Welcome to the New and Improved Kevin Zegers Webring!

All Previous Members *must* re-signup!
Thanks!-- Wringmaster

To join the Kevin Zegers Spotlight Webring, you must have a Webpage some what about Kevin Zegers, and must be "G" Rated

It can't have any "adult" content either...

If your page meets those qualifications, then fill out the form below. Then you will get an email and you will have to add a code to your page.

Submit site to the Kevin Zegers Spotlight Webring
Owners Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

When you have put the code on your page...it should look somewhat like the following:

If you're already in the webring...you can edit your site information by filling out the next form.

Site ID No:

The code looks like this:

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Join the Kevin Zegers Webring
If you have ANY questions, please email Kerry at littleob@hotmail.com.