OWP uses a Fan Status system devised by Cynthia Celeste Miller (aka Baby Cindi) as part of its ranking system. The system is as follows (This system has been copied "verbatim", with OWP revisions appearing in red:
Professional wrestling is all about the reactions of the fans. Always has been...alwayw will be. Wrestlers' careers live or die based on how well the fans relate to them and (or) their gimmicks.
This set of optional rules introduces this concept to the Champions of the Galaxy/Legends of Wrestling game.
Wrestlers are given a Popularity rating, which can be kept tracked of in a notebook, file or right on the character card itself.
But Popularity isn't static. It can go up or down, representing how "over" the character is with the fans. The higher the Popularity, the more reaction the wrestler generally gets during shows.
Assigning Popularity Ratings
Upon deciding to utilize these rules in your fed, you'll need to assign a Popularity rating to each wrestler, manager and valet.
If the wrestler is new, he will usually begin at 0 Popularity. You may choose to assign a higher Popularity rating to a new wrestler under certain circumstances (e.g., he's a second generation wrestler, he's been on the indie scene for a while, etc.)
Characters that have been in the fed will probably have higher Popularity. After all, the fans are familiar with them and have some manner of emotional attachment.
This isn't always the case, however. Some characters just never get "over." This should be represented by giving them lesser Popularity.
Below is a handy reference:
Popularity: Face
-1 The fans dislike the character
0 The fans are fairly neutral toward the character
+1 The fans like the character
+2 The character is quite well-received and almost always cheered
+3 The character is extremely well-liked by the fans
+4 The character is a hero
+5 The character is a hero's hero. Fans nearly always chant his name at some point during shows
+6 The character is the idol of millions! A legend! An icon! A wrestling god!
Popularity: Heel
-1 The character is a heatless bad guy
0 The fans are fairly neutral toward the character
+1 The fans hate the character
+2 The character seldom fails to generate boos from the fans
+3 The character is very much loathed by the fans
+4 The character is a bonafide villain
+5 The character is a master heel. Just showing his face will doubtless generate vicious boos from the fans
+6 The character is a god among villains! He can incite riots!
Characters never go above +6 or below -1
Fan Reaction
Any time you want to see how the fans react toward the character during a show, you can roll on the Pop-O-Meter (for faces) or the Heel-O-Meter (for heels).
Simply roll 3 dice and add the results together. Add or subtract the character's Popularity rating and consult the appropriate table.
For tag teams or factions, use the highest Popularity score as the modifier
POP-O-METER (For Faces) | |
0 or less | The fans actually boo the character. Definitely not a good sign for a face! |
1-4 | Dead silence! No one seems to give a damn about what the character does |
5-9 | Decent cheers. The character receives a fair amount of reaction from the fans |
10-13 | Nice pop. The character is treated to a good fan reaction |
14-16 | Big pop. The fans are digging the character big time |
17-18 | The fans go crazy! It's hard to hear yourself think with all the racket they're making |
19-21 | The house is coming down! The noise the fans are making is absolutely deafening |
22-24 | Legendary pop! The fan reaction will be remembered for many years to come |
HEEL-O-METER (For Heels) | |
4 or less | Dead silence! It's definitely not good when a heel can't draw any heat whatsoever! |
5-9 | Decent heat. The character receives a respectable amount of jeers |
10-13 | Nice heat. The character is treated to lots of boos |
14-16 | Huge heat. The fans are biting the heel act hook, line and sinker...and booing the hell out of the character all the while |
17-18 | The fans boo like crazy! The jeers seem to completely drown out all other noise |
19-21 | The place is practically overflowing with hatred for the character! The jeering is deafening |
22-24 | Legendary heat! The fan reaction will be remembered for many years to come |
The Popularity Check
At the end of every show (We at OWP do this after every match, so that we don't neglect to do it), each character that participated must make a Popularity Check. This determines whether his Popularity goes up, goes down, or stays the same.
Roll 3 dice and add the results together. Add any situational modifiers (see below) to this total and consult the Popularity Table.
Popularity Table
POP-O-METER Result | Popularity Decreases 1 | Popularity Remains Same | Popularity Increases 1 |
0 or less | 3-15 | 16-17 | 18 or higher |
1-4 | 3-10 | 11-16 | 17 or higher |
5-9 | 3-9 | 10-15 | 16 or higher |
10-13 | 3-8 | 9-13 | 14 or higher |
14-16 | 3-6 | 7-11 | 12 or higher |
17-18 | 3-4 | 5-8 | 9 or higher |
19-20 | 3 | 4-7 | 8 or higher |
21-24 | ---- | 3 | 4 or higher |
HEEL-O-METER Result | Popularity Decreases 1 | Popularity Remains Same | Popularity Increases 1 |
4 or less | 3-13 | 14-16 | 17 or higher |
5-9 | 3-11 | 12-15 | 16 or higher |
10-13 | 3-9 | 10-14 | 15 or higher |
14-16 | 3-7 | 8-10 | 11 or higher |
17-18 | 3-5 | 6-8 | 9 or higher |
19-20 | 3 | 4-6 | 7 or higher |
21-24 | ---- | 3 | 4 or higher |
Situational Modifiers
These cover various factors pertaining to the show that just ended. These modifiers are added to the Popularity Check roll.
