YOU ARE LOVED! Satan looks back and sees our mistakes.Carrying the Cross
Heya! My name is Nina. I'm 22 years old. Nine years ago, I received the greatest gift...the gift of everlasting life. The Lord Jesus Christ came into my heart and saved me. I want to give my life to Him. I made this page for fellow Christian to hopefully build stronger relationship with God, and for those who don't know the love of Christ, I pray that you find Him with the help of this page. All my words come from God working through me to be a light in the world. Thanks for coming by. May God bless you!
God looks back and sees the cross.
I Got to Tell Somebody
Testomonies are a very good and easy tool to witnessing. You just tell someone about how Jesus came into your heart, saving your soul. It's always a wonderful story to hear aboutfrom any Christian, because we all have a special way that God has touched our lives. They're testomonies.
What is Crucifixion?
Jesus had to go through it...a painful death to save about what crucifixion is exactly.
Too Small a Price
I have found deep messages that could change a 'Sunday' Christian's attitude or an on-the-verge believer's attitude towards God or help strengthen a believer's relationship with the Lord.
Christian Humor
Christians arn't stale people who are so serious that we can't even crack a smile. We can laugh too :)
Closer to Jesus
These are short articles found in the Spirit-Filled Life Bible for Students {New King James Version} to help in studying God's Word.