Welcome to my island!

Welcome to my miscellaneous page of stuff! I know this is not much, but it's all I have had the chance to do. So be expecting some changes in the next few months. But for now, enjoy what's here! :-)

perminantly under construction


Cool Links

My big sister's page
Online personality test :)
Colorgenics - it's like a mood test, very accurate
Dale's Monty Python Page Index
The Christopher Wren Singers of the College of William & Mary
Hayfield Secondary Home Page (my school, also home to the best music dept ANYWHERE!! :)
Hayfield High School Chorus Department (another one of my creations)
Star Wars!!

My Sub Pages

Broadway links
Random page of weirdness
Corner Pocket
Pictures ((Not quite finished... still working out the bugs))
Life in a Medieval Castle (old history project)

e-mail me sometime...

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Last updated July 18, 2002 <bgsound src="dontletme.wav" loop="1">