Babyface Modifierss
Won a Match! The character defeated one or more opponents in an non-main event match. | +1 | |
Won a Main Event Match! The wrestler defeated one or more opponents in the last match of the show. | +2 | |
Heroic Action! The wrestler performed a heroic deed during the show (saved an ally from a beat down, gave a great heroic promo, etc.) Managers and valets recive this modifier for each match they participated in. | +1 per action (max. of +2 can be gained this way) | |
Secondary Title Holder! The wrestler already has a minor title (tag team and ladies titles are also considered seconary titles) or has just won it during the show. | +1 | |
Heavyweight Title Holder! The wrestler already has the title or has just won it during the show. | +2 | |
Defeating a Wrestler with Higher Popularity! | +1 per point of higher popularity. (max. of +2 can be gained this way) |
Heel Modifiers
Won a Match! The character defeated one or more opponents in an non-main event match. | +1 | |
Won a Main Event Match! The wrestler defeated one or more opponents in the last match of the show. | +2 | |
Villanous Action! The wrestler performed a villainous deed during the show (back attacked a baby face, gave a great heel promo, etc.) Managers and valets recive this modifier for each match they participated in. | +1 per action (max. of +2 can be gained this way) | |
Secondary Title Holder! The wrestler already has a minor title (tag team and ladies titles are also considered seconary titles) or has just won it during the show. | +1 | |
Heavyweight Title Holder! The wrestler already has the title or has just won it during the show. | +2 | |
Defeating a Wrestler with Higher Popularity! | +1 per point of higher popularity. (max. of +2 can be gained this way) |
Using Microsoft Works to keep track of singles and tag ranks, OWP sorts in the following order:
Title Defenses:
Any singles or tag team champion in OWP-sanctioned organizations shall be required to defend their title a minimum of once per month, no later than the last card of the month, whether it be a house show, a television/holovision taping, or pay-per-view event. Failure to do so will result in the title being stripped from the champion and held vacant until a match between the top two contonders can determine a new champion.
Automatic Re-Matches:
A champion who loses his title in an OWP-sanctioned match shall receive one re-match, to be scheduled on the next card following the card in which he lost his title. If he fails to re-capture the title, he must wait 2 months before he can make another challenge for that title. If the former champion should win the re-match via disqualification or count out, then he shall receive one final re-match, to be contested under Titan Death Match rules for GWF/GWFZ and HWA titles, or Texas Death Match rules for LWF/HEW titles. If the former champion successfully re-captures the title, then the champion who lost the title must then wait 2 months before he or she can challenge for that title again. This rule has been installed in order to give other contenders a fair opportunity to challenge for the title.
Limits on Title Shots:
A contender for any title in an OWP-sanctioned promotion can make any number of challenges for the title, up to and including the last scheduled card of the month, whether it be a house show, television/holovision taping, or pay-per-view event. If he fails to capture the title by the conclusion of the last card of the month, he must wait 2 months before making another challenge.
Recovering Fatigue Tokens:
Whenever a tag team partner is on the apron waiting to be tagged in, he may recover any added fatigue PIN tokens on him. Each time there's an unsuccessful PIN attempt on his partner (in which one token is added to his PIN, even if a successful PIN Save is made), one fatigue token may be subtracted from the outside wrestler's PIN rate up to his original fatigue PIN rate.
Example: Titan Honor is in a match. Both Blade's and Ursa Major's PIN rates are 5(2). Ursa Major is in the ring and has 3 added fatigue PIN tokens added to him when he's able to tag out to Blade. Later on in the match, Blade kicks out of a PIN attempt, adding one token to his fatigue PIN, and subtracting one from Ursa Major's making his current PIN rate 7(4). If Blade kicks out of another PIN attempt, Ursa Major's PIN rate drops to 6(3), and so on, until Ursa reaches his original PIN rate of 5(2).
Double-Teaming Attempts:
If a wrestler in a tag team match successully tags in his partner via the (tag) option, the partner who is tagged in must make at least one successful offensive move before his team can attempt to roll on the Double Team chart.
PIN RATE (Includes Fatigue) |
3-Count | 2-Count | 1-Count |
1 | ------------- | 2-7 | 8-12 |
2 | 2 | 3-7 | 8-12 |
3 | 2-3 | 4-8 | 9-12 |
4 | 2-4 | 5-8 | 9-12 |
5 | 2-5 | 6-9 | 11-12 |
6 | 2-6 | 7-9 | 10-12 |
7 | 2-7 | 8-10 | 11-12 |
8 | 2-8 | 9-10 | 11-12 |
9 | 2-9 | 10 | 11-12 |
10 | 2-10 | 11 | 12 |
11 | 2-11 | 12 | ------------ |
12 | 2-12 | ------------- | ------------ |