// LINKS //

"Forbidden," by Miyako A Siren-site collective. Join today!

"Sensation," by SinSel This is the other site I run. It serves primarily as a place to host my fanart, and contains some additional SIREN art that is not related to Tamon Takeuchi or Yoriko Anno.

"Disturbed," by Miyako Miyako's fanlisting for the zombies of Siren. If you like monsters, it's the place to be.

"Vanity," by Fujiko/Mari A fanlisting for the character Naoko Mihama from Siren.

Mikuyunatiriu's Red Siren A general Siren fansite. It seems to be very unfinished at this point, but there are a few biographies and pictures up.

"Blood," by Kaori This site purports to be the "official Siren fanlisting."

Felix M.C. Li's SIREN Page Contains information on versions of the game for different regions, box shots, rare pics, and even some videos. Great overall media source for survival horror games.