I believe….
…In Equal rights. For me this doesn’t only mean that Men and women should be treated equally, but that all people, no matter their circumstances of birth, their origins, or heritage, should be given a fair chance at their goals, jobs, and so on. Homosexuals should be as free as a hetero couple, to do as they will, to marry one another and live blissfully together (hopefully) as any other couple would aspire to do.

I believe…
…That corporations should NOT own genomes. They may provide cures and improvements, they may own those procedures, but to own a person once the procedure is done is simply wrong.

I believe…
…That through science we can find ways to help our fellow man. However, we must be as precautious with our solutions as we are finding these findings to our children and our grand-children. We need to spend more time in the testing stages to be sure that our results are actual solutions and will not create more problems in the long run.

I believe…
…That Globalization is a good thing when used properly. A possible solution may very well be for corporations to be less selfish, to give other nations what they do not have without calculating how much money there is to be made by paying out less wages than they would in their home Country.

I believe…
…If we do not act as individuals we cannot act as a team. Do what you can as a person to protect your world, and maybe others may follow suite. Believe it or not, one person can make a difference. It is just a matter of whose watching you at the time.