy way to beat Psycho Mantis - When fighting the almost impossible Psycho Mantis, put your PSX controller in the 2nd port, YES the second port, when the screen says "Hideo" Then he won't be able to counter attack you.
Ghosts in Metal Gear Solid - First, you need to obtain the camera either by Finishing the game with the ending where Meryl dies and starting that newly created save file with the camera automatically in your inventory or Getting at least as far as defeating Liquid Snake in the hind helicopter sequence, then going to the room located in Base 1, floor B-2 with a Level 7 cardkey where there are two autoguns you will have to use C4 explosives to the wall below and to the right of the bottom entrance to the room where you fight Revolver Ocelot -- in one of the two rooms here, the camera is located in the top one. BTW if you run into a jammed door that you should be able to, try using a C4 explosive on it and trying to it then.
Change the color of the opening screen - To view different backgrounds on the North American Metal Gear Solid, simply press up, down, left or right.
Get the Tuxedo - To get the Tuxedo, you must finish Metal Gear Solid two times, this little cheat is similar to the stealth suit and bandana cheats.
Konami surpise! - If you have some Konami files saved on you're memory card when you fight Psyco Mantis get ready for a surprise, I'm not sure what this does, because it was sent from one of my viewers. If it doesn't work, don't blame me.
Red Ninja - When you're on your third time through, the Ninja you fight will be red like you've maybe seen in the magazine's.
Meryl with her pants down - When you're going back to find her, when she see's you and runs to the bathroom, get there within 5 seconds and she walks around in her underwear for the rest of the scene
Frozen Rations Cheat - If your rations get frozen, exit the room that they got frozen in, then run back into the room where they froze. Equip them and ta-da they are usefull again
Technical demonstration mode: Successfully complete the following modes in order - "Training", "Time Trial", "GunShooting", "Survival." Note: Completing eachmode will unlock the next mode in the sequence. "Technical demonstration" mode will now be unlocked. Use it to watch the CPU demonstrate its best time with the gun.
Uncensored Butt: This is a cheat for those who feel they need to see the most ever bared on the Playstation. On the level where you try to save the Darpa chief in the cell, you will meet Meryl, who helps you shoot the intruders after the chief dies. You kill the gunmen and after the cinema sequence go back into the cell where you saw a man naked on the floor. Now get on the ground and take out your scope. You'll notice that the guy's butt is censored, but when you scope in ALL THE WAY you'll notice something the company never thought about. Eeech.
Pee on the Box!: Just after trekking through the Caves for the first time, and before you and Meryl enter the Underground Passage to Comm. Tower A, stand facing Meryl with the wolf dogs yapping nearby. Slap Meryl roundly in the face. Meryl whistles and the dogs attack you for such an action. However, if you place a Cardboard Box over you immediately after slapping Meryl, the wolf dog puppy investigates the box. Cocking its leg against the side of it, a stream of wolf dog urine splashes you and the box. You now smell of the wolf dogs, and the hounds now leave you alone on subsequent trips through their lair as long as you're wearing the box they peed on. Sheesh.
Catching the Flu: Sneezing every minute can attract guards. Combat this with medicine, but to achieve a sneezing fit every time, fail in Revolver's torture room and come into close contact with Sasaki in order for the cold to be transferred. It helps if you are rescued by the Ninja for maximum exposure to the Sasaki flu.
Shy Meryl: When walking around with Meryl, keep staring at her in first-person mode. Meryl starts blushing, turning embarrassed and tapping her gun to her leg. Keep looking at her, and she turns more and more red, whispering embarrassed little questions. How cute.
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